That's on me! I didn't realize the "Email owners when the game is updated with new files" box was checked behind the scenes (it's a per-listing thing, not account wide like I'd thought) so had been making hotfixes whenever they came up. Sorry for anyone who's been spammed UPDATES AVAILABLE emails without context, but rest assured 1) things have settled down and 2) anything that's changed has only been quality of life improvements and clarifications, not new content! This is an Ashcan, not early access or beta, and for us a big reason why we chose that designation is because it won't be Expanding. This is a stand-alone edition, not a downpayment on a future product or something that will be changing over time. The next edition might have some tweaks based on feedback (and will certainly have a LOT more content) but it'll be its own thing. As far as when/what that next edition will be, well, keep your eyes open ; )