Viewing post in A Terrific Weekend Adventure comments
Well, you either download the .tap files, upload them to a pendrive ( with any other zx spectrum game in .tap or .tzx ) and connect it to the brand new ZX Spectrum computer that just came out last November in its brand new 2025 version which includes a lot of new options for 2025 users.
You can go here :
Choose a ZX Spectrum emulator.
I do recommend this one ( called Fuse ) :
Install it on any computer, download my files (.tap) and run those inside the ZX Spectrum emulator anywhere. :)
Yup the images are there just as visual guide. Unfortunately I only have 21K ( yes, really Kbytes...not megas or gigabytes ;) ), to do every game and from those about 19 K need to go into the actual game and so that leaves me about 2K at the most to "illustrate" between 25 and 60 locations, which have to take about 5 to 10 bytes each one, so no room for beautiful graphics on the Zx Spectrum if I want to write complex adventures as I do. But I´m still experimenting.
I didn´t knew there was a good Android ZX Spectrum emulator that actually really worked well out there. Thanks.
It´s fascinating to see the game running like that on Android too. :)