Thanks for enjoying it and for adding it to your video. I do appreciate. I will share the video around too. 👍👍👍👍👍😎
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Im the oposite. Back,in the day in the 80s i was always looking for text adventures for the spectrum. My all time favorite was The Neverending Story which i p,ayed for endless hours. Since then i got hooked on text adventures and those arecwhat i love to do. Thanks for trying this one. Download the walkthrough and just enjoy the story. 😎
Cool. Thank you. And thanks for getting the book too. Don´t expect a literary masterpiece. It´s just a novelization of the game with a few things added like I did for my other game A Terrific Weekend Adventure. As I write my games mostly as books it would be a waste not to create the companion books to go along too.
Leave a review later. Even if you don´t enjoy the book, it does not matter as with Amazon even 1 star reviews help the books contrary to what people may think. It helps Amazon to notice that people are interacting with the book page. So when you see those reviews that take down products and you ever wondered why Amazon is interested in having people talk bad about one of their products its because of that. Any interaction with a book in Amazon will level up the product in their search engine exposing it to more potential clients. So no matter you see 5 stars in there or 1 star, to the ranking system its the same, and to any author is actually the same too. as it helps with the search engine. ;)
And as you have bought the book, don´t forget to download the game too. :)
Ah, no, there are no dead ends at all.
You don´t need to restart any of my games if you are stuck somewhere. It took a lot of "invisible" memory for me to write conditions to make sure that would never happen.
Generally there´s a couple of different paths you can take to solve a problem. I make my worlds free enough that you don´t have to solve a specific puzzle to advance. For example you can solve puzzle A and then B and C, but you can also solve puzzle C first , then A, then B if you want.
All my puzzles are confined in small areas with just a couple of them extending the entire game.
But if you reach some place and you don´t have a clue what to do , or nothing you try works, that is why you need a specific object that you didn´t noticed was there.
My adventures because of the narrative structure have about three spots where you can only pass if you solved the other riddles in that specific area. You will never get stuck in a place where you cannot go back to where you have been, because I know many people miss my hidden objects. So the goal is always allow people to explore even back to the beginingin of the game if they have too.
For example in this one, there´s hidden stuff right inside room 1 in part 6 of the game. And I know many people start the adventure and then have to come back inside "the Vimana" to retrieve that important object. So there´s always a way to go back to anywhere you have explored already in the game.
Download the game Walkthrough. If you get stuck, search for the solution for that bit in there. ;)
Thanks for playing.
Yup the images are there just as visual guide. Unfortunately I only have 21K ( yes, really Kbytes...not megas or gigabytes ;) ), to do every game and from those about 19 K need to go into the actual game and so that leaves me about 2K at the most to "illustrate" between 25 and 60 locations, which have to take about 5 to 10 bytes each one, so no room for beautiful graphics on the Zx Spectrum if I want to write complex adventures as I do. But I´m still experimenting.
I didn´t knew there was a good Android ZX Spectrum emulator that actually really worked well out there. Thanks.
It´s fascinating to see the game running like that on Android too. :)
Well, you either download the .tap files, upload them to a pendrive ( with any other zx spectrum game in .tap or .tzx ) and connect it to the brand new ZX Spectrum computer that just came out last November in its brand new 2025 version which includes a lot of new options for 2025 users.
You can go here :
Choose a ZX Spectrum emulator.
I do recommend this one ( called Fuse ) :
Install it on any computer, download my files (.tap) and run those inside the ZX Spectrum emulator anywhere. :)
Thanks for trying it out. Tip, exam stuff. Sometimes theres stuff hidden inside stuff. 😁 Theres an important thing to pick up at the beach. 😎 That will get you inside the library when you show your find to the gate guard. 😁😇
I recommend you download the walkthrough pdf. The game is huge so if you follow the first chapter solution you will find your way easier through the second chapter. 😎
Hi everyone.
Do you love classic ZX Spectrum adventure games?
Have you bought the new The Spectrum and you are looking for brand new adventure games, created recently for you ZX ? ;)
This is my new one. A forbidden archeology adventure created between December of 2023 and January of 2025.
It took me forever because initially it was suposed to be just a simple game about the library of Alexandria in ancient times, but then the story grew out of proportions and it took me more than a year to complete all the chapters. :)
I´m an illustrator and so it was really hard to find the time between my professional projecs to complete this one, but I just did it. So here it is. Free of charge.
Check out my new game "ECHOES of ATLANTIS" which you can find here: Echoes of Atlantis for the ZX Spectrum - Free Download
Trailer here:
If you enjoy this one, don´t forget to download my other ZX Spectrum adventure games on my page
Thanks ! More to come. ;)
By the way it´s fascinating to see how people get stuck in places where I didn´t thought they would. :)
Hint..... you can "talk" to characters and you missed at least 2 vital hidden objects almost at the start too. Although you died when trying to pass the first Guardian in the woods, you already carried the right object to defeat him.
It´s fun to see how my distractions are actually working. You past 2 very important objects without even remember to examine vital set pieces in the environment. ;)
Try again. :)
Thanks DVDfever! I'm having lots of fun creating this stuff. More to come ... this week.... :)
If you want all the Eclipsia maps, you can get them at the Portuguese review page here:
Although, part of the fun in these old school style adventures is drawing the maps ourselves. But if you get stuck somewhere maybe the original maps will help. The game has been tested in a ton of possible gameplay solutions and so far no bugs. :)