I remember when I used to play duck hunt in my childhood! Glad to see it's spirit is still alive (deranged and possessed, but alive). This little and game is as simple as it can get, but then again so was its spiritual predecessor, and I really love it. I don't know why the team decided to make it hilariously deranged, but it adds a layer of charm and personality that really makes the whole thing even better. The hitboxes are nice, the art is amazing, the playability is addicting and the leaderbord will drive me nuts. So freaking good.
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I'm so glad you enjoyed it! When the update comes out, I think the leaderboards will be a lot more fun to go for (but quite harder to get high scores, I think...)
Dunt hucking has its fair share of derangedness. But we don't talk about that with our hunters. :)
Thank you for playing and leaving such a thoughtful comment. It truly means so much to us!