Pretty cool take on the theme lol. Very fnf-esque.
It goes without saying that the presentation is absolutely amazing. Both audio and visuals are great. I'm usually not that into hip-hop, but the music in this game is definitely a bop. The art and the character designs are damn stylish as well.
The main mechanics definitely took some getting used to though. Tbh, I feel like the window for the regular swipe could've been widened a little. It feels a little too unforgiving right now. Swiping and holding seemed fine for the most part. I also think there should've been a little more of a delay before the very first action since it seemed next to impossible to actually hit it sometimes.
At first I thought the bosses in this game all felt the same, but then i realised that they're all effectively the same boss, so nothing really wrong there. Definitely pretty consistent at the very least
As a whole I'd say this was a damn sick game. Kudos to everyone involved