1- The dialogue UI i thought it was automatic, but no, you need to press a button, i spent time looking for that button, press"enter/space" to continue the dialogue, for input dialogue i recommend adding a small icon of the button on the corner or idk, i was surprised everything in the menu had control indicators but not the dialogue in game.
2-The tutorial has too much text, i see you focused on the visuals, but reminder that a player don't wanna read text, he wanna plays, why genshin is popular even tho it has many dialogues? Because it has clear simple few text for tutorial and you actually play during the tutorial, for now i am just tapping space and arrows and see what happens. (it was space actually and idk what it does)
3-In the tutorial "This time, when you see it comin', hit (idk what button is this) to the beat."
4-The button is actually space, so without the help of my friend, i couldn't have passed the tutorial, and he told me to read, i like reading but not in a game tutorial, here is the deal, that friend of mine is a musician and already played a game called Hifi-Rush (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1817230/HiFi_RUSH/) i advice you to check this game and see how is their tutorial, not everyone is musician and i was stuck in the tuto not knkowing what to do, now i got the gameplay, my friend helped me, and it's pretty fun, just the tutorial was horrible for me. Sure i didn't read a little but listen, i read a little and that made me confused, the dialogue needs clarity, and avoid to say nothing using many words, be simple, clear and us as less text as possible and make it more interactif, i say it again, my musician friend literally understood it under 5 min, me i was stuck more than 3 hours not knowing what to do! I'm no musician
5-I don't have rythm, i cannot be a musician, and that is why i cannot beat this game, i rage quitted, the boss killed me when it was 1hp
6-Subjective feedbacks ends here, time for objective feedback!
7-This game is not made for everyone, but for musician, it is cool you have a target audience and in that perspective the game is well made, keep up the good work, everything was based about rythm rather it is combo, heal, def, dodge, parry, attack, environment, character animation, boss attacks, the rewind and and discharge system gives a lot of satisfaction when well executed, and add challenges without making the game unfair because if you master it, you gotta focus and not lose rythm, every mistakes is made by you and only you, the boss has a great anticipation and you can easily dodge or parry its attack as long as you follow the rythm. you don't need to adjust the game for a wider audience, i advice you to do the opposite, make this game special for musician and satisfy them, if you wanna make it more accessible, do another game, this one is pretty good and pretty fun, create a strong and participative community instead of targetting a large audience and lose focus, i'm willing to see where this is going, this can be a great game to learn and practice rythm, musics, basic of song, beat, bpm, etc.To sum up, this has a great potential not to say, it would be very popular among musicians.
Thank you for creating such a great game, now i wanna put effort into making mine too, and i am sorry that my subjective feedbacks were so rude, to say the least, it is because i was biased by the fact that i am no musician and had horrible time figuring out what to do, but with the help of my musician friend i understood what to do, and after a lot of trials, errors and practices, i almost beat the first boss, i rage quitted because it had 1hp left when it killed me, this is not your fault, this is skill issue.
To sum up, it is a great game, for musician, but still a great game for no musician but you need a lotta practices to get the rythm and finally enjoy if you are not musician, that is why it is a great game. Even a musician can play it!