Rather than putting a folder in telling what the name of the game is, it would be better to put game in the title of the exe somewhere, preferably with the title, PlayPowerBaseGame.exe etc. Also it's always nice to put the controls in the instructions on the web page. Thanks for putting them in the tutorial and I did like that you tried to add a bit of worldbuilding.
I'm also guilty of a long text box for a tutorial, so I can't speak much, but I will say that the tutorial references controls that aren't displayed on the screen (the ammo and power bars didn't show up at the beginning of the tutorial). It would also be best to introduce the mechanics one by one in a side window/trial as part of the tutorial level rather than all at once. Again, I wasn't able to do that either...but there is a lot on there.
Maybe I'm just being tedious but the reload on R felt bad, it was abit too far away from the movement for something i had to do so often. Plus it was weak. So I ended up just spamming the fireball until I blew something up so hard that it blew me up through the ceiling and then I was walking on the ceiling. that was on endless mode. the tutorial, something happened where the floor disappeared and i died in the lava. when i tried to collect the first 2 power orbs. Also with the powers being on 1,2, and 3 that fights with your movement buttons. Ideally you should always be able to move with WASD while simultaneously doing your main gameplay actions. That's why most FPS let you switch weapons with the 1,2,3 as a one-time switch but then you fire it with the mouse and right click to reload. Maybe you had right click do something but I think I tried reloading with it and it didn't work. If i'm wrong there my bad.
I think it would really help to have a progression system in here, like your gun does more damage if you buy upgrades or whatever. Having power and health on the same bar is a nice risk/reward mechanic, but I never actually was in danger of dying or even running out of fireballs, so it needed to be balanced a bit.
Also I'll echo that the frame rate seemed to be a bit iffy. It's not my PC as i'm on a 3090.
Hope the critiques help in future projects. Congrats on finishing and submitting to the game jam.