I've tried now to do a couple of things but it won't let me go back at any time: bar, when I'm talking to someone and I want to go back and change what to say to them. I also tried changing the scroll from the left , which it was, to the right but nothing
Maybe it got stuck somehow. I know this won't be a perfect fix, but I'll add a system where it will force enable rollback when you sleep in the game (or when day changes).
I can't just force enable it everywhere since there are times when it is turned off on purpose because rollback might screw things up.
Looks like a save file sent by another user has the same issue. I've been trying to figure out why it's not working, but no idea... Rollback is enabled in preferences and in the config, but it's still not working.
Have you edited your save file using a third party tool or something? I'm trying to figure out how this could happen as everything seems normal, but...it isn't working.