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A member registered Apr 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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If you have empty slots in your club, it will drastically decrease your income - make sure you can fill all the slots. You might have to fiddle around with the upgrades to not have empty slots remaining.
I said in my devlog that I...forgot to implement Mina in the club :'D I only realized once I had published the update. I will add her in the next update though!
And yeah, you won't look in on the lessons as before. I will try to make up for it in the future, but baby steps.

Not sure. RenPy engine website says: OpenGL 2, DirectX 9, OpenGL ES 2, or WebGL. You should probably be able to run it since it's just a visual novel.

Looks like 32-bit support has been removed from the newer versions of RenPy, sorry... :( Apparently the 32-bit version was constantly causing the games being incorrectly marked as malware by antiviruses. It could be that is the reason the support was dropped or it's something else, but that's my guess.

I'll release a hotfix tomorrow to fix not being able to recruit Catherine. The hotfix might also fix the issue with this task not being set to completed, but I'm not sure. I haven't had the bug myself, but I did notice some weirdness in the code that's been fixed now.

Yeah, it'll take some updates to get some meaningful content for the security cams, but I'll get to it eventually :) 

That's from a small alternative route in the intro. If you turn down Nanako, you can fantasize about the students.

Check the walkthrough text file in the downloads for help with the Dahlia case!

And hmm, alright. Thanks, I'll fix that bug and try to make a hotfix for it next week.

Haha, no worries. I'll be adding the continuation in the next patch or the one after that at the least!

The hotel and many of the newer rooms are still very barebones, sorry :) I'll make more content for them in the future, but you can be at ease waiting for a few months if you want more hotel content besides Natalie and Jennifer.

Hmm, thanks for reporting! I'll take a look what's suddenly causing issues there - Natalie's story has been pretty stable for a long time now.

Lol, thanks! If you feel like you'd rather cheat, what's the part that's taking too long or annoying? I'm always looking to improve the game so that people don't feel like they NEED to cheat to enjoy it, heh.

You can show her the BBC Afficionados movie during movie dates. Or you can show the movie to the whole class if you've bought the school policy that allows showing adult movies to students.

I don't know... RenPy used to build for both 64 and 32 bits. I'll look into it in case I'm missing something.

Probably not. It should be on the top of the screen opposite side from the evidence files button when you go into the rightmost stall and look at the floor. If not, I'll look into it on my Android phone just to be sure.

You and me both, hehe.

Tuesday's the day!

Uh, I've never seen this one before. Let's try to figure it out. Are you starting a new game or loading an older save (and if so, was the save during Jennifer's trial scene by any chance)? What platform are you playing on?

You can send them via Discord or upload it to a file sharing website and give me the link. Sounds like something's broken indeed if going to class doesn't trigger it.

Thanks for the report, and I think it should be fixed in the next public version (which is ~2-3 weeks away, depending on how soon beta is over).

I'm not exactly sure what part you're in, but you can download a small .txt file from the game's Itch page that has a walkthrough for the Jennifer's storyline. I suspect you either need to present the pamphlet or the business card to Kyle's 3rd statement, but you should consult the walkthrough to be sure.

If it's on Android, then there's a bug that's preventing those from showing up. Hmm, well, the good news is that I'll be fixing the issue for the next update. The bad news is that I'm still working on that update, so it'll take a while before it'll go public. I'll probably release the beta on Patreon/SubscribeStar this week, so it'll be public and on Itch a few weeks after that.

Hmm, the same screen should have buttons to spend... Are you playing on Android? If so, there might be a bug related to that, and I can fix it. If not, I'd love to see your save file in case something is terribly broken :D

Yeah, there isn't a lot of uses for it right now... You can only take some pictures of Hannah there, and one Hermione club event has a path that leads to the swimming pool.
I'll be adding more stuff to it eventually of course.

Hmm, that sounds like a bug or something... Or, do you have empty slots in the club due to club upgrades? Each slot will incur an upkeep cost and if there are slots empty, the upkeep will start to stack up.

If not, could you send me your save file somehow and I'll try to figure out where the money is going?

Probably just play the main storyline and upgrade the club. It starts slow, but pretty soon you'll be swimming in dollars.

Hmm, what does Hermione's hint say? If it says you should announce it, and it's not working, then that's a fresh bug I've never heard of before. Could I take a look at a save of yours?

And Serena will agree to it once you've progressed far enough in the main storyline. So, follow the hints on your personal journal page.

/cries in solo dev

But glad to hear it's otherwise good! Animations might indeed be a bit difficult to pull off since this is just a single man's hobby project. Well, at least until those sweet sweet Patreon moneys start rolling in, lol. Still, even full-time in this project would probably mean I wouldn't have time for animations with everything else that needs planning, writing, coding, designing and rendering :( Sorry to disappoint.

Thanks for the feedback!

The next update will focus mainly on the school part of the game, revamping the school and grade system and tie the mechanics to the rest of the game a bit better. And as for when...I can't really say yet. I was sick for a week and my day job's work piled up while I was on sick leave, so it's been hard to find time to develop the game. It'll take 1-2 months still I think.

Hmm, there might be an issue with that particular skill check. Thanks for reporting it!

And as for the new main story chapter, it will start once you've seen the previous chapters and your club has a rating of 3 or more. If it's still not starting, could you send me your save file and I'll take a look at what might be broken?

Hmm, I'm not sure. I just tested the link myself and it works. Alternatively, you can try this link:

You need to recruit Serena into your school and she'll let you research it. If you haven't met her, follow the hints on your own profile. If you've met her, follow the hints on her profile.

If you've recruited her, but you still can't research stuff, it must be a bug and I'd love to take a look at your save file.

Well, those are good tips what to look for. Tutorial doesn't return you to the game and going to the bookstore crashes for new players. Probably because I just reworked the way inventory and shops work (it used to break with rollback sometimes), but some references to old code might remain.

I playtest the game quite a lot, but it gets super hard finding the bugs as I tend to play it in a certain way even if I try to do things "out of order". Other people just click on things at different points of the game than I would, so a lot of stuff goes unnoticed by me until people report them. Luckily people report bugs pretty often on Discord or forums. But yeah, I get that it's frustrating to run into a ton of bug and tbh I would've probably also quit on a game after running into so many.

I only hope your experience is not the average experience since there are no people flooding my Discord with bug reports 😅 feel free to check up on the game in the future - it might get better. It might not, but I'm forever an optimist.

It mostly won't happen yet since it should only factor in when the girls are in a relationship with you. Natalie's cheating might start going up once she's your GF if you make her watch porn or force her to do lewd things in the club. Though there isn't a lot you can make her do atm. It's mainly there for future content and events.

Thank you! And it's all DAZ and playing around with sliders and morphs until I got a look I liked. Most of them are based on a ready character and I've just tweaked it enough so that it doesn't look identical to all the games that use the same character as-is.

I always do a lot of hotfixes because catching all of the errors before releasing is impossible for a solo dev. Though I can't fix any bugs that aren't reported to me.

Sounds like you're encountering a recurring bug which keeps throwing you an error. Could you describe it to me or send a screenshot of the error message?

The public release will be in exactly one week. So, next Thursday.

Well, good that you caught yourself early rather than later :D And no worries, there's plenty of good adult games out there to try, heh.

You're not alone in that, heh - I might have to add a new stage to Natalie's hints to guide players in this.

Have you recruited Serena yet? If not, you'll need to follow Serena's hints first and then build the greenhouse through her.

If you have recruited her, but the research menu is empty, we'll have to debug this a bit further :D

Heh, thank you for the cheering and the support <3 means a lot to me.

They should slowly become available as you keep the girls working, but the 0.07 update will make it a lot clearer - it will show all the scenes available per room and what's required to unlock them.

And most rooms have general events that are the same for everyone, but there are personal events as well. Not a lot as of yet, but I'm going to add a lot more.