Extremely solid game here. I may have some issues with it, but it doesn't take away from the fact that you guys made something really great here
First off, the music and sound effects are excellent. Nothing else I can really say there. The visuals as well were also amazing, but that kinda goes without saying. The animations are all great and the bosses telegraph their attacks really well. I do love the effect that you guys created to make the spiral tower as well.
However, I do have a bit of an issue with this effect, and I'd say that this kinda applied a lot with the first boss. I got knocked back by quite a decent distance when he hit me. Now that by itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it caused quite a lot of disorientation because of the spiral effect. Maybe the amount you get knocked back could be reduced slightly ?
On that note, I'd say that every boss was pretty distinct and fun to fight. Part of me does wish that all of the bosses had maybe 1 or 2 more attacks that they cycled through, mostly because they all became somewhat monotonous at some point, but honestly that's more of a nitpick than anything else. Although I do think that the attack that the squid did when it spawned those bullets from those portals suffered in terms of visual clarity since it was a little hard to gauge the distance between the player and them ( probably just a skill issue though )
Honestly, I can nitpick all I want, but y'all have made something very polished, very lean, well paced and fun. I'd be surprised if you didn't win something