I can't stop the spiders but the spiders can't stop me either
There's a lot of beautiful visuals in this game, I had to turn off some of my lights to be able to see everything properly as a lot of the default textures and lighting are a little on the darker side. This isn't inherently bad, it can lead to a really intense and cinematic experience with the right setup.
My only major issue is the lack of feedback when planting, picking, and taking damage. I didn't even realize I was "dead" and just thought I encountered a bug for a second until I realized the same as another commenter did where you can just keep unpausing and playing haha. No worries, temporary fixes are temporary and I see you guys are still working on it and have more permanent fixes ready for after the jam. Very exciting! Can't wait to see how the game evolves and gets closer to its intended form.
Very ambitious within the time frame, but I think it paid off. Great job!
Thank you for the review and interest, we really appreciate it! We kind of intentionally left the lights off, but new version does have sun and moon cycle, looks quite different during day, but not as impactful. Best in evenings/mornings.
Lack of feedback is also addressed in updated version, but still not where we want it to be - need to implement a few more things. Also menu, death state, etc. :D Code is a mess, naturally, but things that can use existing systems are surprisingly easy to add now.
We will see where that leads us - this was really first zone out of 5 in the jungle(earth) biome, also have rough designs of sky(air) and magma caves(fire) biomes, as well as the final boss area/fight. No idea how water biome would work, but can wait until other zones are done :)
I will post more videos/gifs after voting is done (Current build has ally spiders as mobile flowerpots - they help you fight off the first wave)