The game is really cute! Never thought I’d see John Wick as a frog, the music and sound effects were great, as well as the simple artstyle.
There were some minor issues with the controls, as the tongue’s momentum seemed a little random, sometimes pulling you up really fast when grappling on a wall, and other times going extremely slowly. I like being able to jump at the end of a grapple to climb up on a platform, but I don’t like how there’s no way to refresh the jumps until you land on the floor again.
The quests would do well with more indicators, as I have skipped over one too many dialogues, and not know what I’m supposed to do.
Might be a Web version bug, but the cursor does not return re-focus into the game the moment the game loses focus of it. So pressing “Esc” immediately breaks the game until refreshing the page.
After finding some fireflies, I was pretty lost at what to do, just aimlessly wandering around the map before stumping along an NPC. A way to guide the player to give them some direction would be great.
The flowerpots in the game are a soft lock, as the moment you drop into them, it’s almost impossible to get out of them even with grappling. Which forces you to have to reset to get out of them.
Overall a simple and fun 3D game, but would do well with some polishing!