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A member registered Nov 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Personally, likely not. As my usual games are mainly survival games, like Subnautica, Ark Survival, The Forest or MMOs like FFXIV Online, so I’m likely not your target audience.

But, I do say that the gameplay is something that players would pay for, it currently is quite simple, but has many ways to expand on like you mentioned a perk tree, campaign more, more enemy types etc. If you are able to put out something interesting that can be played for 10-15 hours, your main concern should be marketing and letting your game be known. Be it reducing the price, so more players get to try it, or releasing a demo of the first few levels, the main priority should be getting your game’s name out there, unless you’re creating something so unique and amazing that players will advertise it themselves.

Thank you for trying the game out!

Since you listed them by numbers, I’ll answer them accordingly.

1.1. I do plan on adding perspective to the walls, as I wanted the left edge of the loaf to actually be hidden behind terrain, considering it’s not the “face”.

1.2. Coyote time and buffer jumping which helps with that and more to make jumping smoother are already done, and will be added to the next update!

1.3. I will be trying to add the animation to falling, as it already works decently if you jump off a cliff, just need to change up some stuff regarding this.

1.4. Will need to see how this works with 1.3’s animation when falling to see if I can add it in, but it is a good idea!

  1. Agreed, I will be adding more accessibility, and controls will be able to be changed to whatever the player wants. Not sure if I can fit this in the next update, but I will try!

  2. Regarding this, the AI will be improved significantly to add to this. As the game already has a timer, my plan is to have the AI be more deadly and smarter instead of how dumb they are now. This should add pressure to the player and make baits and future upgrades more useful as well.

  3. Currently a background is being worked on for this, and I plan to add it to see how it fits with the game, as for biomes, I am currently in the process of changing up the maps, so I would need to see if they are even large enough for this.

  4. That is a great idea! Though I need to put some thought into what to implement for it and where, so it won’t be in the next update sadly.

Thanks for the extensive feedback! I do hope you’ll be able to check out the next update and see if the game feels better!

Thank you for the kind words!

I’ll take it as 20 USD is the price. First and foremost, I have never played Orcs must die so I don’t really get the vision, so my opinion will mainly be generally based off other games.

For the current game as it is, the first issue that has to be fixed is the crashes, as that is what stops your game from being played the most.

The most important thing, especially in a paid game is gameplay and content. The gameplay currently seems fine, and as you are adding more enemy types, a storyline, perk trees etc., I don’t really see that as too much of a problem.

But the content seems severely lacking. If you look at other games, for example, one of your inspirations, Ori and the Blind Forest is $19.99 (technically same price as yours) but has close to 10 hours of gameplay content. Some other examples are, Hollow Knight at $14.99 with over 20 hours of gameplay, Hades at $24.99 with over 20 hours of gameplay, Risk of Rain 2 at $24.99 with around 7-8 hours of gameplay, but very replayable.

Most of those games are hours in length, and despite Risk of Rain 2 there being the shortest game, I actually spent the most hours on that due to the replayability. If your game’s pricing point is competing with games like those, it has to have hours of gameplay minimally. The gameplay should also not be fillers, and say, expanding from 10 days of enemy waves to 100 days of enemy waves just to extend playtime, but new areas and mechanics that the players can enjoy.

If you feel the game can’t be as in-depth as those games, I feel it’s better to lower the price, or to spend way more time adding depth to the game. Game Jam games are usually best being really short, so the current game should only be a very small fraction of the full game based on your scope, think in the sense of half of Forgotten Crossroads being Hollow Knight’s prototype.

Thanks for trying! I’ll look into the issue

The art is great, and the music and sound effects bring the feel of the game out! The wait for nighttime to be over is nice, but a way to skip or fast-forward it would be nice.

I like the combat indicator, but it seems a little large, as I simply was running around spamming the attack button, dying then immediately re-possessing and doing the same thing. The attacks also seem a little slow, as if I was charging up an attack and the enemy wasn’t focused on me, they simply just ran past and easily avoided it.

The enemies move pretty quickly, and with multiple waves and the enemies splitting to hit multiple trees at once, it made the game a little hard, as you’re a lone defender. I noticed some of the enemies bugged outside the map (in the water) and just standing there.

My game crashed (or at least the browser froze) twice while playing the game. On the first time, my possession died and I immediately possessed another enemies that was hitting the tree. I noticed that the tree had a sad face which seemed like it had really low HP, and the enemy was in the middle of an attack. After the attack, the game just froze, but the music kept playing for a little while. Second time round something similar happened, where I was spamming possession and throwing their weapons before running out of energy and having the browser freeze up again.

The difficulty seemed to ramp up pretty quickly, as the first 2 days seemed pretty easy, until the enemies increased a lot, with different weapons and having multiple groups. I’m not sure if this was intended, but when possessing an enemy, attacking, then immediately unpossessing and possessing another enemy, the enemies seem to immediately attack me despite me not hitting them yet.

While I don’t mind the WASD to move the camera, with the mouse hover controlling the spirit, I feel that hovering at the edge of the screen (or close to the edge) should also pan the camera toward that direction. This way it is possible to play the game purely using mouse alone.

It also seems possible for you to permanently keep an enemy throughout the night, by simply keeping them a short distance from the tree, unpossessing to regenerate energy, then possessing them again before they hit the tree. I used the same enemy in Day 1 to clear up to Day 3 before he finally got hit. Not sure if this was intended or not.

The art and music are great for a short prototype, the gameplay seems like it needs a little tweaks to make it feel better. Not sure if there is an end to the game, but perhaps a way to defeat all enemies and win before moving to another forest might be a good addition. Great job for the game jam!

The game’s art gives me the feel of Animal Crossing mixed with Paper Mario. The music and sound effects were really nice as well.

I liked the different characters and dialogues, and also the fact that the NPCs can actually die.

I don’t really understand the point of using X to tell the NPCs where to go, as the cannons seem pretty random and there no indication as to where they are gonna land.

I found myself stockpiling upwards of 20 animals on the bridge to the cannon, so I can shoot all of them at once and enjoy the view. It also kinda helped that moving diagonally makes your character move way faster. All the animals seem to do the same amount of damage, so I don’t really see a difference between the animals types, as I expected the capybara to do way more damage than the seal due to the size of the sprite. I’m also not too sure what food heals, as I’ve tried eating things from rocks, to the capybara.

The Middle mouse button for rotating the camera seems a little odd, as I’d rather the rotation be on RMB and dropping be something like Q.

The random drops other than animals seem a little useless, as apart from the very start of the game, I just found myself picking up anything random to just eat, before searching for animals to launch. The healing is also a little much, and with the NPCs being able to regen so much, it seems like the game won’t finish until you AFK and let yourself die.

I liked the NPC portraits popping up from time to time, but initially I thought it was a bug as they kept appearing without any dialogue. Trying to interact with any NPC when they had a sort of chat icon above them also showed a similar portrait without any text, so I was a little confused.

I tried playing until around wave 12 all while waiting for a ship to actually appear to rescue us, but was a little disappointed that there wasn’t an ending in sight.

A good and fun little game jam, though would need more weak to polish up the game. Great job nonetheless!

Cute little cat game, the art, music and sound effects were great! I like the mini story the game has as well, and the concept of the game is nice!

The game has many things it can expand on, the story seems really nice so a lengthier game, and more cutscenes would add to it. Different offices (or floors) would also be a nice touch! I really liked the jumping mechanic despite this being a top-down 2D game, would be great if you can jump over walls! While I get that you want the player to plan out what task they want to do first, as the final task gets the supervisors chasing you no matter where you are, I feel this could be changed. For a stealth type game, I feel it would make more sense for doing tasks to produce sound, which attracts the supervisors. And with how you already have a anger meter, perhaps higher anger results in the supervisors reacting faster to sound? This could be counter-acted by having the anger meter only increasing when the supervisors detect things, like seeing the rubbish on the floor, rather than increasing when the player messes up the stuff.

There are some minor issues with the game currently. On the end scene, the New Game or Exit button has text above that is overlapping other text, which makes it a little hard to read. The jump also doesn’t get you off tables if you’re jumping while moving diagonally.

The cone view of the supervisors seem a little off, as many times they managed to spot me despite not being in the range. The pathfinding of the supervisors are a little weird as well, as at times they could see me through a wall, and start running at the wall instead of looping around.

The difficulty scaling is a little high the higher you set it to, as even Hard seems extremely difficult to complete. The ending was also a little abrupt, as I was hoping for a similar cutscene at the start.

I loved the settings you have available, of being able to skip cutscenes, the volume, even the skip button if you forgot to turn off the setting in the menu. I feel that adding a way to skip cutscenes automatically if you redo a level in the game itself would also be great.

A really great game! Would have loved more bread! Great work for the game jam!

Just from the bread alone this is the best game so far.

The music and sound effects were great, and the art was amazing!

The game felt really complete, though I would have liked more levels, but as it is, it is an amazing prototype.

There was a bug, or maybe something that was intended that I found. When I was at the gate that required 5 bread, and I was sitting at 3, I tried to fly up the building and realised it reached the top, then torpedoed down to the ground. Upon landing head first on the ground, I teleport back to one of the earlier telephone poles, which had a completed quest. I’m not too sure if this was intended.

I loved all the little details that was added in the game, though I was a little sad at the bakery being blown up. The game is super well polished and the mechanics were great!

Only thing I would like to see would be a settings menu to turn up/down the music and sound effects.

Game balancing wise, torpedo seems way better than the explosion, unless you’re breaking a window. Not sure if it is because of the cost of the explosion, the chargeup, or the fact that you don’t move, but it seems a little underwhelming compared to being a flying missile.

Thank you for the amazing bread! An wonderful game jam entry! Amazing job!

A nice little take on a mix of vampire survivors and also a maze like game. It took me awhile to realise that the aim of the game wasn’t to survive, and rather to look for Thor. Took me 15 waves to finally reach him on the first run, then I tried to speedrun looking for him, and got to him in 2 waves.

The art style is really great, and the music and sound effects are equally amazing. Though I would have loved to have a settings menu to turn down the volume of the game, as some of the weapons were quite literally blasting my ears off. There seems to be some bugs, like the Thunder becoming smaller after a period of time, as I had my Thunder cover the whole screen in 2 upgrades, and suddenly reseting to a tiny size after about a minute.

The balancing also seems a little off, as Lifesteal and Regen seem extremely strong, so much that Lifesteal allowed me to just walk straight through enemies without taking any damage. The Thunder attack covering the entire screen also seems a little strong, and also sometimes blends in with the ranged attacks of enemies.

A great game jam submission! Good job!

A fun little game! I really like the momentum based gameplay, and the procedurally generated terrain makes the game really replayable. The art style looks really nice, and the music and sound effects are great!

There are some issues I had with the game though, firstly, I would appreciate if there was a quick restart button, as this game seems to be meant to be tried repeatedly, a way to quickly restart instead of waiting for the game to end when you lose momentum would be great.

The initial gameplay seemed a little confusing, as I knew you were supposed to press Space to go down, but no idea how you gain altitude when you crashed into the side of a hill. Though after I slid down a slope for the first time and got to fly pretty high, I managed to get the hang of the game and it became really fun.

The game not being able to full screen was a little sad, as I feel the art would do well on a larger screen. A larger screen would also allow the camera to show more, as when the dragon flies really high up, you’re pretty much guessing what the terrain is like below and hoping you are pressing space down toward a slope.

Sliding on the ground like a snake seems to be a better way to play the game than flying, which seems a little counterintuitive to the dragon theme.

A really well polished and really simple game! I do hope for a few bug fixes and slight changes to make the game more fun, but the general gameplay mechanic is really great already!

Thank you for trying the game out!

I’m glad you liked the landing animation, I plan to add more similar animations to add more to the feel of the game.

I will be adding coyote time as well as a jump buffer in the next update, so it should feel better to jump in the game.

Regarding the controls being unnecessary, I agree with the interact for the ingredients. But I might change the bed activation to a different mechanic instead, as I want to players to have an option to search for more ingredients. The choice of upgrade will be kept for multiple upgrades, but it makes sense that there shouldn’t be a choice if it’s just a singular upgrade, so I will change that to sort of an infographic instead.

The bread bait doesn’t have a tutorial nor any visual/audio feedback when it is in use currently, so it is definitely confusing on how to use it. I will be experimenting different features for this, but I don’t know if removing the limit is a good idea, as Poisoning the enemies would always be better than Slowing them in every scenario if that were the case.

There is a foreground that is fading so the screen gets brighter as you progress in the level. But it is very subtle so most times you barely notice if the game is even moving. I’m looking for ways to add a reference to reflect the player’s movement, like a background, or lighting. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them!

Thank you for the feedback! All the best to your game!

Thank you for the kind feedback! I will be doing a bunch of bugfixes and will take note of the bug you found. I’ll also be adding more content to make the game have more bread! I hope you’ll be able to try it when it gets updated!

(1 edit)

The game is really cute and fun! Sadly I’m not one for narrative games so I skipped through most of the dialogue, though I do love rocks though. The music, artwork and sound effects are all really nice.

Considering I skipped most of the dialogue, at times I was a little confused as to what I am supposed to do, and while I get that this is mostly a narrative game, a quest tracker or todo list of what I’m supposed to do would be great. I like being able to spin around and deforest the entire forest. The GTA in me would have loved to be able to spin in town, to… give the NPCs a friendly hug. I like being able to bounce off enemies and the mushroom, as well as the slowmo that shows when you can do that.

Though a slight issue I found was bouncing at the side of the map and beside an ally. This causes the player to bounce rapidly between the ally and the map border, killing the ally extremely quickly (so fast that the ally goes into negative HP).

I like the work put into the sound effects to portray the game, and while I don’t really play narrative games, I can see how much work you put into the dialogue and story of the game. The game is a good prototype of the game jam, and I hope for some minor updates to polish the game more! Great job!

A fun little tower defense game! The music and sound effect is nice, and the art is really simple and good.

There are several things I really enjoyed in the game. I really liked how the player (the blob) can body block and interact with the enemies in the map. I don’t think there’s many TD games that even have this as an option, so it adds a unique feel to the game. Though there are some scenarios where it seems bad, as too many times I find myself just permanently making the enemy stuck in a corner and make the wave too easy. Perhaps a way for the enemy to push through you the longer it’s stuck would be great. I also like that towers can be placed anywhere, instead of having fixed tiles, this adds a lot of depth and strategy to the game, as it makes every playthrough different in terms of tower placement. I also like that the player is added in some attacks, like the Cannon literally shoots the player at the enemies.

I have some issues while playing this game. Firstly, when the game starts and the player is asked to Press Start to play, you gave 0 direction what the player is supposed to press. You can only press the “Enter” key to even start the game, yet there is no indication of this anywhere.

The game also lacks a tutorial, which makes the initial learning and understanding of the game quite difficult. While I like the upgrades being beside the tower, being able to left click to select placed towers to upgrade them there would be good. The lack of an ability to sell or move towers also makes it so planning is extremely important.

The towers are too dependent on the player. While you added an amazing mechanic of letting the towers be placed anywhere, the small range and the fact that 2 of the 3 weapons require the player to be used, makes the mechanic seem a little forgotten. As most tower placements will be condensed to a small area, so that the player is in range of all of them. The base shooter tower is quite literally useless if you are not nearby to reload, and with the cannons and blobapult shooting you onto the enemy, unless you’ve upgraded the reload range, more often than not, the towers have no ammo. This forces the player to build and play in a small area of the map, as placing additional shooters out of range seem quite horrible. If you walk to reload a tower behind and the wave has not ended, the new enemies that spawn do not get hit as the tower in front has no ammo.

The difficulty scales really high really quickly, and enemies become more or less immune to the shooter. I get that the cannons are the main focus, but it makes the other 2 tower seem a little useless, especially the shooter. While the blobapult doesn’t do much damage, the lingering slime makes it really strong as well.

The dragging of the towers to place them, could also have an addition where you could click to select the tower, and click to place it down, to make it easier for the player.

While the map design was really nice, the fact that the player has to play in a small area or chokepoint makes it so the player doesn’t really experience the entire map.

The core gameplay mechanic, as well as the concept are great! But the game needs some balancing to bring out it’s great design. Great job for a prototype for the game jam!

The physics of the game is really interesting, I like the concept of changing from liquid, to solid, or changing to a Stoic structure.

A short tutorial at the start to teach what each state and what the stoic structure is meant to do would be good.

I spent more time in the game trying to recollect my balls than actually completing the game. Though a lot of times I mess up my controls, like trying to collect my balls when I have mass attaching toggled off.

The programming required to make this is not easy, and I can see you spent a lot of time working on it and the game mechanics. But I feel a better level design and tutorial to teach these mechanics would be great. I really like grouping as a bunch of balls and going full speed and slamming into something to break it. Would love if there were more mechanics like this.

The game has amazing potential, I can see how you can expand this game’s design and content to make full use of the physics you spent so much time on. Some music and sound effects would also do really well. Great job!

The game has a really simple premise, of just hunting ducks. But I really love the twists you added to the game! The art and music are amazing, the sound effects and death animations also add a lot to the game. Though it would be appreciated if there was a setting to turn down or up the music and sound effects.

I love the transitions in both the music and the game, to become more “trippy” and crazy as the game went on, the music also became way more intense which was great! I really liked how you change the initial gun into a hand that can literally fly out, to a leg, then feet, or tentacles etc. They are really amazing ideas and add so much depth and fun into such a simple game!

The screen animations like the flickering, and the duck death animation are so well done.

My only issue was the difficulty of the game. I managed to make it to 35k points, and the game didn’t really seem to be getting harder. There was also no punishment in simply letting the ducks go. It seemed weird to me that you lose the game missing a shot, rather than letting a duck go. A personal opinion, but I feel changing the 3 shots so that you have to reload after 3 bullets, and changing it such that if the duck “escapes”, you lose a life, would be a better gameplay mechanic.

The game has a lot of work done into making the animations, transitions as well as the music fit the game. Which is amazing to see in a short game jam, though I would have liked more gameplay content, the work and effort done into making the game feel smooth more than covers up the lack of content. Amazing job!

The game’s concept and idea is great. The art and animation are really nice, but the lack of music and sound effects makes the game feel really empty.

The character sprite is little too small, and it makes it really hard to see the character in detail. The main issue I had was the UI. The dialogue text was big and clear, but full caps just makes it seem like everything is screaming at the player. While the more important text, like what the skills are supposed to do are way too small, making it really difficult to read what it does. At the start when initially choosing the skills, the text also went off the screen.

The story and content is a lot of a 2 week jam, so I can see where you spent a lot of time working on. Which is really great! But the UI mainly makes the game hard to sit through. There are some bugs, such as being able to go out of the map as well.

The game has potential with the amount of story and content, but needs polishing on the base gameplay. Still, a great job for how much work you put into this!

(2 edits)

Randomly came across this game while scrolling through the jam and saved it cause of how nice the art looked.

The game’s art is amazing! The design of the maps, as well as the interaction with the character is great. The animation felt really smooth, together with the interaction with the environment, such as spraying on a friend.

I tried the game on the WebGL build, and the music was really soft that I could barely hear it. This made jumps really difficult, as I had to go off timing instead of music. And with how this is a rhythm game, it was really hard to complete. The game would do well with a settings menu so I can turn up/down the music based on preference. The standalone app would do way better than a browser version of this game.

The box level’s main idea was to hide in the box so you don’t spray on the plants, but I managed to complete it by spraying on the plants, and hiding in the box as they were about to chomp. Not sure if the i-frame when entering the box was intended, but it was a nice touch. I also liked that the spray doesn’t travel through walls, as the owl was in range when the range of the spray was increased.

The overall level design and gameplay mechanics are great! Only thing I had some issue with was the leaves, as spraying on them destroyed them. I had to find way to make sure my spray didn’t touch them, while at the same time making sure I managed to jump up onto it. It seems a little hard compared to other mechanics in the game.

For a 2 week game jam, the game is amazing! It felt really complete, and only really needs some polishing. The only sad part was that the game seems to be more suited as an app rather than a web browser game, so it’s full potential can’t really be realised in this jam. Nevertheless, great job!

A really simple game!

The art style is really cute, and the sound effects are nice. I like the start of the game with the short cutscene-esque style then straight into the game. It’s simple and easy to understand what you’re supposed to do.

I like that there is sort of a leeway if you click too early, as it still detects it as being a pass.

Currently the game is a little too short to have much to say about the gameplay, but it feels a lot like playing a minigame, such as a fishing mechanic or reload mechanic in other games. I see that you will be updating the game, and I’m interested to see how this goes from a minigame to a standalone game.

Great job for the jam!

Fun little arcade game. I like the art and the music!

I had several issues while playing the game, firstly, it’s nearly impossible to play only on full speed. The speed of the “normal” game is way too fast and so difficult to control the gun.

There is no challenge to the game, as being able to play the game permanently in slow mo made it way too easy, albeit just really slow to move around. The gun having unlimited ammo, as well as being able to shoot semi-auto without reloading by just spam clicking also makes the game really easy. The only way I died was being impatient and letting go of the right mouse button to speed things up.

It seems weird that the gun also only changes direction if you click close to the gun. Why does it matter how far you click from the gun, when the gun should always have recoil.

The autoscroll on the camera is really annoying, as many times the gun travels way faster than the camera, making you not be able to see the gun at all. Furthermore, together with the previous issue of having to click close to the gun, you basically cannot control your character at all the moment you go out of the screen.

The concept and idea is great, the artwork and music are also a nice touch. It needs work on the gameplay and mechanics, but it has potential as a prototype to the game jam! Great job!

Thank you for trying the game! I will be updating the game to add more content, so hopefully it’ll be more fun.

Most of the stuff in the game currently is pretty rushed, so it’s quite low quality from a personal POV. I’ll also be fixing a lot of the bugs, so I’ll look into the bug you mentioned. By any chance, did you see how much bait you had remaining at the top left when you were pressing F?

Thank you for your feedback! I hope the next update will be something that you like!

A really fun game! The art, animations, music and sound effects were phenomenal! In terms of just looks and sounds, the game already seems complete. But a lack of a tutorial really hurts as it is quite confusing to play. A settings menu would also be great to turn down the music as it is a little loud. I liked how you mentioned your team had limited experience with Audio, but also how your team only has one person, which is Paige

Some of the numbers were a little hard to see initially, specifically the 2 and the 5.

While counters are nice, it feels like there is too many of them, a total of 7 different weapons that each have different strengths and weaknesses. With the lack of a tutorial, I had to look through the GDD to understand that direct counters (from the arrow to the weapon) were not the only things to look out for, and that the number of arrows in a clockwise direction also matter. This was very confusing initially, as I did not know why specific weapons, like Boxing Glove vs Spear resulted in the Boxing Glove winning, despite them not being next to each other.

The rank of the card seems to be a little irrelevant unless for counting points, as I expected a rank 5 card to destroy a rank 1 card, but they simply just draw, and in the Count Cards modifier, the rank doesn’t seem to matter at all.

I don’t really mind the RNG nature of the game, but involving some skill, or agency that the player has to win would be great. As currently, it’s more of if you can guess what the enemy might have.

Still a really great game for a 2 week game jam! I saw that you included a total dev time, which was a nice detail! Great work!

A really fun little game! The art is simple and the music fits! I liked the option of changing the game speed, makes the combat not feel so sluggish.

The game doesn’t seem to scale with the browser size, as it only seems to be about half of the screen anchored to the top left, while the rest of the game is a black screen. As compared to the original Godot logo while loading, which covered the entire thing.

It definitely needs a tutorial, as the only way I figured out that I’m supposed to drag and drop abilities instead of clicking on them was via the description. A basic tutorial to teach players this in the game itself would be great.

A way to lock skills so they are not rerolled would be nice, as many times I would be saving up for a skill, only for it to refresh when I could just afford it.

The inventory is too small, especially for Endless, as you get so limited upgrades, that it’s better investing into things like Lifesteal and Speed/Damage, rather than Active skills due to a lack of space. A way to expand the inventory via purchasing would be great.

Thank you! I’ll be updating the animations further to make it look smoother and add more of them!

(1 edit)

Bread is bread.

Will be adding better jumping in the next update, and music and SFX perhaps in a later one!

Thank you for the feedback!

The game is really cute! Never thought I’d see John Wick as a frog, the music and sound effects were great, as well as the simple artstyle.

There were some minor issues with the controls, as the tongue’s momentum seemed a little random, sometimes pulling you up really fast when grappling on a wall, and other times going extremely slowly. I like being able to jump at the end of a grapple to climb up on a platform, but I don’t like how there’s no way to refresh the jumps until you land on the floor again.

The quests would do well with more indicators, as I have skipped over one too many dialogues, and not know what I’m supposed to do.

Might be a Web version bug, but the cursor does not return re-focus into the game the moment the game loses focus of it. So pressing “Esc” immediately breaks the game until refreshing the page.

After finding some fireflies, I was pretty lost at what to do, just aimlessly wandering around the map before stumping along an NPC. A way to guide the player to give them some direction would be great.

The flowerpots in the game are a soft lock, as the moment you drop into them, it’s almost impossible to get out of them even with grappling. Which forces you to have to reset to get out of them.

Overall a simple and fun 3D game, but would do well with some polishing!

Perhaps a full sandwich might be added. Thank you for trying the game!

The enemy AI is definitely not the best, as I left it in a very simple state due to a lack of time. I have done some changes to hopefully make the game clearer. Didn’t think it was able to sleep without any upgrades, I will need to check the code again to see what went wrong.

I hope you stay around for the next update!

A fun little game! The menu controls are a little weird, and seems more for an arcade style or console type game rather than a PC/Web game.

The game looks really good, the art is nice, the sound design is great!

The game seems really simple and the difficulty seems a little too easy, as I lost more lives experimenting what it can do rather than actually dying. Wish there were more variety of enemies, or perhaps have the enemies run away from you when your mask is on someone.

The final level was also a little abrupt, as there was no indication that the game is over until the score suddenly came up on the screen. If you’re updating the game, more content would be great as the game is a little short currently.

Overall a fun little experience! Great job!

Really amazing automation game! The concept is great, the simple art and sound effects are also good!

I really liked the physics of the game, where the boxes can bounce off walls, and with the snapping code that you made for it to snap into it’s required area, it makes automation really fun! I also liked that secret you added at the end, although I was hoping it was a hole that it could drop into.

I had some minor issues with the game, that made the automation a little more frustrating. The initial purchase of the materials kept dropping the boxes in a small area, instead of on the same spot, which made it really hard to automate. A way you can fix this is to make it so boxes that are close by stack to a specific spot, this way it makes it easy to automate, as well as to manually carry if need be.

Another thing would be an indicator of when the recording is ending, perhaps a timer to show how long left. This allows the player to plan how much they can clone/record.

A variable throw distance might also be a good addition, where the distance (and/or height) is affected by the direction the player is facing. So if the player is facing up toward the ceiling, the box is thrown further, and if the player is facing down toward the floor, the box is thrown closer. I’m not too sure if this would be easy to implement with the clones though.

While the gameplay and concept is great, I’m not too sure if it really fits the theme, as the ammo could easy be replaced with another item if the theme was different. But still a great game and effort for a 2 week game jam!

Thank you for trying the game out! I have included the baits resetting after death into my bug list. I’ll look into the slime falling to see how to fix it. Do you have any location in particular where the slime fell and jumped in the air while falling?

The jump input will be changed so it can be queued in the next update, so hopefull that will feel better! The black line has been noted and will be fixed. I will be lengthening the background audio loop as well, but probably not in the next update as I’ll mainly be focusing on bug fixes and gameplay first.

Thank you for the kind comment! Good luck for your game!

Thank you for trying! Though I’ll be a little afraid if the sourdough became solid

A really great game! I like the new mechanics added, and the difficulty of the game! The art and music are really fitting.

I died quite a number of times, which led to the death animation playing over and over again. The first few times it looked really nice, but subsequently it became a little annoying that I couldn’t skip it.

A way to zoom would be good, as the sword’s hitbox is pretty small, so it seems quite hard to hit enemies that are out of the screen.

The pots and brushes were a good addition, but the moving walls seem quite difficult, as you had to land, and quickly move again right after. Furthermore, I had an issue of the sword getting destroyed when it lands on the moving wall.

There is a short delay upon being spotted, until you actually lose, which seems like it is for when your sword is flying toward the enemy. But I feel there should be a slightly longer delay such that you can kill the enemy quickly if they spot you.

Other than that, the game is really smooth and the animations are great! A few more levels to showcase more of the new mechanics would be a good addition.

Thank you for trying the game out! The basics are there but I’ll be adding more stuff to add content to the game. But bread is not a weapon.

I was jumpscared by the gunshot sound when pressing enter. The music, SFX and art seems like you’re mainly going more for a meme game, which is fine.

The gun tricks are a really nice add, but the aiming is extremely off center. I was shooting zombies for awhile and thought they were invulnerable, until I realised I wasn’t even hitting them.

I was also a little disappointed that I could not see the anime girl in the game, would remind me of playing L4D2 with an anime mod fighting hordes of zombies.

The zombies seem a little strange, their pathfinding is a little weird and I just ended up walking past most of them as they seemed to love to hug the wall. Especially when going up the stairs, I simply hugged the other side of the wall and I had no issues avoiding them.

Some other zombies issues include the death animation. When the zombie dies, for a brief moment they still have collision, so they would be playing their death animation, still moving and facing you, and you could still walk into them. Though it didn’t seem like they did any damage, but you still do collide with them as though they were a wall. Another issue was the spawning location. I was walking around the first floor and was staring at a particular wall by the window, and saw a zombie spawn midair halfway in the wall, before dropping down and walking toward me. After killing the zombie, another one spawned in the exact same spot a few seconds later.

A way to melee attack the zombies or push them away would be great, especially when you’re out of ammo would be good, as you’re basically useless once you ran out of bullets. The special ability to one hit zombies didn’t seem super useful outside of the slow, as most times I already kill them in one bullet. Though I’m not sure if there’s a change of damage on headshots.

The game was also really dark, and I could barely see much, but in contrast, the zombies were super obvious as the lighting of the map didn’t seem to affect the zombies. So while I could barely see the walls, the zombies were very easy to spot.

Not sure if it could be added, but a jumping mechanic would be great, so the player could jump over boxes, or over crawling zombies.

Seems like a old minigame that you would find on miniclip, but still a good effort!

Yummy bread. More bread will come, with better animations!

(1 edit)

I will be changing the controls up soon, so hopefully it won’t have that floaty feeling. Considering I wanted the bread to hop like a bunny, acceleration seems a little hard to add. Unless you’re talking about acceleration when falling or landing?

Variable jump height was something I initially wanted to add, but was worried that my animation skills would butcher the looks of it. I managed to add the animation in a way that dynmically changes based on the height, but it was a little too late to add in variable jump height by then. Will be something I will try to add to see if it breaks the animation though.

Enemies should jump at you when they spot you, in fact they would do it faster. But I tried it, and the animation just made it look awful, so I scrapped that idea temporarily to just let it slide over.

For the bugs, the bait amount has been flagged and fixed. The quitting thing with the bait UI is also flagged but I have yet to fix that. I will check through about the demo finished bug, as I actually didn’t test it that far, perhaps I forgot to turn the ending = true flag back to false

Thank you for taking your time to try the game!

Really fun game! I managed to reach wave 20 on my first playthrough but died right at the end. The music is great! The art is really simple but works well.

I encountered a bug at around wave 14, where it had 2 ranged enemies still chasing me, but the enemy count being at 0, which started the next wave. This kept snowballing where every wave I would always have 1-2 enemies still alive that carry forward to the next. Which resulted in wave 20 having enemies chasing me, shooting me, on top of the bosses. I killed all the enemies except 1 boss, but died to it. Was pretty weird as even when there were 2 bosses left, the counter already showed 0 enemies on wave 20, so it was surprising it didn’t show an end screen.

The web app kept lagging on enemy spawns, which caused me to lose quite a chunk of HP each time many enemies spawned. But this game seems better suited as a standalone app, so it shouldn’t be a worry.

I love how many settings there are! This is the first game I’ve played so far that has so many settings available!

The enemies being able to shoot ahead of where your player is moving is a great touch to add on to the difficulty of the game. I had to keep doing zigzags to confuse the game if not I would just get hit. I also liked the addition that the lesser ammo/HP you have, the faster you move. It helps the player have a sort of catchup mechanic, as I dropped to 0 ammo many times since Wave 17.

An issue I had was the shop. In the shop, it told me things like a decrease in damage, or increase, but I had no idea the base damage numbers. I did not initially choose upgrades that decreased my damage, as I was unsure if it was possible to do 0 damage (or negative damage). The buckshot upgrade also seemed a little bad, as it consumed so much of my ammo, but sadly I couldn’t disable the upgrade. On the other hand, the pierce upgrade seemed amazing, as knocking back the enemies into the path of the bullet seems to let the enemy be hit multiple times. I feel that it would be great if the player could access the shop at any time instead of at set levels, as most of the upgrades come in a burst, despite having enough money for an upgrade at a particular moment.

Overall a really simple game done well! Great job!

This review is only for the Web version on both Chrome and Firefox.

The running and jumping movement feels a little like Quake, but the ground pound and rocketboost changes things up. The game feels very smooth when you can pull off the different movements, like running, jump into a ground pound to get a boosted jump, then proceeding to use the explosion on a nearby surface to launch yourself. An issue I felt was the ground pound into the jump feels a little weird to pull off at certain times, which could be a skill issue, but it kinda feels odd to me that at certain times I can pull it off perfectly while at other times it keeps failing.

I failed multiple times and wanted to retry the timing again, but was a little disappointed that there was not a quick retry key you could press. There is a retry key in the settings menu when you press Esc, but it’s an extra keypress on a fast paced speedrunning game. Also, there is a resume game button, but it seems that the timer still keeps going, so I’m unsure if the game is even paused.

The art and music for this game is really fitting and catchy. I like that you included a camera sensitivity option as well, but a way to change the FOV would also be great.

The tutorial (level 1) has a great level design, but the text should be moved to either follow the player’s screen, or somewhere the player can easily read. As many times I had to stop and move backwards to near the edge of a platform to read what the text was saying. Which seems a little counter intuitive for a game all about building speed and momentum.

I don’t really understand the use of the melee attack. I know it is to kill the enemy, but why not change it to a bullet so the player has to aim and shoot at the enemy, instead of having to go up so close to melee it? With how groundpound and the explosion can be used to kill the enemies, the melee attack seems a little redundant.

The respawning positions should also be changed, as too many times I was spawning at the very edge of a platform.

Since this was a Web test, the game did crash on the 3rd level, so I couldn’t continue.

A great game for movement and momentum, but it needs a few tweaks for it to play smoother.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback! I will be updating both the jumping and the music soon! Though probably the jumping first as my music skills are bad

Thank you for the kind comment! I will be adding in a tutorial that shows the interaction between the bread and the slime, so hopefully that will solve that issue. New upgrades will also be added, and some moved forward so the player can experience more of them!