The game is too short! I will be adding more levels soon so players get to experience more bread!
The in-game instructions was actually a quick add as I realised I didn’t have time to add a tutorial level, but they will be moved over to that once it’s done. Refactoring seems so horrible to me most times as it feels I’m not progressing forward in terms of game content/mechanics. But with how short a game jam is, I doubt I have time to do much optimization. I will try out a different style of coding the next time round to see how much time I can save to polish up the game.
You mean a pointer that aims at the collectable so the player knows to pick it up? What about an indicator above the collectable pointing down at it?
The game will be getting a new update, with new maps and changes to the current ones so hopefully the feel of getting lost won’t be as frustrating anymore!
Thank you for taking your time to try out the game! I hope you’ll stick around for the next update, and all the best for your game as well!