Another perk game! I'm glad I like those haha
The game is fun, I'm certainly biased about games like these but if we all are you might have some good points!
It seems like you got a bit lost while displaying the perks, as sometimes there are duplicates in the shop.
Something that helps is, instead of using whatever function you have that picks one randomly from your list of perks 3 times, you can create a "temporary list" of perks with all the perks you have in your game, and then remove 3 from that list (instead of just copying / selecting them) and put them into the selection, removing it from the list then avoids picking the same one twice.
Make sure you reset that temporary list before using it again though!
(there are tons of other ways to do it but that's an easy approach, I did mine by having the shop script check which perks i already have and ruled those out when spawning the perks)