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A member registered Sep 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks for the feedback and sorry you had to experience that, truth be told we had some huge issues about 3-4 hours before submission, issues such as having 2 levels but the transition from level 1 to level 2 not working at all... I ended up single handedly copy pasting every element of the first level into the second one, which is why the last part of the game seems a bit more thought through than the first one, it was supposed to be the tutorial lmao

The weird textures at the end are also the result of overlapping both levels when they weren't meant to. We just had too many ideas (rogue like items, combat, cursed items (?), world transitions with changing assets, puzzles, quizzes) and too little time. We'll try to tunnel a bit harder into having a base mechanic next time before trying to expand with our big heads haha

tysm! we were a bit short on time near the end so we're missing some polish on a lot of things, but we definitely tried hard! we'll try even harder next time :)

I'm not quite sure what the other movement option was, as I picked instant to start with, but boy did it feel good to move in this game. The music slaps as much as the gameplay, very fun and definitely worth being on top!

The little pig jump scared me lol

This game stands out! The idea is super nice, although I got stuck for a while trying to touch the walls haha
Definitely one of the most original ideas out there.

I like the fighting mechanic a lot! The game felt a bit too hard though, I tried 3 or 4 times but I never made it to the end haha

I'd play the polished version of this every day! The ascension portal somehow spawned very early for me, so I just won after 5 or 6 turns haha

I like the idea of introducing die to it though, very nice

Yeah I feel you, we had a bug with transitioning from scene 1 to 2 so we had to re-do the map design in the last 2 hours before submission lol

I'm just glad I could play the winning game submission before most people haha
This game is so good and complete that it makes me wonder if it was actually made in a week? Just the mechanics alone look like a good week of work! 

I think this game deserves to be on the top just for the music and aesthetic alone, the only problem is that we somehow leaped through the map at some point and got stuck outside of the level. The fights also seemed to drag a bit.

Love the music, the theme and the overall feel to it! 

Looks like we were not the only team that used celestial bodies! :)

The fights got a bit repetitive with time, but I like the concept. You might want to consider removing the shader that pixelates everything (if it is a shader), I think the game would look a bit better without it!


I was not so sure how to progress, after dancing with the woman I got stuck and the music kept overlapping with itself... Same bug than the guy under my comment. 

The game looks very promising though, I love dance games in general and it's definitely a sight for sore eyes!

hi! Message me on Discord: DarkMoves#7444

Call me Lighting McJeff.

Yo it says "Jeff sprites" but it never specified if we are allowed to make a 3D Jeff game, so, are we?

I accidentally broke it on the last bug fix :(
thx for the feedback! should be working now (in case you want to go for the high score of 5 deaths lol)

It is now. I challenge your James Corden to fight my Don Estelle lol

I'm fairly certain that you did not use 2D lights (as in the custom asset 2D lights) but rather sampled 3D lights and just changed the perspective. That would explain the shadows, the lag and some other interactions.
I feel like turning this project into a full 2D project would make it cool! You got yourself a cool project, it's up to you to make something polished out of it :)

To be honest, If you made a full game out of that and release it on the Play Store / App Store I'd buy it.
The music is fitting, the concept is really cool, it's simple, I like it a lot.
Thank you!

Ahahaha. I like it. sry James, pls no hate!! invite me to carpool karaoke ok thx

Oh no, not another corpse game... How unoriginal.
But wait! This one is actually good!

A lot of people went for the typical "losing is progress? ok. platformer with corpses." idea. What makes your game stand out from the crowd in my opinion is that it feels smooth, it is fast, the visuals and even the theme in general (the toast burns it's so cool) are amazing and it's addictive.

I wish I could have played more, but sadly, I got the same bug as the guy under me, the 4 toast jump was just impossible (or maybe I am just stupid).

Anyway, really cool!

Thanks for the constructive feedback. It's cool to see that some people find things I can improve on, so I am glad you pointed this out to me. Thanks man

Sorry for the long review ahah ^^''

Holy, this is the longest feedback I've written here in.. ever. ahaha


I have to admit, this is the first time I had to do this, but I ran a Cheat Engine program over your game to speed it up. Could not bear with the slow walking speed, but I absolutely wanted to play the game!
(For reference: The game was sped up to about 5-10x the normal speed)

Anyway, here's my "sped up" experience:

The engine caused the character freeze on each dialogue to be on a 4 second timer instead of being during the whole talk, which meant that I could walk around while still listening to the NPCs talking. That felt great, as I could go exploring while they were still talking to me. (Could be a feature?)

Being the friendly neighbor that I am, I wanted to assure that everyone was having a great time!

So naturally, as soon as I heard the sentence "do not go near my garden" I was fire and flame to destroy it to the last crop.
Obviously, after hearing the dwarf-like lumberjack saying "do not go near my house with that fire", it was almost magical how fast my character moved towards his house.
And of course, after hearing that I am not allowed in any way to pick up a mushroom for the soup, I felt the primordial urge to collect every mushroom on the map.

To my regret, the speed-up came back to bite, cutting off the final scene mid-animation (as the animation was sped up too), immediately restarting the game without letting me listen to the end :(
But I digress.


The music is perfectly fitting, the art is amazing (I'm a fan of poly), the character animation is... non existent? But I understand that it''s really hard if you have to do it on scratch, I struggled a lot myself too... The other animations (cam, cinematics, etc) were on point!
The dialogues and humor were on point, the whole story was pretty cool too, I'm amazed at how big the game is (the world and interactions) in the short time frame that you had. It is big but it is not TOO big to get bored of it (except on normal speed, which I will get to now).

The speed:

Guys. I love your game, but if I hadn't sped it up, I would have closed it before even reaching the second NPC. Please consider speeding your game up. Making someone walk from A to B also means that besides those dialogues, the player does nothing other than walking.

Yes, I know that you put a sprint key in, no, it did not help my case at all: Sprints are cool in games where the sprint is limited, but if your character is slow and you can sprint indefinitely, you're basically forcing the player to press SHIFT during the whole session for no reason.

If I need half a minute / a minute to walk to each NPC and I have to do that multiple times, I am not going to have a great time. The same counts for the dialogues: I love listening to them, but please do not freeze my character, I get anxious if I have to listen to a dialogue and "not play the game" while someone talks for a minute on every dialogue.

On a side note: The lumberjack sounded like a dwarf, but I liked it. I am however questioning the sexuality of the geologist, but I did understand from the game dialogues that he likes hard things.

tl;dr: Game is too slow, but it is hella fun! Thanks!

Thank you for the feedback :)
Sure, will do!

The first games I made when I started programming a few years ago all included a pill as a player character and a grey background, so your game scared me off at first.
I have to say that, given how simple it is, I still had a lot of fun. I don't know if it is because I tried finding bugs, or because of the simplicity, but I had fun!

I saw through your player script in the first few seconds, if you're ever wondering why you should not use this script at all, please look at this: https://gyazo.com/8cc1805b8f791341bbc32917667f4796

The music is chill, the level design is well done, all in all a good game :)

Hello! We're neighbours in terms of popularity so I thought that I'd say hi and check your game out ;)

Games like these show that keeping something simple can work and leaves more room for creativity. The puzzles are nice, the game is easy to understand but still challenging and has a nice learning curve. Great job!

Hello! We're neighbours in terms of popularity so I thought that I'd say hi and check your game out ;)

Games like these show that keeping something simple can work and leaves more room for creativity. The puzzles are nice, the game is easy to understand but still challenging and has a nice learning curve. Great job!

Yo Jonas!

My question for you is: Since you are going to make a youtube video out of this, and you posted that the video is coming up "soon", when do you usually start playing the games and getting content for your video, is it during the start of the rating period (monday / tuesday) or at the end / after the rating period?

I like the idea of the game, and it's fast paced, which is a + for me.
However, the gameplay feels a bit lack-luster. You basically play a platformer with obstacles that sometimes can not be avoided, and you always end in the same level where you have to collect 3 keys.

I think making every obstacle avoidable (except for the first one) and making this underground room a punishment rather than a must do would be a lot cooler.

I like the visuals, no music sadly :( But cool idea! I really like it!

I did not like the game that much, however, there are few cool things that I'd like to address:
The waves work pretty well, I don't know how you did them, but I'm impressed at how consistent they are.
The whole movement is really cool! If you'd play around with it a little bit more (and maaaaaybe cut off the whole "picking up garbage" thing and make it a stunt game) this could be one of my favorite games.
For my money, the things you could improve on the movement are the following:

Gravity: Right now, you programmed your fish to have movement turned off in the air, and on under water. Introducing gravity will be hard with this, but right now, when the fish is in the air, it is falling at a constant speed, which is very very slow (I'll come back to this) and feels unnatural. If you did something like adding gravity (which is then turned off or even better, faded from 1 to 0 when you go back to the water, it would be a lot more smooth!

Movement: Overall, the movement is cool, but it feels really slow. If you take a reference from flying fishes, they are a lot faster than this. But maybe adding something like a temporary sprint mechanic would make up for it.

Usually I don't give a lot of "improvement" feedback but your movement really struck me, I like it a lot! Thanks for the experience!

I like the idea, but sadly, the game design is broken...
If I stay in the left corner, maintain E, and just wait, I win the game.
Even on difficulty 100, monsters just run into you, you automatically pick them up (because you set your trigger on "When E is being pressed" instead of "When E is pressed" so it permanently triggers).

Even on difficulty 100, monsters teleport into you, you pick them up, jump, and deliver.

Tried the HTML5 version, it froze my browser about 6 times before I had to close it (on Firefox).
But anyway, I downloaded it.
There's a few things I'd like to address. This is a HARD game, just like Getting Over It and Jump King are HARD games.
The flair with these type of games is that the mechanics of the games are always pretty simple, and the game is pretty hard, so what makes up for it? It's the atmosphere, it's the music, it's the feeling of getting rewarded!
Here, there is no music, and the levels all kinda look the same. I can understand that you don't have time to design a whole world for each level, but at least some music would have been nice.
As for the game itself, you have to keep in mind that every player will play your game for about 5-10 minutes. I spent 4 minutes trying to fix my browser and another 4 passing the second and third level. With 8 levels your keep feels "complete", but only a few people will reach level 8.

Fun question: Have you ever played your game from level 1 to 8 without skipping levels? :D

I love the idea behind this game ! A reversed RPG!

I'm on the fence with the music, some parts I dislike, but then suddenly I am completely jamming to it :D
The slow pace of the game got mentioned previously, but I do agree that besides the narrative, some animations could be a bit faster (I really like x2 and x4 speed options in RPGs, maybe that's why).
I'm not a huge fan of the visuals, but I think this is more of a personal preference.

I'd love to play a fully fleshed out version of a game with a mechanic like yours, it's fascinating to say the least!

Thanks for the amazing feedback! I'm trying my best to put it out there, but I feel like I can't do much more without sounding too needy...
I will try to play a lot of games and give constructive feedback for sure :)
Thank you!

Update: I legit learned how to play your music ahaha
It's really clever, thank you for having me experience this :)

As a pianist, I took notes from the music you made. It's so simple, but it fits the game perfectly! Pretty chill :)

The puzzles are quite fun, I had a lot of fun trying to figure out how to do some of the levels.
The controls are... something else. I'm not sure if you need to change them, but adding something like an arrow above the car showing which direction it is facing right now would make it a bit easier. Maybe even better, 3 smaller arrows in front of the car, to show you which way you would drive when you press the corresponding key?

I wanted to play through all the levels but there were so many that I stopped when a third car appeared. I think I would've finished it if the arrow system I mentioned would've been there.

I'm a programmer so excuse the lacking skills in drawing, but something like this:

Anyway, the game seemed pretty simplistic at first, but I had a lot of fun playing it.
Thank you :)

I wouldn't say either to be fair with you, I think you did a pretty good job on them, but they are not up to par with how good the mechanics of the game are! :)