Thanks for the comment, I'll get right on these. I missed the setting for disabling the max on the number box, and I naively assumed all ports were 4 digits long...
Also, when you say "a mode where you rotate in ground view the same as not in ground view" I assume you want YZ (looking up and down) rotation to be locked, right? Looking up and down would look super strange if up was out of sight. And by "vertical looking" I assume you mean looking ana and kata, or what up and down look like in ground view? If so yeah I can add that.
I could add a separate mouse sensitivity option for focus mode, but I don't really see the point. You know you can change the mouse sensitivity with /mouse_sens right? I find it pretty easy to move my mouse slowly, but alright.
Lastly, how would you twirl/XW rotate with the new ground view mode?
As I'm publishing this message, I have most of these features done already. (I work fast)