ohhh I thought you meant the exact opposite
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Thanks for the comment, I'll get right on these. I missed the setting for disabling the max on the number box, and I naively assumed all ports were 4 digits long...
Also, when you say "a mode where you rotate in ground view the same as not in ground view" I assume you want YZ (looking up and down) rotation to be locked, right? Looking up and down would look super strange if up was out of sight. And by "vertical looking" I assume you mean looking ana and kata, or what up and down look like in ground view? If so yeah I can add that.
I could add a separate mouse sensitivity option for focus mode, but I don't really see the point. You know you can change the mouse sensitivity with /mouse_sens right? I find it pretty easy to move my mouse slowly, but alright.
Lastly, how would you twirl/XW rotate with the new ground view mode?
As I'm publishing this message, I have most of these features done already. (I work fast)
The vertical rotation is locked, and the 4D rotation is super weird (why zxc and snapping to certain rotations? just make XW and ZW controlled with the mouse when a mouse button is held). Also, upon closing the game using alt+f4, a process was still running in the background, setting my mouse's position continuously. I had to go into task manager and kill it.
I like the voxel art in this game. It seems that you were struggling with holonomy (when you rotate the camera and you accumulate unwanted roll). Here's a great guide on camera rotations in godot: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/3d/using_transforms.html
Also there's a bug where half the time I try to eat something, it doesn't work.
This game is just so silly and funny I love it so much. I loved swinging around from boat to boat spamming space and swinging my sword like a crazy pirate as "pirates of the carribean" blasts out of my speakers. And after the timer ends the fun doesn't stop, the timer just goes through negatives. Overall I had so much fun playing this game. Also, hello fellow godot dev!
The game is very pretty, but very confusing. Nothing is explained and it feels very janky, like how you can't (or atleast I could not figure out how) add food to a boat after removing it, and I feel very removed from what happens in the game. I send out a boat to fight another one, and then the cubes jump for a few minutes. Also not having actual panning was annoying since I need to move the camera fast. I didn't really understand what I was doing, (like what the point of flint is or how to get more wood) so I ended up just building a boat whenever I could and trying to get them to explore. And then 20 boats showed up and killed all my guys. I really do like the art though, it just needs more focus on gameplay and maybe a tutorial.
Also I find it funny that you answered "cookies eaten" seriously, and it wasn't zero :P
Edit: I decided to give the game another shot and I had a lot of fun! I really loved the feeling of finding and exploring a new island for resources. The game is very hard but I've never been good at these types of games. I enjoyed it though, 5/5!
I really like this one. The music is really good and I love the atmosphere. The use of the limitation was really creative but I was confused at first, I thought the fog was the walls and was confused why moving didn't move the character but the terrain morphed. This game could benefit from some turn to turn interpolation. Overall good game.
Yeah, that level kinda sucked. It felt so tedious to play because its kind of unintuitive how the rotation works (which is actually an axis swap not a rotation I believe) and the level is clearly 2 dimensional just displayed poorly. the whole time I was screaming "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SHOW ME THE WHOLE LEVEL AT ONCE"
Its alright but the platformer physics feel very off and the game is way too easy. I suggest making the jump less floaty and the run have some acceleration and not work as well in the air. And making it so there's a delay before the enemies shoot and making the health lower. I assume what happened was that you had 3 health or something, but the game was frustrating because the enemies immediately shoot so you gave the character more health. I suggest instead making the enemies have a delay before being allowed to shoot at the player. I like the twist of the theme though! Its also a bit too short, but then again my game only lasts 60 seconds so...
The jump is really difficult to use which makes the whole game difficult to play but not in a fun way. when you jump you have about half a second to get to where you need to go which makes it very frustrating to play. I suggest making the jump slightly floatier or making the platforms closer together. It really sucks because this game looks like a lot of fun and the other comments suggest that but I just couldn't stand that jump. Really cool and creative concept though, I love the idea!
WOW! this game is great, I love the unique art style and its really fun. The only complaint I have though is that the web build is a bit broken. On my 16:10 aspect ratio laptop screen the game was zoomed in to the point where I couldn't see the chips to build robots and I checked the how to play thing and was confused to find no button that pulls up a menu to build stuff. I did realize that is probably a web build error with it being too zoomed in. I put the game on my monitor (I don't use it by default because its uglier than a game boy screen) and sure enough, the game was playable! Great game, after I got it onto the monitor it was really fun.
Thanks for the feedback! The up and down arrows are used to say yes and no to the AI. if he starts waving his arms saying "hey, come look at this!" walk over to him, look at the closest battery to him, and if its poison press down and if its safe press up. you can also call him over and he'll look at the closest rotten apple. I thought the tutorial was clear enough but I guess I still need to work on that haha.