Concepts & Originally 5/5
From a creativity and originality perspective, 10/10, phenomenal! Wonderful use of poetry and interesting symbolism, a nice twist on a classic tale. I'm a big fan.
Flow & Clarity 2/5
The story seems to "tell" rather than "show" quite a bit, which I assume is partially due to trying to fit a relatively complex narrative in a 1000 word limit. Having the background details take the form of subtext rather than paragraphs of exposition probably would have helped a bit; with such a short format, you need to get into the story as quickly as possible. There are also a number of grammatical errors throughout, but those could be easily corrected with an additional editing pass. Apologies if this score seems a bit harsh, I'm still working out exactly how I'm scoring this category, so I may reevaluate this and bump it up to 3/5 later.
Adherence to Theme 5/5
I think the theme is handled very well, both within the story itself, and in the creative use of poetry and symbolism to write the story. Very well done.
If you want to discuss any of these comments/ratings, feel free to @ me in the OPR discord.