So I forget to mention about of couple of think.
To look around in freecam you have to hold RMB and that need to be change to something else like LMB becouse of the zoom in RMB.
I think there mast be a button for skipping scenes for people who click on scene by mistake in "cumrooms hub" ( If there is a button for it I don't know about it)
I understand that scene ends before cuming becouse dev didn't want to animated fluid but I hopes that will be change in the futur.
Once whene I hade scene I chose to have it on the map "fun" (level 338) and whene the scene started I was thinking that sometinkg broke becouse my screen was all black but while using freecam I learned that the scene happaned in black spot on map becouse of the broken light. I wouldn't fix that by making light always on while scene but by randomais place of scene and by giving flashlight whene doing scene. For some reason I like the idea of having flashlight in scene and watching the scene with it
I have sometims huge problem with seeing red ball on level 338 for the C.U.M. machine.
Bear trap on level 37 (Sublimity) is unfair but I love it.
I would love to be able to interact with co-workers pc to see intresting thinks on thet pc. To be able to see they pc you could be able to some how make them left they desk by for example spilling coffee on them or they could have they own schedule. They could have password on thers pc that you have to find out somehow. Maybe by doing some riski tasks for hacker that give you password for chosen pc, for another pc you need do more tasks.
I know my ideas maybe are stupid or somethink but I think the office need more thinks in it becouse for now it's just dead and heving more thinks to do is alwey good.