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A member registered Jul 20, 2022

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When you get your first promotion you will be able to buy wifi password by using "WiFi Passwords" page on your pc 

So I forget to mention about of couple of think. 

To look around in freecam you have to hold RMB and that need to be change to something else like LMB becouse of the zoom in RMB.

I think there mast be a button for skipping scenes for people who click on scene by mistake in "cumrooms hub" ( If there is a button for it I don't know about it)

I understand that scene ends before cuming becouse dev didn't want to animated fluid but I hopes that will be change in the futur.

Once whene I hade scene I chose to have it on the map "fun" (level 338) and whene the  scene  started I  was thinking  that sometinkg broke becouse my screen was all black but while using  freecam I learned  that the scene  happaned in  black spot on map becouse of the broken light. I wouldn't fix  that by making light always on while scene  but by randomais  place of scene and  by giving flashlight whene  doing scene.  For some reason I like the idea of  having flashlight  in scene and watching the scene with it

I have sometims huge  problem with seeing red  ball on level 338 for the C.U.M. machine.

Bear trap on level 37 (Sublimity) is unfair but I love it.

I would love to be able to interact with co-workers pc to see intresting thinks on thet pc. To be able to see they pc you could be able to some how make them left they desk by for example spilling coffee on them or they could have they  own schedule. They could have password on thers pc that you have to find out somehow. Maybe by doing some riski tasks for hacker that give you password for chosen pc, for another pc you need do more tasks.

I know my ideas maybe are stupid or somethink but I think  the office need more  thinks in it becouse for  now it's just dead  and heving more thinks to do is alwey good.

So I played this game and I  have  some  thinks  to  say  about  this  game. I know that ther is newer version of game but is for patron supporter only so I gonna talk about the free public version (0.7)

For first I want to say that this game is wery good I enjoy playing it and i want to play more of it. Models of girls are wery well-made animations and scenes are amasing. Maps are looking good too. Co- workers   anime  models  only  looks  out  of place for me. I love the idea of the pc and how it works 

Now I want to say thinks that I don't like or doesn't works for me/  in my game. For first the office floor is to big. Size of office floor
wouldn't be a problem if the last office room you unlock would be closer. The size of office floor could be reduce or our office room could be closer to the elevator but I have defrent idea. I think that adding a phon would be a greate idea. Phone wouldn't have all pc option  I would only give acces to "Liquid Corp.", "Noughty Nook" and "shady tools" rest I would left for pc. Maybe you could take photos with your phon. Girls could give you poses whene sprade with horny spray. Dead rising had system that rates your photos and iplementing this her could be good but why adding somtink like that I would add black market where I could sell those photos, better rated photos solde better or solde fotos to co-workes for tips or money. Mabe add some idle animation for girls or object that girls interact with for difrent poses that would make player came closer to them to make photo for specific contrak or better rating it would put risk in it becouse whene u get caught you lose all photo made in that run.

Okey next think. Game needs more "death" animations for exgample Kar jumps on your face with her ass crushing you. All girls have the same soud for spoting you I think that all of them should have they own sound or couple of sound. I belive that this game gonna have more girls and maps so I won't talk about that.

Think that didn't work for my game are challanges and boxes. After finishing a map game seid that i earned over 500 but i get less that 100 and it happened in every game 

Thinks that disappointed me. First think that disappointed me  was  the same reaction from co-workers  whene  i  gave  them  coffe. I wanted  to  bring  coffee  to  the  backrooms and give it to girls to see they reaction to  it,  I  couldn't take coffee with me there :c When I want  to  watch  scenes on "cumrooms hub"  I can't  chouse  a map I can  only  watch  it in bed room. Another think that disappointed  me  was  the  way  you  unlock  wifi  password  you  have to buy it I would  prefer  to  found it in office  floor.  Maybe  by  selling  photos of girls to  one  co-worker that  give  you password  to  wifi  to  unlock  u black market or after spilling coffee on your co-worker, making hem go to  the  bathroom  to wash and then you can check his pc or   just  checking diffrent pc in office.

Diffrent thinks I want to talk about. Propobly only I care about that but I have to say it I really didn't like whene i couldn't change size of Kar dick but that ok, I hated more whene I saw her ball clipping through her legs and her dick clipping throught her leg whene she "kill" me. Another time whene I saw clipping parts of body was whene 
kar gave blowjob, her boobs clipps throught player character legs. I know that peaple don't care about thinks like that but I care so I had to say it.

I know that what I want to say now is a bit stupid but I would love to see this game as big as game "escape the backrooms" or "backrooms: escape together" this game with bigger map with more complex puzzle with multiplayer would be awesome but girls must be more agresive or have some help with new enemis that would make your game harder. All of this is just a stupid wish a dream and I know that this game don't need to be that big but stil I would love multiplayer in it 

Now I want to sorry for my bad English I don't  know  how  many  mistaks I mad. I want to say sorry for how bad this commnet is written but I have never  before  write somethink like that 

I love this game I want to see more I wish the best for the dev team or a person who made it (I don't know how many people are working on it) and the best for the game. I would love to support this game but I need support myself firs. I should say more about good thinks in this game by my mine is fokus on being annoyed by clipping balls throuth legs