First of all, incredibly polished game. I cannot fathom how you managed to make something so good in a month (Didn't finish it because I wanted to write a review, but I am probably going to after I post this).
It was incredibly fun to experiment with all the possible combos and controls, and they are quite easy to get the hang of! The spinwheel of the mouse is a quite underutilized key when it comes to gameplay, I'm happy you included it here so gracefully!
The controls feel good and responsive, and the fights feel fast and frenetic, you need to always think about your next move.
Every thing you do has some great feedback: spinning the disc, getting damaged, damaging the boss, everything has those graphic effects or comic-like panels that make the game all that more enjoyable.
I love the overall vibe and style of the game! The art is fantastic and very cute, and the sound design is also great and synergizes perfectly with everything that is happening on screen.
Great game! I would see this as a full release, heck, I feel like it already could be one! Amazing job!!!