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Looped and Loaded's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Vinyl disc spinning to attack and perform combo abilities
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes, we created everything aside from the 3D model animations.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
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First of all, incredibly polished game. I cannot fathom how you managed to make something so good in a month (Didn't finish it because I wanted to write a review, but I am probably going to after I post this).
It was incredibly fun to experiment with all the possible combos and controls, and they are quite easy to get the hang of! The spinwheel of the mouse is a quite underutilized key when it comes to gameplay, I'm happy you included it here so gracefully!
The controls feel good and responsive, and the fights feel fast and frenetic, you need to always think about your next move.
Every thing you do has some great feedback: spinning the disc, getting damaged, damaging the boss, everything has those graphic effects or comic-like panels that make the game all that more enjoyable.
I love the overall vibe and style of the game! The art is fantastic and very cute, and the sound design is also great and synergizes perfectly with everything that is happening on screen.
Great game! I would see this as a full release, heck, I feel like it already could be one! Amazing job!!!
Very good looking game!
The performance is quite bad, thankfully you can set the quality to be lower which makes it playable but alot less appeling than the high quality which looks absoloutely amazing! The vfx look amazing either way,
The telegraphing is well done , every attack feels fair to the player.
The controls were a little bit confusing at the beggining but when i got the hang of things the combo system felt nice, I am still not sure as to how it works fully but button mashing did the trick (I really suck at thease combo type games :p)
The controls feel very nice and the dialogues are a nice touch!
Amazing job, the game feels ready to be put on steam!
interesting premise, liked the art and graphics, it has a lot of potential!
This is a very appealing artstyle, it was the first thing that grabbed my attention. The gameplay is solid too, making something like this in a month takes some doing. Nice job!
I like the artstyle a lot, the gameplay feels solid and fun, I feel from the art style a link with Jet Set Radio but its all differe,t also I really like the music and the way everything works in the game, you really have a solid product, I hope you can continue working on this after the jam. I rate graphics, control, fun and music the most, but all is great really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
Super fun game! The combo system is really satisfying, and the music gives it a great vibe,
A few small tweaks could make it even better, but overall, amazing job!
P.S.: If you have a moment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my game too!
Really liked the game, its vibe was cool, loved the unique combat mechanics and combos you could do by breakdancing,the UI design and the looks of it was pretty cool and also that there was a fully fletched settings integreted. great job!
YOU GUYS DID AN AMAZING JOB! i really had fun with the game! and the music is really cool! the vibe reminds me with ps2 games idk why lol! the game feels very polished and the combo idea is really cool!
there were some bugs in the game and there is an op move that make beating bosses 10x easier which is the twirl spin move i think you do it with down down up up or something and it does a very powerful spin!
also the characters images in the cutscene look good but they feel off! like maybe the images width is maybe wrong!
and the animations in the menu looks funny when they finish an animation then reset instead of doing a loop
overall very good game! AND I WANT A FULL VERSION PLEASE!
Liked playing it! The artstyle and how cohesive everything is in the visual side is the best part for me. In gameplay, I like the mechanic and the rythm approach, but I think the enemies are a bit too difficult to dodge while keeping the rythm. I would give more anticipation time to melee attacks, and slow down ranged attacks. I also like the SFX and soundtrack. Sets you in the mood immediately and complements well the rest of the package.
Said that, I think this has potential and I hope to see further versions of the project!
I really love the artstyle, I'll always love thick outlines and the characters profiles are cute! The gameplay is really creative, I loved spinning the disc to make combos! It has so much potential, I would love a full game, not necessarily a boss rush though, some levels with minions would be nice! I think that focusing more on a melee gameplay than projectiles would be great too!
We were super surprised with the polish of this game, you can tell they are a team of people who know what they are doing haha. Really an amazing game, I congratulate you and I hope you keep making experiences like this 🌻❤
Really polished game!
Its really difficult setting, but it has potential.
I feel like the game will be much more cool, if combos will accept a key, only pressed synchronized with the beat, otherwise, combo will fail.
It would be also really cool if the bosses will let the player be closer and "dance" around, with cancelling animation. Right now, almost all abilities force the player to stay away.
But over all the game is really fun and I like that.
Honestly I love what you’ve done, well done! It looks great and the idea of fighting with music combos is a great addition!
Love this game! Feels really polished to me, and the art and sounds are awesome! had to get used to it for a second but once I did it got better!
(PS: If you're willing to I'd love it if you could rate and give me some feedback on my game! I'd really love to see where I can improve for the future!)
I absolutely love this aesthetic. Not to take away from your actual gameplay, but your UI is impeccable. It does more than just convey information, it matches the energy of the game perfectly. Your game makes me miss my Dreamcast.
really cool take on the game jam theme! i had a lot of fun trying this out and wish there was more to explore and discover! hope you plan to keep expanding on this project great work!
it was really fun, I liked it, if you want, you can rate me back
Really great art style!! One of the best in this Jam!! I liked a lot the music, SFX and animations too!
i had a little of a step curve to get used to the game but I liked it!!
Great submission!! top10 for sure IMO!!
Love the artstyle of this one, it's probably the best art in the whole jam. The music is amazing, it fits the vibes the game is going for and it has that DJ feel. The UI is easy to read, doesn't take up much space in the screen, the 3D art is really cool and the 2D art is awesome, love the combat based around the beats and making moves, sadly my up arrow key doesn't work and I had to work with the mouse wheel, which isn't as precise as the arrow keys should be, but I also like that you can unlock attacks and to perform those attacks you need to make some moves in that order, that's really cool.
Gotta say it, pretty underrated gem.
Not having webgl probably held this one back quite a bit.