Congrats on completing the jam! My best rank was #49!
This was really impressive for only a few days of work. Very simple and intuitive and makes you want to try again. I think you landed the arcade aesthetic well. I like that you added settings/accessibility - it's a little hard on the eyes for me to see where the characters are being flung from. Turning off the scrolling background and effects helped.
Music is a banger. SFX are good too.
I would've liked to be able to see how much health/misses I could make. I thought it was that if you get three strikes you're out but when I hit that number it didn't end. I would've also liked if the combo continued to stack until a miss happened. Because we can't necessarily control the kill speed of the enemies having it time based meant that my combo often disappeared while I was waiting for an enemy to spawn.
I think it also would've been nice to see the game start maybe a little slower. When the slow down happened I could see the enemies more clearly and the art looked nice. But by default they're zooming so I don't really see them just colors.
Another thing that would've been nice is for the upper bound of the throw arc to stay visible on the screen. Or if the enemies when they hit the top they bounce. I had to guess where they would be in their arc and take the cursor off screen.
One thing I thought was really good was the slimes. Them coming in and spawning two on hit was a nice addition and it made things more hectic and broke up the pattern. Nice variability. Same for enemies being thrown up from the bottom every now and then. More enemy variability OR enemy appearance patterns may be fun to play with. For example enemies appearing in a straight line, diagonal, one after each other, etc. Could time it to the music.
Great job!