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Atemly Games

A member registered Dec 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Rock paper scissors is the main inspiration for the gameplay and the look was based off Balatro :)

Thanks for playing! I will accept your apology 😔

Thanks for playing! Yes you're supposed to be able to reorganize cards but there were too many bugs with positioning to enable for the jam. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing and the detailed feedback!

Thanks for playing! And yes for the tutorial I plan to use the default modifier! Alas... time...

Thanks for playing~ And reading the GDD 😭 I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for playing!

For skill keybinds other than 123 I think utilizing the right hand would be a good idea. I think some people suggested jkl ? If you can I would look into allowing the player to rebind keys since some people might prefer zxc with the arrow keys for movement.

Congrats on finishing the jam! I played through both routes :)

I think that the game is really well done for a game jam and I think it's a concept worth exploring more!

I think the story might be more impactful with more lore to make the player question the situation. For example giving some background on the situation that required peace talks. What is the player's relationship to the situation if any? Could we show the Commander being correct early on and so you may think to not doubt them later? Is there a way to have the player's critical thinking skills come into play? Where the player is fed pieces of information that may or may not be biased and they need to determine what is right? Essentially - can we trick the player to being in the character's shoes?

Otherwise the art was pretty solid and the audio was good. There was a bug where the player kept walking even when I was standing still so the footsteps kept being triggered. The radio also took a very long time to start playing audio when switching between channels - I thought it was broken.

Nice hidden room with the definitely not a body. I hope that wasn't our dear friend - gives some questions on our own character.

The endings felt a little lacklustre. I expected to see the planet blow up, or us blow up because we didn't choose the right option. Instead I didn't even realize the game had ended. 

Otherwise great job! This is a good base for expanding the concept!

Congrats on completing the jam! I got as far as the spiral level - not sure which one it is.

I think the art and music match well and gave off a good old-school vibe. I liked how you built very different levels out of a few basic mechanics. 

Some comments:

  • Font choice was difficult to read
  • It was hard to see the holes the arrows were coming out of. Perhaps it needs like a grey border around the holes seen in other games.
  • The spiral level is not difficult in terms of understanding what to do, but the timing for getting through the explosions is way too tight. I would often get to the last one and then blow up. 
  • I also found that the arrows/explosions were a little too sensitive. Sometimes i would not be touching them and blow up on the tile beside them. 
  • It may help to have a SFX for ticking down when you hit about 5 - 10 seconds left to encourage the player to hurry up

Great job!

Congrats on completing the jam! I didn't manage to get too far but I may just not be cut out for this kinda game.

I think you used the assets really well to make a game that flt cohesive. The music worked well with the "revenge" setting of the story (Cotton-tail :( ) and the usage of planes. 

Some comments:

  • I thought that "armored" target were the card on the road but it turns out it's actually tanks. So that was a little surprising. 
  • I feel like the hit boxes for the balloons is a little small. There's a few times where I aimed for the balloon but was a little short and hit the basket instead and then died. Would be nice if it felt a little bit more fair
  • Every time i started a level I zoomed out as far as possible. I felt like by default we are too zoomed in to see where to go.
  • It would be nice if the damage indicator for the planes and other multi-hit items was more obvious - I was confused why they didn't explode with a single hit and if I hit them at all.
  • I think that if gamepad is the default then the UI should also be able to be navigable with the gamepad.
  • It would also be nice if the regular ammo shooting distance was a little longer. I felt like i would shoot, somehow miss and then immediately die because i ran into them.
  • Since the player can't really move the plane horizontally on screen I think it would be nice if the plane was positioned near the left instead of center. It gives more opportunity for the player to plan their next move and also not suddenly run into enemies or obstacles.
  • Once I knew about how to control the plane it felt good. The stall mechanic is a nice touch.

Great job!

Congrats on finishing  the jam! I got as far as becoming a Jump Master - unfortunately I was not the chosen one.

I think this is a really smart and simple game. I really liked the puzzle mechanics and collecting the canon balls to help solve the rooms. Even if you knew how to solve a room too it required some good reflexes which was nice. 

The art was simple but really communicated what was going on well. And the music was very arcade-y.

I liked being able to chain the canon ball around to move around the levels. The flappy bird level was fun :) The interactive tutorial at the beginning was really well done.

I think a place for improvement is in the controls. I was using the gamepad and using the joystick and a lot of the time when I was using it to jump around facing into the diagonals, I would release the shoot button and at the last moment the joystick would flip direction and instead of moving diagonally I would move horizontally or vertically. This is why I could not clear Jump Master. Would be nice if on fire it kept the direction when it was clicked? Or maybe I was just doing something wrong? 

Otherwise it was very well designed! Great job!

Congrats on completing the jam! This is definitely not a game for me but some feedback:

  • I am very thankful for the alternate background the default made me want to throw up almost immediately. Perhaps in a way this was successful for making the game disgusting?
  • I do not know anything about Isaac but apparently it gives big vibes.
  • I didn't really know what the different upgrades were and what they meant. I didn't understand why I could or couldn't reach other upgrades.
  • Movement around the level felt speedy and I certainly felt like i was in a ball. Why I was in a ball - not sure. Honestly I expected to play as a maggot.
  • The teeth do damage but they don't really show when you get injured - a couple times I was injured or died without immediately knowing why.
  • I'm not sure what the F key does but it's awkward on the keyboard when I need to be focusing on moving with WASD.
  • Killing the enemies is satisfying.
  • I'm not really sure what the goal is. I just went through rooms and got to soup. IDK if I was supposed to be looking for something? The game over screen mentioned maggots

I think if you wanted to polish this more I would suggest focusing on UI/UX so that skills and abilities are clear, controls work well and are comfortable, better feedback on damage taken/given and just general things that would be considered "QOL".

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! This is a nice short game. Definitely arcade-y in terms of art, music and design. Great job! I got a score of 018900.

I think there's a few areas of improvement:

  • It would be nice if the tutorial was a series of different rooms with different simple situations to show off the mechanics. Having the tutorial room be a one-off of the main stage was probably for timeline constraints, but it made it difficult to really understand the different mechanics.
  • I found that I did not really need the detach mechanic. What I just did was posses a character, move them beside another one and then possess that one. It made clearing the stages easy.
  • Similarly I didn't feel the need to go after cherries.
  • I liked the guy that falls down. I missed him once!
  • I wish that gamepad mode triggered when you used it instead of toggling for a button. I also wish toggling the button was displayed on the main screen instead of in the settings. I am old: zxc is not intuitive. I thought I had to pressed enter/space on the keyboard but it was z to get to the settings.
  • A couple of times I went to launch into one of the guys and somehow missed when I thought I should have hit him. Maybe it's me but maybe it needs to be tweaked?

I ran into some bugs:

  • In the tutorial I had one guy left and I launched myself into a cherry. The guy died and I think I got the cherry and the game asked me to choose a victim instead of returning to the main menu. This is a softlock.
  • When playing the main game I had one victim left. I launched off of him and hit a wall and died. It them asked me to choose a victim and soft locked me. Might be the same bug.

Otherwise great job! Really successful at implementing their vision!

Congrats on completing the jam! I unfortunately was not able to defeat the boss but we did get him down to about 25% HP. 

Great job on the art and music. The battle arena was pretty and the battle music was a banger. I thought our little world eater was very cute and it definitely looked like they stomach ache. I also liked the design of the boss. He was menacing but also kinda cute.

As for the gameplay I think the spitting mechanic is very unique I wonder if we could incorporate Kirby/Yoshi into it a little more? Like eating what we've just spat out? Or moving something to a second "stomach" as a "hold item" similar to Tetris. The idea being that it may be beneficial to hold onto a stun for when you only have grass to spit up, or to quickly get to a spire for damage. I did like how each item had a different "cool down" for spitting it up.

As for the movement itself:

  • I found the movement of our world eater to be very slow and clunky
  • The dodge mechanic is also clunky - I didn't like the penalty after using it although the time restriction was good. I've been playing a lot of Dark Souls recently so it was really punishing when I would be adjusting the character.
  • It also seemed like when I dodged and the enemy was doing a move he would adjust his hit based on where I moved to. This made it hard to even dodge.
  • I would've like to have a sprint or dash for how slow the player moves. This would also help with when you have a long ranged attack or a close range attack one after each other in the spit queue. Can use it as a gap closer/distance maker.
  • The jump is cute but really didn't do much. I used it to move slightly faster when I couldn't use the dodge.

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! This was a fun little game. I went with an attack-only build.

I liked the music - it was very fitting and the art for the enemies and player/etc was pretty solid. 

Some feedback:

  • The art in the battle has two different pixel resolutions with the characters and the grass blobs. Would recommend they be the same. It'll also add a level of polish if the UI is similar resolution.
  • I think that for the stats and skills you really need tool tips to help explain what everything is used for. Some things like attack, defence, speed, are pretty obvious but constitution not so much. 
  • To get people to assign points to other categories they need to feel like it would benefit them. So for example when you are levelling up in Dark Souls/Souls-likes you assign points according to your build you are playing and where you feel you are lacking. In DS you may find that you run out of mana when that's how you attack so you would assign a point there. However you may start to feel squishy so you would assign to health. etc.
  • Not assigning points at the end of a turn should be an option - you may not feel a squeeze with the fight you just did but you may after the next. 
  • Bulbapedia has algorithms for the Pokemon battle system if you are interested in following more "Pokemon-like" stats and abilities you can look there. Otherwise I would recommend following Paper Mario (Thousand Year Door) Style where each point has a noticeable effect because it uses a smaller point scale.
  • Because you are using turn order and turn order manipulation I would recommend looking into the Break System in Octopath Traveller
  • The cutscene at the beginning was cute and easy to understand however I felt it went by a little too fast - maybe slow it down or allow the player to advance it themselves
  • If you add more character classes I think that having them have preset balances for the attributes and attributes that they work well for is key
  • Enemy engagements need to be balanced in such a way that strength-based stat distribution is discouraged. I.e. might makes right is wrong
  • Each enemy needs a gimmick of some sort (ex sweeper, healer, tank, etc.) that encourages different strategies of engagement. Would recommend looking into the Pokemon PVP scene because they have these terminologies and strategies well documented. For other examples you could look at Undertale and how the Pacifist route has different patterns and strategies for interacting with each enemy.
  • I didn't feel like "defend" option was a good use of a turn - not sure if it lasts a few turns or would be better suited for telegraphing a strong attack and readying it
  • Don't know how I feel about losing a turn to using an item - it might be ok but since I don't a party a heal item will get used and then after an attack it's a net zero experience.

Great job!

Congrats on completing the jam! 

I think that this game could have a lot of potential and I liked the idea of possessing the weapons. The music was fitting for what you wanted it to be.

Some feedback:

  • On the second? level you have "hotel" written on a sign - or at least I think you do because the other two characters are "teru" in katakana - but the "ho" is written wrong so it's a little confusing. 
  • It would've been nice if the enemies didn't immediately charge at you when the level started
  • I found that I just needed to get the body in a safe place and then I could execute whatever plan I needed to progress. I feel like it would've been better if we had some stealth component and a range for the possession. That way you can't possess whatever in the level you have to be near by (i.e. move the body) but frantic possession to survive would only happen if you messed up your body position when possessing. 
  • I found that I didn't need to posses anything other than the samurai excluding when I found a bug. 
  • If I possessed a samurai and pressed e I would only get one swing - not sure if intended
  • Soul points weren't really a consideration when I was playing - maybe if the levels were more puzzle like I would need to be careful about them.
  • I would recommend looking into the Twilight of Edo level in Live a Live for a stealth/attack puzzle dungeon. You raid a castle and can choose to kill everyone or go in completely stealth, etc. Might be a good inspiration for why you may want to posses or kill enemies/items.

Otherwise great job!

Congrats on completing the jam! 

I think that the gun slinging aspect of the game has a lot of potential. I liked that you couldn't use the same style trick every single time to get points and had to mix it up. 

Areas of improvement:

  • I really didn't like the reload mechanic. I wanted to spend more time trying to chain style but I was thinking more about my bullet count and the gun than that aspect of the game. Would prefer automatic reloads but you have a cool down for firing.
  • The zombies would spawn directly behind the player without them knowing which led to a lot of damage/death
  • There was no feedback for if I shot an enemy and I didn't know how many bullets were needed. I directly shot at some of them and nothing happened and I died - not enjoyable.
  • You could implement a combo system with more visual interest so that the player feels like they are "on a roll"
  • I ran out of bullets a few times and had no way to get them back - feels unfair
  • You aren't able to jump over boxes or dodge zombies so you can end up in a situation where you are stuck, cannot shoot, and out of bullets and therefore dead - would've liked to be able to use the environment more

You should really list out all of the assets used in the development of this in the credits. In particular I wanted to know where the audio for the player came from because I'm pretty sure she was saying "Mitsubishi" a lot and was confused because I know Japanese so I wanted to know if that was actually what she was saying because it is strange.

Congrats on completing the jam! This is a fun little game!

The art was clear on the enemies, bullets and different machines you could use. I think that the pixel art could be improved by avoiding pillow shading on most of the assets. The music was good and I liked the different BGM per run. Themeing we nice ;) I liked the could, bit and byte jokes.

Unfortunately I don't quite get the pickle rick joke. I am old.

Other areas that could be improved:

  • The alt key being used for the tank is awkward with the wasd controls. One hand is on the mouse and the other is on WASD. Alt cannot be pressed without moving the hand strangely and giving up the S key. Would recommend moving to the CTRL key instead.
  • It was hard to find the Pickles and my time as a robot came to an end before I could find them. Would be nice to have an indicator off screen for pickles when in robot mode and robots when not in robot mode.
  • It would be nice if being in the tank healed you. Right now when you lose health you can't regain it.
  • Robots fire the bullets but as you approach them you tend to get shot so it's quite dangerous to do so. Would be nice if if you were in range they would stop shooting.
  • Pickles themselves as enemies don't actually do anything - could just wait them out. Maybe they should do pulsating ring blasts every once and a while so you don't want them to have a bunch spawned? 
  • I think the spawn speed for the pickles could be increased

Otherwise great job!

Congrats on completing the jam! I beat all of the levels!

This is a nice short and sweet game! I can see how replayability and trying to get a faster time would be nice. I think that you could encourage the time trial and getting better times, by ranking the player's time out three stars and/or also considering leaderboards. 

In terms of feedback for how polished the game was - I think it could be improved in the following ways:

  • Audio - Needs BGM and SFX
  • The gamepad didn't work with the menus - fully supporting all your inputs is important
  • Additional animations for when you get hit would be nice for feedback - sometimes I died without knowing that I was hit
  • The level design needs to be improved. I know that the game is simple but the level design leads to general game feel which leads to overall polish.

To be clear, for the sake of this feedback - polish is more about how well the game is put together, how cohesive it is and how well your design intention is communicated and actually experienced by the player.

For the level design in particular:

  • Because enemies are the goal to kill having them lined up in a way that leads to navigating the level in a roughly obvious way is important (think sonic/mario rings/coins)
  • The levels are too large and I spent quite a bit of time wandering around to find the enemies or backtracking
  • There are no movement mechanics for quickly going up/down a hill/cliff and no way to jump/dash over water so time is wasted trying to find where to go up/down or get across. Would be nice to have that movement option
  • Levels should also be designed to allow for multiple different approaches. For example, you could kill all the enemies on the first floor before killing on the second. Or kill on the way up to the second, kill the second floor, then drop down and finish off the first floor. It gives people ways to optimize their route.

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! I managed to get to level 2, but then died because the ground was deleted :(

I think that movement-wise there is potential with the enemy spawning and the platform positions. It would be nice if there wasn't the possibility of falling off the map until maybe later levels. I think the starter levels should be more boxed in as you learn the movement mechanics.

I would've really liked more audio cues in regards to the enemies. Shooting is one of them but often an enemy will spawn behind you and you will not know that it is there and that it is shooting at you and then you will die which is unfair.

I also wish that there was significantly more ammo and less exp needed to level up. It is awkward to jump around and shoot and aim if one of my WASD fingers is being used to scramble and find Q (of which I hit tab). I found myself reloading more than engaging with the environment and the enemies. You also need to kill A LOT of enemies to progress at all, and the enemy hit box seems to be very small so even though I felt like I should've hit the enemy I did not.

I had to stop playing because the game was causing my wrist to flare up - maybe consider gamepad support for the future to help with this.

I think there's potential, but it needs some more refinement. Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! I got as far as the boss room although I did not defeat the boss.

I feel like the art style for the game was successful as according to the GDD and was nice and clean. The music is really nice when it plays. It would've been nice if there were also SFXs. 

I think there's a lot of potential but I feel like the game is not sure on whether to be a puzzle game or fighting game. So for example, most of the game is about puzzle solving, but the boss battle doesn't require any of this. I don't think there is a problem with having a boss, but I do think that the boss engagement should be reconsidered to be more of a puzzle. I would recommend checking out the boss Bardam from Bardam's Mettle (dungeon) from FF14 as it is a non-combat boss about solving puzzles and dodging (i.e. moving). As it is now I honestly found the boss engagement boring (sorry).

I didn't enjoy the enemies and the turrets. I think using the turrets to destroy walls is cool, but it's rendered moot by the bomb skill. Using turrets to destroy enemies is alright, but it's almost impossible to get the enemies to line up for this and not get hit. I'm not sure if it's an issue with having enemies, turrets or just mixing them together as they are.

I would've liked to see more puzzles and less trying to not die via enemy. I'm not a fan of the 123 for the skills. Because dash was infinite and any press would cancel I was trying to treat dash as a toggle but that didn't work. Sometimes I would accidentally trigger two skills at once - maybe don't allow that. The bomb skill takes too long to go off and you can die while waiting for the animation - I would recommend iframes when it is triggered.

The idea of limited stamina/ability uses was cool. It would be nice if after you clear a room or solve a puzzle that the room stays in the same state. That way backtracking can be sped up. I also think rooms could be a little smaller and doors/interactable elements could have a UI E popup or something similar.

Otherwise great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! I had a lot of fun playing and almost got to the end of level 1!

I think I should preface this comment by saying that I do not like rage games and especially not Jump King or Getting Over It.  Even though both games are "fair" I have some difficulties enjoying them. For Getting Over It the control scheme causes my tendonitis to flare and I don't have the control that the game desires so it's usually a bad time. For Jump King, although the jumps are fair you can't really visualize or cancel so it can lead to frustration. I feel like this implementation got rid of both of those issues.

It felt very fair and I liked that you could preview how your throw would affect the axe. The axe felt like it had weight. I liked that depending on where you threw from the handle it would affect the spin of the axe. Music was good and I didn't feel an ounce of rage :)

Some areas of improvement:

  • The lamps are not in the same pixel resolution (please)
  • Sometimes I thought the axe should've landed when it didn't - maybe it needs a tweaking?
  • It would be nice if we could see the percentage climbed to know how close we are to the top
  • I think the pixel in the middle of the axe should be removed if possible - it made me think that I could only throw by clicking on the middle

Some additional ideas:

  • If you would like to have this work for streamers more, I would recommend integrating with twitch or youtube chat APIs and spawn messages similar to the crow mechanic from Jump King mods
  • As long as the game and gimmicks in additional levels maintain the same sort of fairness found in the first one then people are more likely to stick with the game than backing out
  • I feel like in the beginning the level design should be very strict with the type of navigation the player needs to get around. For example the first section of Jump King is designed to teach the player about the gaps and the length of the jump to clear them. Something similar with using terrain types to bounce, or spinning the axe in a certain way would be good for a first/tutorial level.

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! I played through winning once and losing once :)

Good job on the art and the background sticky notes. git push --force is my favourite git command. I got a good laugh about the background stickies. The gameplay stickies also had good designs to represent what they stood for. Interesting way on implementing debate battles. I really liked how you used common verbal attack strategies for arguments and pitfalls as skills. I also liked some of the chat names were references to other people. I didn't get all of them but a few :) 

I think it would be cool if some skills were about smiling, or scoffing or reacting to the opponent. And also if the entertainment aspect of the game was played up. So that chat could "reward" with healing or damage to the opponent. Something like a dot or bonus damage. Chat is there to tell you how you are doing but the health/numbers are also there so they aren't really needed. 

Some feedback on chat to make it ✨ more authentic ✨ 

  • If chat is zooming, people tend to use emojis and spamming emojis roughly 3-5 of them to represent their feeling. More emojis = stronger feeling
  • You actually generally don't know how many people are watching until the stream has started. Instead of an offline screen at the beginning it would be better to have starting soon screen
  • 1000 subs is not a lot - it is but also not. It's about $2USD per sub. Maybe a higher goal ;)
  • Maybe have the screen look like OBS instead of what the stream would actually look like
  • Include actual viewer count - the more interesting the stream the more people and bigger damage/risk/healing and so you can try to make entertainment big but have more risk or lesser and have less risk
  • When does the ad break hit during the debate? Does it cause interest to wane? Do viewers come back in 3 minutes? Do they get hit with unskippable ads?
  • Could subs/donations/follows play a part during the debate? What about channel point redeems or challenges? Could these be mechanics like a limit break?
  • Could have on screen redeems and animations be "triggered" when doing big damage.

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! I managed to get to wave 6 or so. 

Really addictive game - I had a lot of fun with it! The music was nice and the SFX added to the frenzy of being shot at. Art was clear and easy to understand. The music slowing down during upgrade period and speeding up again during play was a nice touch.

Some areas of improvement:

  • I didn't really understand what each upgrade would do for me - would be nice if when you hovered there was a description
  • The starting screen explained the metal resource ticking down during gameplay but I didn't understand why the DNA would tick down
  • I could not do a single upgrade after the first wave - would be nice if it was guaranteed. It feels like a wasted upgrade period.
  • Getting DNA was very difficult because it seemed to always disappear for no reason. The best strategy I found for this was to leave all the bodies on the floor and sweep them up just before the wave ended
  • It was hard to tell but I don't think the Red/Blue soldiers give more DNA when killed - given the amount of damage they do it would be nice
  • I wish I could run over enemies
  • Enemies would spawn and start shooting off screen or spawn behind you, would be nice if it was always at the edge of the screen and you had a second or so to see them before they start shooting. If this change is made they should probably be invincible until they shoot.

Drones are cool. Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! Nice play on You Are the Weapon - it was fun and different. 

I liked the portrait art of the characters and the dialogue was good too! It made me laugh a few times :)

I think that it would've been nicer if their personalities were a little more toned down during the first day for Oliver and Robin. They quickly put themselves as options that I didn't want to pick. So day one and day two were easy choices. On day two I couldn't find Robin at all - maybe I was unlucky but it would've been nice to see each contestant's day from start to finish instead of randomly clicking locations. 

The twist at the end with Curt and Kate was interesting and the foreshadowing with the potions and the crow was good as well. 

I think that choosing Kate is kinda the default because everyone else has some sort of quirk that makes them instantly written off. Maybe if you wanted there to be a little bit more deliberation about choices the characters could have a negative trait in regards to ruling BUT it's there for a reason. For example with Kate it could be that she is more violent than the other candidates (to a slightly excessive amount where you may not want to select her) BUT if you ask why she says it's because no one else will protect (or something like that). As caricatures they worked well :)

Otherwise it was good little story! Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! For anyone else trying to access the GDD - you will need to do so from the game page the link on the rating page is not publicly accessible. Personal best is 430KB

I really like the visual theme of the game and especially the face on DVD. It would be nice if the CRT shader could be turned off as it's difficult to look at the screen full screen with it running.

The game is a little difficult to play. If a file spawns and you hit it, one or more may spawn immediately after in the direction the DVD is going. When you hit them it basically an instant loss. It would be more forgiving if we had some iframes or they didn't spawn in the direction we were going. Also, it's easier to avoid the files by placing a tab right where it spawns - not sure if intended.

I feel like the health drops too quickly when bouncing around. I didn't really have time to react to the placement of the virus and how to get there with making the DVD bounce in time. I actually found it easier to hit the virsuses when they were moving since I didn't need to place tabs anywhere except where the files were.

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! I really enjoyed this - there wasn't really a dull a moment between managing your little guys and keeping the waves of enemies off. +1 for moustache

I think the art was well done. It was simple enough to get the point across without clogging the screen with a lot of noise given you need to resource manage your Busters. Music was fun. Maybe it would be nice to have some additional SFX.

One bug I found was that the music would only repeat the first 10 seconds. A refresh solved the problem.

It would've been nice to be able to move the buildings after they were placed and it would've been nice if the Busters had a stronger pull towards the enemies. When they start overflowing it was nice that they would push themselves into other buildings maybe focusing on that for automation and placing of buildings would be good. I wish that when you clicked on the buildings that it would take from the larger overflow areas instead of necessarily the closest. 

Another thing that might help is "parking lots" for Busters ready to fire to go. You could have them auto load into the guns which might give a little bit of breathing room to construct your village.

Great job!

Congrats on completing the jam! I managed to complete the tutorial and the main game.

I really liked the movement. I felt the speed at which you moved through the world was good. And when the jumping/parkour worked/combo lined up with the movement well it felt good. I think that if you spent some time refining the platforming movement it would feel really good (ex. Coyote Time, Collisions, Fall Height, Invincibility Frames, etc.) I also think the distance the camera was from the player was good.

I think the music was appropriate for the setting and the story in the game - it was a little scifi sounding and empty/melancholic. Would've been nice to have some other SFX.

I'm not sure if the 3D as pixel art really came across successfully - partially because of texture and how shadows are rendered. Would recommend looking into "A Short Hike"'s rendering could help with inspiration for achieving the 3D pixel art look. I believe they did break downs somewhere on the internet.

Otherwise ran into a couple bugs:

  • When doing wall jumps you can fail and fall and instead of getting another shot at the wall jump you get a game over. The fall damage limit is a bit too short or should not apply to this situation
  • Down key in the tutorial doesn't roll (for WASD) but shift does
  • When performing a wall jump I got stuck in collision and ended up soft locked and had to restart

Great job!

Congrats on completing the jam! My best rank was #49!

This was really impressive for only a few days of work. Very simple and intuitive and makes you want to try again. I think you landed the arcade aesthetic well. I like that you added settings/accessibility - it's a little hard on the eyes for me to see where the characters are being flung from. Turning off the scrolling background and effects helped.

Music is a banger. SFX are good too. 

I would've liked to be able to see how much health/misses I could make. I thought it was that if you get three strikes you're out but when I hit that number it didn't end. I would've also liked if the combo continued to stack until a miss happened. Because we can't necessarily control the kill speed of the enemies having it time based meant that my combo often disappeared while I  was waiting for an enemy to spawn.

I think it also would've been nice to see the game start maybe a little slower. When the slow down happened I could see the enemies more clearly and the art looked nice. But by default they're zooming so I don't really see them just colors.

Another thing that would've been nice is for the upper bound of the throw arc to stay visible on the screen. Or if the enemies when they hit the top they bounce. I had to guess where they would be in their arc and take the cursor off screen.

One thing I thought was really good was the slimes. Them coming in and spawning two on hit was a nice addition and it made things more hectic and broke up the pattern. Nice variability. Same for enemies being thrown up from the bottom every now and then. More enemy variability OR enemy appearance patterns may be fun to play with. For example enemies appearing in a straight line, diagonal, one after each other, etc. Could time it to the music.

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam! I'm really impressed by how much you were able to get done. This is very polished great job!

The art is solid, the sfx and music really work well to give you the scifi feel. The battle music is a banger but the game in general is quiet so when entering battles the loudness change was difficult - I had it turned up to hear the ambience but then it was too loud. Maybe some balancing to do there.

I liked the UI and it fit the screen well, but some on screen prompts for what to press or do would be nice. I found myself a little confused a few times, specifically with the resource gathering.

I liked researching materials and recipes and gathering resources to build things, but I think it would be nice if there was a bit more of an obvious equipment tree with the items. For example wood -> iron -> steel. Maybe it's just the scifi setting but it might help. That or locking more materials and items behind progression as it's a little overwhelming at the start.

I found myself not really understanding the stat assigned for each ship. It might be helpful to have a glossary somewhere or integrate it into a tutorial of some sort. Generally speaking I think a tutorial or gradual easing into the game will solve most if not all problems.

Some other ideas:

  • It would be nice if there was combat earlier when gathering resources or some sort of stake
  • When you identify an enemy and get information it would be nice if it was available when making decisions in the battle

But yeah, overall a great polished game! Looking forward to where you take it!

Congrats on finishing the jam! I think the art is very nice and the little character designs were good. I like the UI in the top corner and the art itself is very clean. It certainly looks like a brain!

I had a lot difficulty playing the game. For example I think I ran into a bug where if you died and got reset I would no longer be able to jump with wasd and needed to use the arrow keys.

I didn't really feel "Sonic" from the game. Although it's true that you needed to go fast, you almost always needed to have the spin key pressed down otherwise you would just take damage - maybe that should be the default. I also didn't enjoy the white blood cells - when I was going fast I would not see them and run into them and then get damaged or die. I think it may need more of a warning  that they are coming up. 

The jump boost was nice but they looked like an enemy so they were easy to miss and it would've been nice if they didn't disappear on touch - I had to wait around for them to respawn. The placement of the blockades and the jump boosts were a bit strange - sometimes the jump boost would require the player to stop and turn directions because the boost would fling the player into a wall. It also would've been nice if the checkpoint had a larger hit box - I missed it a couple times because flinged over it.

I found myself having to stop a lot when the game is about going fast.

I didn't get to the outro but I don't think the intro really resonated with me story-wise. I was a little confused on what was going on - that they were playing cards - and Jackie's attitude was strange. Maybe that was the intention?

One thing to keep in mind is that it would be nice if the title of the game was following the rules a bit more.

Otherwise great job! I think some tweaks here and there could be made but it's a good base to start off with!

Congrats on completing the jam! I managed to defeat the cave sentry and return to the town. I needed to stop because the controls were cramping my wrist (that's me not you) but a gamepad option could be good for this game.

I have a lot of fun swinging around on the hook - I wish I could've chained hooking in mid air. I didn't really enjoy vertical movement - maybe it needs to be faster and it would be nice if there was a jump. I also had difficulty swinging onto platforms which had a vertical component directly above them. I think the collisions need to be rounded a bit because I would hit the vertical part and then fall down even though the direction key was pressed - would expect to slip in once aligned with the route. Maybe a more horizontal level design than vertical would be more fun.

The cutscene at the beginning was really cool looking! Great job!

Congrats on completing the jam! This was a fun little game :) I liked the blend of pinball and tower defence. I got to Round 15.

I really liked the canons and shooting yourself out as a pinball and bouncing around. It felt good to squish and roll over a bunch of enemies. The idea of the catapults were cool, but I had difficulty moving my guy around - maybe because I was using keyboard and it would be easier with a gamepad. I would've also liked the catapults to do a slow down or a damaging residue earlier in the game - they didn't do too much damage so i didn't use them and didn't realize they had a slowness upgrade until later because it was blanked out.

The enemies were cute, and felt appropriately intimidating - things ramped up pretty well. At the start of the game I didn't know where the start and the end was - might be good to make that more obvious.

The map design was well done - each tower could show off it's capabilities well.

Otherwise some ideas you could play around with could be building a pinball board and needing to direct your ball around to defend against the waves with maybe more than one goal. I feel like it would be more fun to have to shoot the ball across the map to reload the towers than to stand there and reload. Basically, more movement and more ball shooting would be fun.

Great job!

Congrats for finishing the jam!

I feel like if I could summarize this game in one word it would be "art". The visual design of this game and the sound design is very well done. It's also short and sweet. The game gave me big Mouthwashing/Horror vibes and the tutorial implementation is well done.

I didn't find the creature behaviour/movement particularly obvious. It felt like they were standing in one place for the most part. I lost multiple times just by simply moving too fast into an enemy. Not entirely sure if that was the goal for the experience or not.  I also didn't feel the need to sneak but that's likely a me problem.

Even though the map was flat as designed, it was nice that it had some elevation changes which made it easier to see the flocks. 

I would've like to have a "number of flocks eaten" score at the end and I wonder if it is possible to consume everything? I think the UI circle in the center could've been a bit larger.

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam!

I enjoyed this game, and certainly more than Jump King - because I'm good at this one. The little animation on the sword were a nice touch and I really like the direction indicator, it helped a lot. I absolutely got some Jump King vibes when falling, or missing a jump. I always felt like the missed jump was fair because I could view the approximate arc of the sword thanks to the indicator and the terrain.

I didn't really run into any performance issues on Web (Firefox) however, the audio for the game is very very quiet. I needed to turn it up quite a bit. The audio itself matched the theme of the game well. 

I think that that the main way to make it more difficult is the level design.  For a Jump King like game it really needs to be fair. I felt like there could've been more recovery zones, so it wouldn't feel punishing when you fell, and include more level gimmicks (ex. the rebound stone was nice). Because you are a sword you could also cut through bats/enemies in the air while moving around or slice ropes that change the level layout and make things more or less difficult.

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam!

It was a short and sweet story. Even though the art was fairly simple, the animation for crouching or the punch was very smooth. I liked how the colors easily and quickly represented the strength/weaknesses. However, one thing to keep in mind is that people who are colourblind would have difficulty with this aspect. Adding an additional shape or change in silhouette to the and the player would help.

I found it very easy to cheese the game by "kicking" the enemy (i.e. crouch and punch). It seems like the GDD talked about audio, but I didn't hear any - would've been nice to have but probably was cut to reach the deadline. Or a bug. 

Otherwise for the story, I had hoped that as you fought each enemy, their blood was on your hands and would change the players own color. Might be an interesting concept to explore. Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam!

I enjoyed it. The jump and stab felt really nice, but it was sometimes hard to see where to go. I had some issues with the camera not spinning and I couldn't see around myself - may be a limitation of the web browser. I really enjoyed the name of the game - gave me a good chuckle with the puns ;)

Some other feedback is that the water was difficult to see and sometimes the jump would send me flying ahead of where I wanted to go (and landing in water). I got stuck a few times on level collision and had to reload from the checkpoint. Whenever a checkpoint was reached there was a big spike in lag.

Otherwise the art was nice, you definitely hit what you wanted to with the semi-realism. I liked the graffiti on the walls giving directions and making jokes. I feel like the choice to use less realistic audio was a good move, however I feel like more ambient noises (for example landing in a puddle) would help (especially since the puddles are the key thing to avoid). 

Great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam!

Played through and got quite a few upgrades. The art is very nice and clean and the music and sfx mesh well. The tank scared me lol I feel like the game could be improved by being a little bit more responsive - for example speeding up the animations when the enemies are hit. It's impressive that you even got character customization in here and coop!

Other places I think that could be improved is roll being on the L button/trigger instead of the L stick - it's a little slippery and awkward when you're moving. A map overlay or way point for the home location may help people who have difficulty memorizing layouts so they don't get lost and frustrated. It may also be nice to show the current score and health on screen. Also hats.

All in all great job!

Congrats on finishing the jam!

I played a few times to survive and lose to the storm, as well as playing a murder route, pacifistic, and in between. I didn't really feel the impact on the moral choices - I was too concerned about making it past the villagers without them attacking me. What they were saying, who they were, etc. wasn't a concern. 

The CRT screen effect is really cool. I think it adds a lot and makes it clear you're playing as a robot. The villager designs were also nice, even though they were all old men. And the sound effects and BGM were nice too.

I found that there were a few aspects of the game I didn't particularly need. For example I didn't need information about the villager hunger/sickness/thirst. Maybe if we needed to make sure that villagers couldn't pass us which would increase the number of resources we would need that could be an aspect into whether we shoot them or not. I also found that we didn't really need to move the robot ourselves - it could've been on tracks for the encounters.

With one day remaining I had everything I needed so it would've been nice to skip the last day or have some sort of stretch goal to encourage us to head out. I feel like no decision is also a decision we could make.

Otherwise I enjoyed it. Great job!