Got a time of 25:57.5. This is a fun game. The game is quite hard, plays like a rage game too. I do like the challenge a bit and had a nice 26 minutes!
For some criticism I'd say I really don't like you are using the same button for the jump and spin, which when during some intensive wall climbing, it was too easy for a single misclick/early click to get the whole momentum down, or worse yet fallen into a pit and need to restart the room. I strongly suggest binding that to a different button, either mouse 2, space or S (down) or whatever, any of these would make the gameplay much more enjoyable. Another one is that the physics felt inconsistent from time to time. Sometimes the jump is just not as powerful as the other jump. My guess will probably be either the dagger's rotation, the pressing position, or both. Not sure how to fix that one though but I think fixing that will certainly reduce some un-needed rage.
Anyway, this is a nice little game! Keep up the good work!