I am making a tier list at the moment, and here is the top tier.
Especially Beetlevania: Strawberry Secrets, it's so underrated
THIS IS VERY GOOD! I loved golf games so much, but I'd admit I sucked at playing them. I really like how you managed to combine golf and Metroidvania into a single game, and it works extremely well too! I am enjoying myself. Each of the power-ups really makes a difference to how you play the game, and it's so enjoyable to abuse them in order to navigate the world in an interesting way. This is so fun. The physics is nice, the graphics are adorable, and the small talk from the walruses are funny too. I can't praise enough the polish of the game, and it's such a shame not many people have played this masterpiece! 12 ratings are just criminally low. I'd say if the game is longer with more ability, and also some better UI, I'd definitely buy this on Steam. Well done!
I do have a minor criticism. Why is there a death-plane from the top of the tower? I want to fly myself from there to the meeting room so badly. There is also a strange issue where you got stuck and not triggering the large strawberry when using the heavy ability. I got out eventually bu double jumping, but it might be an issue if people get the heavy ability first.
Anyway, this is very nice and probably is one of the best games in this jam! Well done!
P.S. proof of completion
This is a simple little game. I do like the concept of it, and it feels like there is potential to be a very chaotic traffic management game. Currently, the game is not that difficult. It's the train that complicates the game, and makes the game more fun. I do like the graphics of the game and it looks very good. The overall vibe is also nice with the desert theme.
For some suggestions, I'd say the car should accelerate and decelerate slower, as it felt too easy and unrealistic when the car just stopped immediately when you changed the light signal. Adding a system for the car so that they might not stop in time should make the game a bit more difficult and way more fun. I would also suggest zooming out the map a bit and add more intersections. It shouldn't be done at the get-go, but if you are going to make the game longer, do consider increasing the chaoticness when the game progresses.
Anyway, I think you still did a nice job making this game. Keep up the good work!
Ha ha this is very funny! Jail break at London. Who would have thought XD. Jokes aside, this is quite a nice idea, and god knows how many articles you've written to make this whole thing workable. 13 out of 16 of you are all writers for the game, I guess that how. Speaking of the articles, they are very funny and I had quite some laugh on them. Well done on coming up with that huge amount of puns and jokes. It really made my day!
The gameplay is simple enough to the point where I don't really find much to criticise on. Maybe put both tick and cross buttons near each other, just to reduce how much the player needs to move the mouse? Overall, the game is very polished and nicely done! You should all be proud of yourselves!
One of the better police state simulators I've played. I like the concept of more and more laws, and also throwing everyone to jail. It's a nice concept for a game, and I am having fun. Why being dead is an offence is beyond me but that's funny as hell. The ending is a bit unexpected (not going to spoil it in case someone hasn't played the game reading comments first), but it makes so much sense. And the funniest part of all is that you can still complete tasks on the final day. Also, I am getting rick-rolled. With sound. What.
For some comments, I'd say the map is a bit large, and it always frustrates me when things happen off-screen. I think you could probably slowly increase the playable area when you progress into the game, so that there is time for the player to get familiarised with what the game was meant to be played. I'll also say the hit box of the police car is a bit too small, and it's a bit difficult to drag a person onto it.
Aayway with all that's said, this is a surprisingly good game. Well done!
Thank you for playing! The BSOD is caused by scanning when the system is loading, so the shorter the time you scan, you do get less crashes. We've thought of making random crashes too, but it feels too punishing as it wastes around 10 seconds each time you reboot. Anyway, glad that you enjoyed the game!
This is quite a tranquil experience. As you've said, it's a short rest between other "must go wrong" games, and it's truly a relaxing experience. It would make a nice screensaver though XD. The graphics are extremely nice and professionally done. The interactions are also quite cute. Doing stuff like cooking, fishing and sitting next to a campfire feels so good and attractive, especially for someone like me living in a big city. Well done. I do have a minor criticism, that the guitar only has four notes. I would really want to play a country tune on that guitar!
Anyway, nice work on this experience (I can't call it a game, sorry!), and this is a job well done!
Played for a few tries and eventually got a score of 23. I hold this is not too bad. The idea of the game is pretty nice, trying to perfectly make pancakes according to the orders. I found it quite fun and enjoyed it quite a lot. The hand-drawn graphics are cute, and I really like the gameover screen with the arrest note. Custom screens like these are always a good sign of polish and deserve praise!
For a bit of criticism, I'd say the game doesn't progress in terms of difficulty, and once you've got into a rhythm of the orders, it's actually quite hard to lose. It would be way nicer if the game started to add ingredients the further you go. I'll also comment on the fact that the game is kind enough to give you infinite time when reading the order, which I think can be changed to a set amount in order to increase difficulty.
Anyway, this is an interesting entry and I do see potential in the game idea! Keep up the good work!
Okay so this is just the Drunking of Isaac. Got it. Jokes aside, I am a great fan of the Binding of Issac so this is just the game for me. I think I've even recognised some of the room layout too, but that might just be a coincidence. The game is quite hard, and I can't state enough that not being able to walk straight makes dodging enemies and bullets much difficult than normal. It's fun though. The neon colour theme looks nice and makes a unique vibe, and it stands out quite a lot. I will also praise you for putting in the effort to make a bunch of powerups for the treasure room.
For some criticism, I'd say its a shame the floor layout doesn't change for different playthroughs, but I guess that's too much to ask for, given you've just got a week to implement all this stuff. I would also hope that there is another powerup at the end of each level. That would make each run more unique. It will definitely need more powerups though, so that might be another too much to ask for.
Anway with all that's said, this is a very nice game, and I liked it a lot! Well done!
This is a nice little 3D platformer. The gameplay is smooth and the level looks nice! Ana has a simple movement scheme but is extremely versitile with that dash ability, to the point where it feels like dash is a bit overpowered. I am not complaining though. Speaking of Ana, she is pretty and cute, and I do like all the cutscenes about her story of the trip to her first day at work. Kind of sad for the ending to be that short, but still, I need to praise for the fact that there are two endings with totally different cutscenes.
I would also want to praise the openness of the game, but it's also a double-edged sword that the game feels very easy once you know where you are going, and the openness means you could skip through a lot of content towards the end. Would make a good speedrun game though. I would suggest having a dedicated path toward the goal, and making it so that even with alternative pathways you sort of need the same amount of time to get there.
Anyway, this is a surprisingly nice entry! Well done!
This is a rare game in this jam. A calm and relaxing game among a bunch of chaotic and stressful games really makes this game stand out from the crowd! The graphics are nice, capy god is extremely cute, and the whole game is very charming. The gameplay too is very calm and relaxing. It's a slow time killer and I'd say it might do well as a mobile game! Sadly, I can't play too much right now as my hands are hurting from all the clicking during work and other games. But I still like the game!
For a bit of suggestions, I think the game would benefit from a group select and move feature. Imagine moving a whole block of nicely sorted items and move that together! That would be satisfying as heck. Anyway, this is really a nicely-made game, and I'd say this is a job well done!
Cats are cute 10/10. Jokes asides, this is quite a fun multi-tasking game! I played till Friday. Not sure if that's a good score or not but that will do for me. The cat is super cute, the graphics besides the cat are also very nice, and I like the art style a lot. The way you assemble the burgers is very clever and I don't think I've seen it before. It's very intuitive and makes much sense once you understand how that works. The difficulty is slowly rising which is also a nice design. Blackout is a bit annoying, but it's definitely part of that chaoticness. Overall, this is very well done! Nice work!
For some minor comments, I'd say it would be better if you also show the target amount of gold required each day so that the player can have an idea of how much you need (and how much they still need to make before game over). For the UIs, I will also suggest adding an outline to the text to make it stand out a bit. Currently, they've blended into the light yellow counter background and are quite hard to see at a glance. I would also be nice if there were audio and visual cues for time passage, especially when it's getting near the end of a day. Just to add some tension to the situation.
Anyway, this is very nice and I liked it a lot. Well done!
Wow, this is so good. I suspect someone in the team worked as a forklift driver. Is it that easy to flip a forklift in real life? Anyway, this is very nicely done. I liked the game a lot! The physics feels great, the driving feels great, the controls and UIs are nicely done, and I loved the whole vibe of the game. The game is very polished, and I can't see a reason not to make this a larger game and put it on Steam! Played for 6-8 times trying to get a better score, and I was having fun the whole time. Well done!
There are not many things here for me to criticise, to bring a minor or two comments, I'd like to say that the handwritten text is a little bit hard to read especially the numbers when you are focusing on driving. I'd also think the oil spills are spawning too quickly to the point where I gave up avoiding them and just treat everything as normal. It would also be nice if there was some text/feedback on how many points are gained/lost when performing what action. I only realised that resetting a flipped forklift deduces score on the 3rd playthrough, and it would be nice to have that information much earlier or more obviously.
Anyway, this is a very well-done game! You should be proud of yourselves!
P.S. got a high score of 95 and I am happy
Got a high score of 8900, just a tiny bit before beating yours. Oh well. The game is very pretty, and I like that old cartoon + war theme a lot. It reminds me of Fallout Nukaworld in a way, and I think you did a very good job on that. The gameplay is simple and easy to understand, and it really makes a good high-score game too!
For a bit of comments, I'd say the game would be more enjoyable (as a high-score game) if the score were shown on the screen at all times. Currently, I need to guess what the score is, and it becomes discouraging when the final score is less than what the players expected it would be. I'd also say there is a strange bug where it's quite easy to "drag" a bullet back onto the screen. It mainly happens for the bullets from the rightmost cannon, and I suspect it has something to do with the mouse being outside the game window. Also, I get that the main point of the game is not letting any bullet touch the ground, but why does it also count as a gameover when a bullet touches another bullet? It caught me off guard the first time I encountered that.
Anyway, this is still a nice game! Keep up the good work!
This is a game that I really want to like. I love the idea a lot, it seems it would be very fun and enjoyable from the premise alone. Using everything in your limited power to hide every bad news from the public as a game is so cool. The art is also brilliant, especially that lovely reporter lady with that gymnastic pose. Well done on that.
For the gameplay, I think there are quite a few areas to improve upon. The most important thing is that the game lacks an explanation of each element in the game. What do the buttons on the left really do? What does that "mute" button affect, what and when is each sticker used, what will and what won't affect the fear and trust bar etc. You really need that to make the player understand how the game is supposed to be played. It's also a good idea to have some instant feedback that highlights what values have changed. For example, making the fear bar blink when a storm is visible to indicate that something is increasing the fear value. It will also be nice to slowly ease into the difficulty through the gameplay so that the player can learn while playing. Last but not least, it would be nice to show a game over screen when the player has failed the game. I am guessing a full fear bar and an empty trust bar should trigger that.
Anyway, despite everything I've said, I do see the potential of the game, and it would really shine if the game is more enjoyable. Keep up the good work, and I am looking forward to the future of this game.
This is a cruel game :( The kitty is adorable! Jokes aside, this game is fairly well made! Found all 9 solutions eventually, and it's quite fun trying to figure out each of them. I also like the graphics especially the kitty, and the art style and the gameplay fit quite nicely together too. Nice job.
For some comments, I'd say the platforming is a bit difficult, and it's quite easy to overshoot/undershoot the jumps. This is especially noticeable when climbing the small platforms on the cat tree. I will also point out that the hidden path that leads to the top of the toilet is a bit too hidden, and it feels like I've found it via blind luck. But other than that, the game is nicely done, and you should be proud of yourself for making it!
Okay, first things first. For just 12 hours this is very good. Why you only have 12 hours in a one-week jam is beyond me, but I guess life always gets in the way, and there is way more important stuff than a game jam. I think this is quite a nice Sokoban puzzle game, and I really like that out-of-bounds mechanic. It's just a shame the game is this short, but I really feel the potential as a nice indie puzzle game. I like that simplistic art style a lot. It has a certain charm to it. The puzzles are quite nicely designed too, it's just that it's a bit on the easy side for me right now (Probably it's just me playing too many puzzle games).
My only big criticism for this game would be the input controls. My guess would be the way you treat holding buttons, but currently, it's way too easy to mis-input and add in an unwanted movement, screwing the puzzle up and need a restart. There's another minor criticism where I can't understand what the green "lock" and "key" really is judging from the pixel art along, but thats just a no-brainer to fix.
Anyway, this is a really nice game! With a bit more polish, this will probably be much better, but it's already a great game now. Good job!
The factory should really rethink their production strategy, this is producing too much waste! Jokes aside, This is quite an interesting little game! The whole idea is super simple but somehow being quite fun. The Daruma Dolls are very cute, and I am not too willing to break so many of them, but hey that's what the job says.
For some suggestions, I'd sat the belt moves too quickly, and it really doesn't leave much time for the player to properly check against the requirement, especially when the game decides to suddenly change that, and we have to re-learn the newer pattern. If you ask me, I'd probably lower the initial speed quite a lot, just to ease the player a bit during the early game. This leads to my second point, which is to add a failure state. It's funny cause theoretically, you can just never lose if you never do anything, which sort of defeats the whole purpose gameplay-wise and story-wise. I would probably change it in a way such that you have a limited number of lives, and each time a wrong Daruma Doll escapes, you lose a life. This would really pair well with a much slower initial speed.
Anyway, this is a fun game! Well done!
This is a really nice game! I love the art so much. It has a certain charm to it, and it looks very good and fitting. Every bit of the game is hand-drawn, and I can't help but imagine the effort you've all put in making this game look as good as it is. The gameplay is very innovative with you controlling an invisible cat walking towards the destination. The game is also fully voiced too, so a big kudos for that. Nice job.
For some criticism, I'd say the levels are a bit on the easy side, and don't utilise the tool that well. For me at least I am not using much of the tools available and just by memorise the level instead. It's quite easy to do when the maps are relatively small. I would also suggest adding additional targets and collectables so that the play can spend a bit more time on each level, and thus increase the difficulty for a bit. The story of the game is a bit confusing too.
Anyway, this is quite a nice game! Nice job!
Okay, so this is the dropper but not in Minecraft. This brings back memories, nice memories. I like the idea of the game, and your use of assets looks quite nice and matches with each other. The gameplay is smooth and enjoyable, which is a big plus in my opinion. I got frustrated during the red and blue pads, where, for some reason, any failure by touching the ground immediately sends you back to the first level. I tried for 2-3 times before finally calling it quit. I hope I haven't missed too much of what the game can offer.
Anyway, this is quite a fun game. Keep up the good work.
This is probably one of the best games I've played this jam, and I am not saying this lightly. The mechanic is super unique and well-made. It is hard to implement a game where you have no agency on how the character moves, but yet it still feels lifely and fun to work with. The dragging mechanic is very well done, and do carries it well towards the end of the game. The boss fight is very satisfying too. Well done!
For some criticisms, I'd say the game sometimes doesn't register a drag (especially the spike in earlier levels) and it's quite annoying not being able to do so despite correctly clicking. I'd also think the final boss is a bit on the easy side during phase 1, and quite RNG-heavy during phase 2. I think adding one or two more phases would ease that problem nicely.
Anyway with all that said, this is a very well-done and polished game. You've done this with a single person too, which is doubly as impressive. Bravo!
This is quite a challenging game. Got that jump king vibe, and it plays quite nicely. I also like that reward with the coins, and it rewards players going out of their way to collect them. I also like the checkpoint system you've added to the game and it certainly eases the frustration quite a bit. I do hope the game has a bit more graphics that were not the default unity block and capsules, but you would probably need a 3D artist for that. I also think the jumps and timings were insanely tight during the latter half of the game, especially the part with the snakes.
Anyway, I still think this is quite a nice game. Keep up the good work!
Fun game! I like the simple gameplay, and find it really funny seeing all the different outcomes. The art is great (and super fun playing the legacy art version too), and the sound choice is fitting. There is an achievement system too, which is extremely rare for a jam game. I managed to get all achievements in the end, and it was extremely fun. Well done!
There is not much for me to criticise as this is quite a polished game, but I'd say it's quite easy for me to misclick dialogue options. I don't know why but it always happened when I tried to skip through the dialogues. Anyway, well done on making this game! I had lots of fun!
This is a very nice bullet hell with an interesting twist! I love the idea of choosing both your upgrade and deciding how hard the enemy would be at the same time. Such an interesting twist and I am having fun! I also like the fact that each upgrade in the game feels strong enough to influence the game in a meaningful matter, like the damage upgrade really makes you hit harder, and you can really feel that enemies are dying faster. Another thing that I really like is that the game introduces elements in a slow and digestible manner. Well done on that!
For a bit of minor issues and suggestions, I'd say the heath pick up is too small. It's quite unnoticeable when you are focusing on fighting enemies and dodging bullets, and I would hope they are a lot more prominent in the scene. I also think the card-flipping animation is a bit too long, and looking at that for each level is quite time-consuming and flow-breaking. A skip button that flips all the cards would be very nice.
Anyway, this is a very nice game! I do like it a lot. Well done!
P.S. Here's my score
It's one of those antichamber games isn't it. Not too sure where the game ends, but my playthrough is a bit buggy, The first time I played, I spawned outside the red light green light area, and the second time the game was stuck after entering the light after the box and button session. Is there anything after that? For the game itself, I do like how you presented the game. The voice acting makes the game much better and interesting than many of its counterparts. Nice job!
I've read in the comments/description that there should be an option to show subtitles, but I just can't find that, nor the pause menu on web builds. I would really want to know what the narrator is talking about, but it's quite hard currently due to the unstable mastering the game currently has. Besides that, there isn't much to talk about. And I'd say the game is pretty well-made! Nice job!
Short and sweet! The graphics are pretty good, the gameplay is smooth and easy to understand, the music is nice. I especially like what is shown through the window and that it felt like you've spent a lot of effort on making that. Nice work! I am expecting the game to be a bit more frantic toward the end, but the difficulty stays the same. Which I think is a minor bummer. Given that the airship has gone through the atmosphere, there should be some issues on the ship, right? I also felt like the food is not used that much. For me, the monster just popped up once during the whole playthrough, and I think thats a big misopportunity.
Anyway, I do think the game is fun and it doesn't overstay it's welcome. Good job!
This is very good! Another winner contender I might say. I wholeheartedly think that with some minor adjustments and a bit more content, you could really sell this on Steam! It just got the quality and polishing needed for a successful puzzle game. I like the puzzles very much! It's not too difficult but is never a no-brainer, and it does get a bit more complex in the later levels. I also like how you slowing easing in the different puzzle elements so that we are not overwhelmed by all of them. Overall, I'd say this is a very nice game!
Normally, I will try to give constructive criticisms for every game I've played, but I can't really think of any when playing your game. The story is probably a bit too short and vague, but this jam only lasted for a week, so it's already too much to ask for, given that there are a lot content in the game.
Anyway, this is very well done! It's now one of my personal favourites.
This is a fun little car game. Can't really call it a racing game but a platformer instead. A car platformer would be more fitting. It's likely a combination of not having a clear path and too many death options. But as a plaftformer, it's very nice. The controls also feel like it's built for a platformer too, with quick turning, high acceleration and deceleration, but with a lower-than-usual top speed. It's quite fit for this game I'd say. The are three levels too and I apperciate your effort of make these large levels to be played with. Nice job!
For a bit of criticism, I'd say the camera is very annoying and can't really see where your car is heading towards. Using shift for hand break and space for jump is a bit disorientating, but it's probably just me getting too used to press space for hand break instead. I'd also say the loy poly scene with single colour texture makes the edges of the platforms very hard to see, as they blend into each other. Consider adding a bit more texture or adding something in the level to signify that edge.
Anyway, this is a nice game, and you should be proud of yourself for making this! Keep up the good work!
This is a very nice idea for a game. I am having Unity 2020 throwbacks when it crashes randomly and causes me to lose progress. Luckily, no progress is lost for this game. Phew. This computer really needs a cleanup though, and probably upgrades to Windows 10? Jokes aside, I do like the gameplay quite a bit. The chaoticness and the frustration are immense but fun. The Windows 98 graphics trigger my nostalgia for the old days. And reading real code in a game is always a treat. Good job.
For some criticism and suggestions, I'd say you should have some onscreen instructions to tell the player what to do (i.e. open the IDE). There should be a way to include that nicely within the ui, but a simple popup will do. EDIT There is! silly me for not playing through the tutorial. Please ignore me
Anyway, this is quite a cool game! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game.
Just a minor question that's not related to the game/comment. Are you by chance using Firefox when typing this comment? I had that issue too, and I found out itch on Firefox will automatically change spaces to non-breaking spaces. Changing to chrome solved this issue for me, but it's still good to know it's not just me having this problem :)
That's a cute typing game! I always enjoy a nice typing game, so this is very welcoming. I would start by praising the menu being controlled by typing only. In my opinion ALL typing games should do that, so kudos for that. The office looks quite nice, and everything such as font and text matches the theme nicely. Speaking of the text, it's interesting to see a case-sensitive typing game with some really strange words to type, and I was originally thrown off guard by it. That surely increases the difficulty a bit and slows my typing quite a bit. I do have quite some fun and end up playing a second time just to see how fast can I go.
So, for some criticism and suggestions, I'd say you should hint at the case-sensitive nature of the game. At first I thought your game was bugged due to the fact that typing "start" having no effect on the main menu, and I needed to type "Start" instead. The typing sound is quite strange as it only plays after a while not with every keystroke, and it's probably another reason why I originally thought the game was bugged. Last but not least, when I saw you've written "Nothing Can Go Wrong => No Mistakes Allowed" in the rating page, I thought any mistakes would lead to a game over but that's not the case with the game. Not sure if that's a good idea, but it surely sounds challenging.
Anyway, I think you did quite a nice job in this one week. Keep up the good work!
P.S. 9th on your leaderboard :)