Played for a while and this is actually quite nice! The pacing is very good, almost no downtime when playing. I love the QTEs for possessing an enemy, which although not difficult at all, it really needs your attention to do so in a quick and efficient manner. Besides, I don't think any game I've played implements this kind of mechanics too, so kudos for that. The music is also quite nice and is a good addition to the game.
Maybe I am playing the game wrong, but I can't seem to defeat the final boss no matter how hard I've tried. The one thing in that fight that frustrates me the most is that you are somehow taking damage when possessing the thing the boss spawned. And I don't see any way to effectively damage the boss. It's feels also a bit unfair when normally possessing an enemy you are not taking damage. Yes, you can bring in a possessed enemy from the last level, but the damage they deal barely outpaces how the knight takes stupid damage on his own.
But besides that, I think this is quite an underrated entry, and I do like it a lot. Please keep up the good work and I am looking forward for the next one!