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Solid Dungeon crawler! I love the throwback artstyle. Everything about this game I love (I'm a huge fan of snes games and zelda) Everyone has already talked about the slow movement so I'm going to try to give you some different feedback. I think your game falls into the trap that a lot of jam games fall into, and thats not having a clear goal. Your game just spawns you in and says "ok have fun" If you want the players engaged they need to know what they are trying to do and why they want to do it .Maybe theres a long lost treasure in the depths of the dungeon, or their brother has been captured by a monster in the dungeon. I personally wasn't bothered by this since I love these kind of games but others might be . Overall great job!

Actually I thought a lot about what stories the player might have, but due to time constraints none of  them made it into the game. Thanks for the feedback! Thanks a lot for playing.