Congrats on completing the jam!
I think that this game could have a lot of potential and I liked the idea of possessing the weapons. The music was fitting for what you wanted it to be.
Some feedback:
- On the second? level you have "hotel" written on a sign - or at least I think you do because the other two characters are "teru" in katakana - but the "ho" is written wrong so it's a little confusing.
- It would've been nice if the enemies didn't immediately charge at you when the level started
- I found that I just needed to get the body in a safe place and then I could execute whatever plan I needed to progress. I feel like it would've been better if we had some stealth component and a range for the possession. That way you can't possess whatever in the level you have to be near by (i.e. move the body) but frantic possession to survive would only happen if you messed up your body position when possessing.
- I found that I didn't need to posses anything other than the samurai excluding when I found a bug.
- If I possessed a samurai and pressed e I would only get one swing - not sure if intended
- Soul points weren't really a consideration when I was playing - maybe if the levels were more puzzle like I would need to be careful about them.
- I would recommend looking into the Twilight of Edo level in Live a Live for a stealth/attack puzzle dungeon. You raid a castle and can choose to kill everyone or go in completely stealth, etc. Might be a good inspiration for why you may want to posses or kill enemies/items.
Otherwise great job!