So glad you posted all of that, because I am on my second in-game week, been playing for 3 hours, and so far the game has been a headache for me. I WANT TO like it, but it is fighting me the whole way. Rather than make an entirely new post, I'm just going to add to yours since you said a lot of what I had planned to.
The Engrish is bad, as you said, making more than just the beginning confusing. But to me it is the UI you said was good that truly needs work. Sometimes it is stairs that makes you go back a screen. Sometimes it is an on-screen text saying "back" with or without an arrow attached, and sometimes there is an arrow that looks like it is the same arrow as "back" but brings you to an entirely new screen. It is all over the place. And yes, definitely needs highlighting.
Also, what are the bars in a circle for on the map screen? Some are red and some grey but the tutorial never even mentions them. They showed up when I unlocked the electronic area and Japan town, and more keep appearing, cluttering the screen even when only the school is able to be visited.
I'll add some bugs you missed pointing out and some things that may not be bugs:
First, the GPA score in class. No matter whether I talk to a student or just focus on my lesson, the GPA is constantly dropping, with me only seeing it increase one point one time despite going to class twice a day. And no, I do not naps or take bathroom trips.
Secondly, the supermarket. Every time I enter, I cannot leave without the game forcing me to make a purchase. It legit says "You haven't bought anything yet" and I have to buy a bottle of water and check out to change screens. Infuriating and costs money I lack.
Likewise, I make food after school and get stuck having to watch as I lose favor with my roommate because it forces me to talk to her and turn her down. So, every day I can be certain I am going backward in progressing with her. Joy.
The computer: The entire UI for it is annoying to me. If you open anything, like the internet or dossier, you have to close the computer then log back into it to do anything else. That's the equivalency of turning off and then back on a tv every time you need to change the channel.
You mentioned everything else I was going to say, so it just adds to your post.