My dude- I appreciate what you do. I am a pretty regular guy who stumbled on your game a while ago and have enjoyed the free version from time to time for a good while now. I reset my PC and realized i never redownloaded your free version and found myself here. The quality, effort, and maintainace you keep on this game and even the sub community of your game is impressive. I say thihs having read the other comments below mine for 10 minuets to see its a ton of dudes bitching at you to make a better free product when a very fair-cost option is available. maybe im missing something here, but you are doing some grade A great shit and while you may be at the mercy at a few of these freeloaders (myself inculded at this moment), they can all eat shit and chill. I dont like to pay for porn in a general sense and to a degree that rule applies to pornographic games- but seeing as you are the same as any "small" indie developer/artist/creator/human-sharing-a-great-creation-with-others-in-hope-for-purpose-&-profit, you deserve a positve comment at bare minimum. Buying the paid version after this post in support- fuck the freebies and keep doing what you do playa