Scam shmam my dude its $25 bucks you either have that to spend or you dont. The post nut clairty may be a factor here but this guy doesnt pay the bills of your $25 purchase, let alone profit off a "scam" that involves you paying for something you were advertised. Its not a scam just because he wants to be paid for his efforts.
Quit being a loser and fix yo shit,
Recent community posts
My dude- I appreciate what you do. I am a pretty regular guy who stumbled on your game a while ago and have enjoyed the free version from time to time for a good while now. I reset my PC and realized i never redownloaded your free version and found myself here. The quality, effort, and maintainace you keep on this game and even the sub community of your game is impressive. I say thihs having read the other comments below mine for 10 minuets to see its a ton of dudes bitching at you to make a better free product when a very fair-cost option is available. maybe im missing something here, but you are doing some grade A great shit and while you may be at the mercy at a few of these freeloaders (myself inculded at this moment), they can all eat shit and chill. I dont like to pay for porn in a general sense and to a degree that rule applies to pornographic games- but seeing as you are the same as any "small" indie developer/artist/creator/human-sharing-a-great-creation-with-others-in-hope-for-purpose-&-profit, you deserve a positve comment at bare minimum. Buying the paid version after this post in support- fuck the freebies and keep doing what you do playa
Bruh this dude has a free version of the game that is perfectly enjoyable while limited in it's lack of costing money-- this dude has put (as you can tell) tons of effort into making this game and maintaing it and you think he deserves to do what he does for free?
You want a quality product but you dont want to pay for it-- in any context that is a extremely uneducated point of view. I enjoy the free version myself and often consider paying for the full version simply because of the work and effort the creator has put into making and maintaining his product while allowing even the lamest of users like yourself to enjoy his work.
Touch grass or smoke it, either way take your hand off your dick for a second and think about what kind of person you are.