Ok, I'm at my wits' end; can anybody tell me how do I get on Mark's route?! 😭😭😭
Have you checked the choice tree?
I'm hesitant to post any spoilers but maybe if I make the comment long enough it will hide it with "read more"
For Mark or Rebecca you have to break up with them and block all contact in order to make them desperate enough. Easiest method to get there is (any choice up to post it) make sure to pose the image then anything up until hanging out with Adam or Allie) get them to call the number, Avoid all other characters and then answer the knocking door. Hopefully that should get you there. The choice tree should show the path, the path I laid out here is on the very top of the main flow chart.
Hello I'm really trying to follow the choice tree but I'm having a hard time understanding.
I'm trying to enter Rebecca's route from the middle path, where it seems that it should technically not need for anyone to die ("no one died" path), and without posting the image online. However, the part where I'm stuck is after the number claiming they know you text you, according to the choice if i say no to their game i should get to go to the garden, except i don't. It skips from day 12 to 17 and the next choice i get is whether to drink with Sebastian or not, so i miss a bunch of choices including the break up. Idk what I'm doing wrong i would really appreciate some help