I've asked everyone on the discord community if they wouldn't mind helping me by posting the choices they took to get the endings they got to help make a guide. Just wanted to respond and let you know it's in the making. I don't know how long until this would be complete though
Thank you by the way. I had actually worried a lot that my art wasn't good enough so this is, really appreciated. :)
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Hi there, thanks for spoiler-ing your message for everyone else :)
I have a few tips to share with you when it comes to David.
So every character gets something unique about their play style. for example marks is that his timers are timed. So answering a 6 second timer at the 5th second compared to the 2nd when saying I love you will result in him saying "You hesitated" :P
For David, his unique aspect is that he is randomized. When you start David's route, it's randomized on where he's going to be. Because in real time he would make that decision on if he's going to go to the river create or the mountain create while chasing you. So a save file in his route is going to keep that randomization. If he is at the river create and you need him not to be, you'll need to start his route from the beginning when his name comes on screen.
for packing, anything over 45 in weight is going to low you down and cause David to catch up if you hide your trail. Sleep for the night, or Don't hide your encampment in the morning. It's based on a counter I call range and different things effect it for example, if you set up a tent, sleeping bag and fire, you've made yourself visible to David in the woods easily. Which will increase his range cause he'll know which direction to go. (at least that's the idea) same as not hiding your trail, leaves a trail for him to follow, thus increasing range)
In the cupboard is a 50/50 chance to get a knife to pack into the bag and the fridge has food you can take and pack into the bag.
If you want to pack light and not freeze, packing: newspaper, sleeping bag, lighter, knife, and food. Should (if my memory is correct) be about 37 in weight, keeping you under 45
You are the second person having issues with Damien like this. Did you get Head Trauma multiple times? I located the bug with that ending, getting that one multiple times would cause the collection counter go up thus getting you to 21 when you only had 20. (will be fixed in the next update)
Also thank you for posting the inverted < / > I really do struggle with those haha. :)
Hi there, I'm glad you enjoy my games I also love the masks ;)
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with the choice tree though. I had added that feature with hopes that it would serve better then a guide.
I didn't really have plans for making a guide :( but maybe if the community were to pull together and help me find/write out all the paths I could put together a colorful pdf for everyone.
My plans haven't changed, but I'm having a lot of trouble with it. It's going to be a while before I figure it all out. From the time I published "Can I walk you home?" (CIWYH) to now, I had to get a new computer, my old one lived a long life of 11 years but when smoke started coming up from the keyboard it was time lololol
Anyway, everything I had set up for Android was on that computer, and it was so long ago, I'm relearning the process and struggling with it.
I'm also a little unsure about Android as a whole cause Love Lock is 1GB and I kind of feel like it might be too big for most phones.
The other concern I'm having is, also from the time of CIWYH to now, my phone of 10 years died. LOL last year was just a really bad year for me and technology XD
Anyway, I don't have a phone to test android on now. So I there's no way for me to know if anything's wrong with it. :(
I'll eventually figure out how to overcome all these challenges, but it's going to take some time.
Have you checked the choice tree?
I'm hesitant to post any spoilers but maybe if I make the comment long enough it will hide it with "read more"
For Mark or Rebecca you have to break up with them and block all contact in order to make them desperate enough. Easiest method to get there is (any choice up to post it) make sure to pose the image then anything up until hanging out with Adam or Allie) get them to call the number, Avoid all other characters and then answer the knocking door. Hopefully that should get you there. The choice tree should show the path, the path I laid out here is on the very top of the main flow chart.
I'm honestly not sure. I haven't been well lately so it's been going slower than usual. Which changes the timeline I had previously mapped out. Before now I had thought it would be done around July/August. But I don't think that's the case now.
I'm hoping the writing will be finished this month, and then it's just about testing, art work and editing. But I'm not really sure how long all that is going to take.
Daneila: I've been spelling it consistently wrong as well don't worry haha. (Someone just pointed it out to me last month lololol after 4 years lolol)
She is not in the demo, the demo is 1/30th of the game in the area of the game that is one of my favorite parts (the chase). She is in the full game though as is everyone else but the demo just shows some chasing and 1 capture with a bit of captivity to give the player an idea of what to expect.
Hi there mawodedoushishabi I don't seem to be able to reply to your posts for some reason, so I'll just stick this here on HUYIRUORUO's post. Hopefully the info helps.
So, I'm notoriously bad when it comes to social media. Discord is the place to be if you want timely updates. You can get discord on your phone, (I'm not sure if there is more than one app store but whichever app store I've used, it was in there) I second all the info that HUYIRUORUO has given you as there is a fan-art section.
Outside of Discord there is a few places that I've been giving updates (though they are slower than discord) Google Blogger < This is like my website where it holds all the updates
Tumblr < This is my tumblr where I basically post all the same things as my blogger and discord. Patreon and Boosty are only for game updates/play testing. I haven't nor do I plan on putting updates behind a paywall. I hope that helps.
Hey there I just made this dev log to help everyone out
I can explain but it's a spoiler, so I'll add some ... so that people have to click read more in order to see this.
Two endings are when your walking home with Patrick and two are when you're walking alone.
1. Walking with Patrick: You need to have 10 points in either love or stalking. If you have points in both it depends then on what you think of Patrick. If you think he's sweet it will use the love points first(Taking you to the love ending). If you think he's strange it will use the stalking points first (taking you to the stalking ending)
2. All of the above again except without Patrick.
Then there are 2 other endings. Tricked and Too Close
3. Too close: This happens when you pry into Patrick's past. Walk me home> Talk> Gossip> Ask about the day> Empathize> Sweet> Lasagna> Laugh> Ask What hobby> Pry.
4. Tricked: TBA I will edit this comment in a moment but there was a bug(that you found) and I need to upload a new version of CIWYH. Sorry about that. I was the only one bug sweeping this time around so some may have slipped through the cracks.
Edit: Ok new builds are up- Tricked: Decline> Call> let the timer run out> sweet> What are you doing here?> Oh, that's sweet> Yea> Any> Decline> Stay silent> Text back> End
I'm sorry, the #bunny-booth-channel is discord. I don't have any other areas for this. 🤔 I wonder what I can do to problem solve this. I might be able to set up an email. Tumblr could work for now 🤔 since you can direct message there(if you'd like to reach out to me there and exchange details).
Since reading your comment I've been looking into Etsy/Shopify/Indie Made and others but I'm still really intimidated by this so I need to think on it more for now.
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/b0ndagebunny-games/732019644082405376/hello-there-everyon...
Are you on the discord by chance? I felt like taking on the challenge and created ... well I'm not sure what to call it haha, but it's a OH! I can attach pictures! I wanted to show you afterwards but I wasn't sure. but picture comments change that!
My menu art hasn't been updated yet to incorporate the word dysphoria option, that's a task for later but it's in. It changes the name of these words regardless of who owns the body part. (I think) I didn't quite understand if the dysphoria is only in reference to the body in possession or all bodies. (Not sure if I'm making sense there)
I added a Male and Female button at the bottom (which I need to change to genitalia names cause gender =/= genital's (I derped on that one, I threw it in there fast)) but I added the feature to change all words based on body part, cause again I didn't know if it was just pov's body or all bodies? So, if you're sex is the opposite of a characters and you want to edit what words they use to refer to themselves then you can.
The only down side which I haven't manage to figure out how to fix is, it doesn't change it in the game right away. Like if the word is in the line you paused on to go change it, it won't update that word, but it will update all to come.
This is the first time anyone's explained anything like this to me. It's possible other game developers are in the same boat as me, not knowing. I know of trans dysphoria thanks to a few helpful people on the discord server explaining it to me. This topic never came up though.
I can't guarantee anything but if I were to change around the words, could I get a bit of a ... umm... I want to say guide? but I don't think that's the right word... But like how previously people have helped me understand the past tense/present tense of they/them. Could I get a few replacement word options?
Vagina/pussy = ???
Pussy lips/slit = ???
Clit/bean = ???
as well as:
Penis/dick/cock = ???
Tip/head = ???
Balls = ???
Again I can't guarantee anything as it's a lot to go over and it might not work out sentence structure wise, but I can always try to include such things moving forward. The reason for this is cause in the code it's kind of like a madlib situation where words are just replaced instead of the entire sentence.
Does this dysphoria also include when a character is talking about their own body parts? Or just the pov situation?
I see you've commented 4 times for the inquiry about android, I'm just going to answer to this comment here instead of answering all 4 comments :) .
I plan on all my games being available on Android, Love Lock included when it's finished. But I haven't bothered to make the demo's android version cause I thought it might be obsolete. Are you requesting about the demo? or when the game is complete?