I was drawn to this by the art I saw in the screenshots. It looks absolutely beautiful! I love the old school diablo 2 look. I'm interested in how you created the sprites. Are they pure pixel art or like 3d models scaled down and scanned into 2d art?
The gameplay feels really good! At first I thought maybe the character hurtbox needed to be scaled down slightly so you can maneuver through little gaps among the enemies, since that's a classic mechanic of the genre, but then I realized you're meant to die often, so I think it's totally fine.
I think the game probably needs a lose condition to increase the stakes. Maybe you should have some number of lives before you die? (Although that might not make since since you're the sword, not the dudes) Or maybe as you kill enemies you power up the sword's necromancy powers. If you die while you don't have enough charge, you can't control a new enemy and you lose. So dying once is fine, but dying twice in quick succession would be a loss. I dunno, something like that maybe.
Awesome work! This one was super cool. Well done and grats on completing the jam!