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A member registered Dec 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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I was drawn to this by the art I saw in the screenshots. It looks absolutely beautiful! I love the old school diablo 2 look. I'm interested in how you created the sprites.  Are they pure pixel art or like 3d models scaled down and scanned into 2d art?

The gameplay feels really good! At first I thought maybe the character hurtbox needed to be scaled down slightly so you can maneuver through little gaps among the enemies, since that's a classic mechanic of the genre, but then I realized you're meant to die often, so I think it's totally fine.

I think the game probably needs a lose condition to increase the stakes. Maybe you should have some number of lives before you die? (Although that might not make since since you're the sword, not the dudes) Or maybe as you kill enemies you power up the sword's  necromancy powers. If you die while you don't have enough charge, you can't control a new enemy and you lose. So dying once is fine, but dying twice in quick succession would be a loss. I dunno, something like that maybe.

Awesome work! This one was super cool. Well done and grats on completing the jam!

Thanks for checking it out and thanks a lot for the detailed feedback!

I definitely agree with a lot of your points. I think pressing enter to start the game makes no sense and a little bit of tutorialization would go a long way.

Thanks again! Glad you enjoyed it ^^

Cute little bread platformer! The bread animation was solid. I like the landing animation, it's subtle but it adds a lot to the game feel. The slime animations looked really smooth as well.

A few points of feedback:

There's a concept called "coyote time' that allows you to input a jump a few frames after you run off of a platform. I think the game feel could be greatly improved by implementing something like this.

I think some of the additional controls are unnecessary and you could probably get away with A D and W being the only buttons. For instance, I don't think it adds anything to have to hit a button to interact with the ingredients or activate the bed at the end. I think it would be fine to interact with these entities by simply moving over them. Choosing your upgrade at the end of the first level probably doesn't need to require any extra input either.

I wasn't sure how to use the bread bait. I think maybe it doesn't last long enough or something. I think having it as a limited resource disincentives experimenting with the mechanic, so I never really was able to figure it out. I think maybe removing the limited resource restriction could be a good idea.

There was a moment when I was running towards the final bed (toaster?) where there were no other entities on the screen as a reference to know if I was actually moving or not and I thought the game might have frozen on me.

Overall, nice job! Grats on completing the jam!

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

You had to tell me I'm barely off the leaderboard lol

Thanks for checking it out! Yeah I'll be adding a way to move towers after I can post an update.

This is a really fun and addicting game! I got to like 144 meters after like 10 attempts which felt pretty good. I love the art style and the controls feel really good.

One small issue I ran into around the 140 meter mark was the hills and the background started to become the same color so it was a little hard to see the hills.

Super nice job, grats!

This was really cool! I especially like flying around with the sword power.

Once I found out that the sword power was the strongest, I ran into an issue where I felt incentivized to not fight anything else. Although, tying healing to switching powers remediates this issue somewhat.

Nice job!

Cool idea! I think this concept could be expanded on be pretty interesting. I think the controls might have to be a little different though, hitting the number keys while moving fast and trying to do platforming feels pretty awkward. Maybe transforming between types could be done on the right side of the keyboard so you don't need to take you fingers off movement keys.

Nice job!

This is a super cool game!

At first I didn't realize that my opponent had the same cards as me until I read the comments. After I realized that the game became much more interesting.

I think it'd be good if the modifier card was a toggle-able feature. Learning the basics can be a little difficult when the core rules are changing on you every round.

I love the art and animations. The game feels incredibly polished. I can tell you put a lot of work into this.

Awesome game, well done!

Thanks so much for the kind words and the feedback!

I definitely agree with the bit of feedback about slow being available sooner. I was actually tossing around the idea of having blobapults start with slow and removing damage from them entirely and making them a pure utility / mobility tower with a focus on slowing enemies.

I also was thinking about embracing the pinball aspect a little more with the map design. Currently, you really need to upgrade cannon range and projectile size in order to keep the ball going, but I think I might add some bumbers or something on the map that can keep the ball moving before you have those key upgrades.

Thanks for checking it out and thanks for showing it off on your stream ^^

Nice game! It's oddly relaxing and I think it's an interested mashup of genres. Well done!

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it. It's definitely a little different from other TD games so it can take a sec to get used to.

This is a really cute game! I like the pinball nature of the gameplay portions. I think we ended up having some similar ideas in terms of game mechanics. Nice job!

Thanks for the kind words and feedback!

It seems like there's a big demand to be able to move towers so I'll probably add that in. I agree the gooshooters require a little too much baby sitting. I think giving them more base ammo might be a good change. One of my goal was for the players to find ways to keep them active without necessarily having to babysit them too much, but with 3 starting ammo it's a little hard to do that.

Awesome! Thanks for playing!

Great game! The level design is super tight. I really appreciate how the cycles work out with respawn points. There's never a ton of waiting you need to do in order to re-attempt whatever you messed up.

I love the art and sound design.

The little twist at the end was nice haha.

Nice job!

Thank you so much!

Thanks for playing! ^^

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it.

Tower pickup is definitely something I'll need to add. Probably for a small gold cost. I think being able to place towers in the middle of a round is definitely a good idea.

Thanks for checking it out and thanks for feedback!

This is awesome! I had this moment of high tension early on where I was totally surrounded and was sure I was dead, but then I suddenly got a little power spike and was able to get my head above water again. The build up of tension and relief was A+ (At least for my run)

I love the sprite work. The pseudo 3d looking 2d sprites reminds me of old-school blizzard games, which is what you were going for, I think, considering the resemblance to Starcraft.

There's this one golden rule  in game design that I always like to keep in mind - There should always be a reason not to hold a button down. For ThinkTank, there's never any reason to let go of your 2 mouse buttons (at least for the weapons I chose). I think a good solution here would be to just have the guns auto-firing and the player just has the control the direction of fire with their mouse, or ammunition should be some kind of resource that you need to manage do incentivize not just holding down the shoot buttons.

Great game, well done!

Yeah it definitely needs a little tutorialization  with the controls. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for checking it out!


Hello fellow tower defense submitter o/

Cool game! I really like the old school windows ui.

The idea of multiple tower defense games happening at once is a great idea! It might take a little bit too long to get to get access to those additional areas though

I think the camera controls are a little bit of friction. I would recommend maybe trying to get the game screen to fit on a single screen if possible, but it might not work with the game you're going for whatever reason.

Nice job!

I can tell you put a ton of work into this. It looks and sounds great!

I'm having a little hard time understanding the mechanics of this one. I think it probably needs some kind of tutorial level. Maybe start out with the most simple mechanics and introduce one component at a time per round.

Glad you liked it!

I have plans to eventually add the ability to pick up turrets for a small gold cost.

For needing to stand next to your gooshooters, I had specific ideas for how the player could discover interesting strategies where you could keep them loaded without needing to sit there idly, but I'm not sure if it's the most intuitive thing for the player to discover. I'm sure I can make improvements here.

Thanks for checking it out and thanks for the feedback!

This game feels really solid. The controls feel tight and I like the old-school vibe.

I think it would benefit from some checkpoints. I have a hard time making some of the jumps and having to start over is a little brutal. But brutal might be what you're going for.

I absolutely love the enemy attack animations lol.

Well done!

Thank you!

This is great! I can tell you really put a ton of work into this. I can see a lot of potential here. All the sword sprites and magic effects are beautiful and it's really fun collecting them all. I can see myself having this up all day on another monitor.

I think there might need to be a little more clarity with what the sword are doing in combat. I think some floating damage numbers would be a great addition. It's also not super clear what all the different status effects do, but I know all that can be made clear eventually.

For the UI, it feels like just a smidge too much clicking around between rounds. I think some of the UI might be able to be combined. Like, you could probably combine the quest board and battle button. Just maybe include a battle button at the bottom of that screen, or even just go straight into battle when you accept a quest. I also feel like the smith and army screen could be one screen. You could default to the army screen and just have a little smithy button in the bottom corner of each sword panel to bring up the upgrade screen for it.

I really like this one, well done!

This was absolutely fantastic! I loved this little game, well done!

I'm pretty bad at these kinda games. Showing the trajectory was a big help, but I'm still bad lol.

Cool game, I really like lighting going on with the axe. It's a really nice bit of polish. Nice job!

This was a fun relaxing lil game! I really like the art and atmosphere. I think there's potential in this idea.

Part of me wonders if you should have some kinda katamari demacy mechanics where as you eat fish your current fish gets bigger and bigger and can eventually eat fish that were previously too big.

Also, Is it possible to see the shark? I was playing for a bit and got all the upgrades but the shork never showed.

Cute lil game, nice job!

It took me way to long to realize I was supposed to be exploring, but I really like the concept of exploration in a vampire survivors style games. I think there's a lot of potential here.

I think the balance probably needs a little tweaking, you probably level too fast early on and you get a little too powerful too quickly.

Overall, really fun game! Nice work.

This is really cool and I think it has a lot of potential.

I think an hp bar could be useful, or maybe some kind of on-hit effect. It's a little hard to know when I'm taking damage.

Aslo the garage ui and music is really nice.

Nice job!

This game actually rules lol. Moving around is incredibly fun. It's already crazy polished. I love the UI design as well. Absolutely sick job, well done!

First thought - These sound effects are 10/10.

The little screen shake and particles on impact are a great touch too. The overall game feel feels super polished and juicy. 

I love this take on classic ice tile puzzles. The way you can manipulate other dudes is a really great spin on things. I love how you can use corpses as a resource, so even once you've killed a dude, they may still have a role to play in the puzzle.

Well done!

Cute little autobattler. I like the mashups of different genres, I think town sim and autobattler could work really well together. Nice job!

I think assigning villagers tasks every day becomes a little tedious. Maybe there should be an option to use the same assignments as the previous day? Also it's not entirely clear to me why I would want to level up one fighter over another. Do they have different strengths and weaknesses?

Thanks for playing!