Thanks alot for replying man appreciate your quick reply and sorry for my late one😅, well I started a new playthru and got over that part but my game keeps crashing in Grozwo Mansion cutscene when the old man is telling us the story... What is the fix for that??
I had someone tell me noise.ogg was missing. Download the little fix there, duplicate the file, and rename it to wind, then place it in audio/se. I'll get a proper fix to you soon. If you can though, I'm not sure what Joiplay is.
Wind.ogg missing is a new one to me and I'll have a look when I get chance.
And don't worry, I've found this game ported to android by some Russian guy on Was both shocked and pleasantly surprised since I can't seem to manage to port it myself 😆. Seeing this game pop up on other sites is being taken as a compliment.