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A member registered Jan 23, 2024

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(1 edit)

In this case the update is completed and ready to be uploaded but the person "Sir Damned" is busy jurking off and fisting his own ahh.. All his team members are in waiting for his decision when to release the game, that guy has gave false release dates alot of time, he said it will be released in month of Feb and it's already over... He has gave some of the most absurd reasons on delay, for example according to him some of his team member are from Vietnam and one is from North Korea sou it's hard for them to work on game on time.. Like wtf bro, hire someone in your local or fellow devs who would actually be willing to help work on game faster... Don't believe on that fool's false promises he does what he likes to do, don't give a shi bout his players. 

I am sure he meant that the game's frame rate drops alot during the thirsty moments, he isn't complaiming bout your lore or plot setup man馃槀馃槀

(2 edits)

I tried this game and it's actually really well made, and I wholeheartedly appreciate for keeping the pp of our protagonist of normal size instead of typical "ohh my gawdd it's biggest I have ever seen, it's bigger than my hand" type gimmick馃槀馃槀. Also a small issue I had with the current build of the game is that during those Red Screen scenes where the pathogen starts acting up, the game starts to loose FPS alot. I am talking bout my experience on playing it on Joiplay emulator, on pc it might be not big issue but still I thought should let ya know.. Well the game is looking intresting and my best wishes to the dev for his future works and updates

Thanks alot man, well joiplay is an emulator for renpy and rpgm games in andriod. I will try the fix and even if it doesn't work I still appreciate your reply. Keep up the good work man, your game's fire.

Yeah i am actually playing it on Joiplay and during that cutscene when the black screen appears it says can't read wind.Ogg or something like that if I remember.. Btw I should clarify I downloaded it from F95zone. 

Thanks alot for replying man appreciate your quick reply and sorry for my late one馃槄, well I started a new playthru and got over that part but my game keeps crashing in Grozwo Mansion cutscene when the old man is telling us the story... What is the fix for that?? 

Hey there, where to find the herb for maid in crawly wood I can't find it..or maybe I sold it please help

I checked to see if he made any other games which has no furry shit, cuz man his art style's good ngl.. 

Your art style is great but it's furry 馃槙馃槩

Bro don't think much only apply the true edition patch and enjoy the game... Don't apply taboo edition that's all 馃憤馃憤.. I fumbled earlier with my explanation.. 

Yeah I think I fumbled with my explanation, you're right.. It's been a while I played the game..

Bruh you actin like you using internet for first time..simply search Radiant True Edition patch you will easily find it 

Just search Radiant True edition can prolly find it on L*wd Patcher website

you shouldn't look up for it if you don't like incest and other risque content brother, I feel like I am making a mistake by commenting about the patch here cuz itchio is kinda strict with content ... 

You clearly didn't read the fetishes section bruh... And if I remember correctly game doesn't have incest unless you apply true edition patch