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Alright, here's a progress report. The major features of the game are working as intended. After today I do have 5 animated scenes ready, though I'm still hoping to find time to add one more character before launch. I thought I'd post a preview of what the full game screen looks like, since up to now I've only been showing it in parts.

The game will have a split-screen thing going where the characters you meet on the left-hand screen are later added to the right-hand screen where horny things happen. Most such characters are encountered through a quest system.

Also of note is that the knight  finally got her art redone. The previous sprite was from before I had a clear idea about the plot of the game, but knew what sort of gameplay I wanted. It was drawn to be sort of ambiguous looking. I toyed with the idea of keeping it like it was and have a reveal at the end, but ultimately decided to spend a bit of time drawing a proper looking sprite instead.

I've still got major stuff to add like sound, a main menu and an ending. Honestly though what I'd rather be adding is puzzle rooms, boss arenas, more characters and extra horny scenes.