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Meh, 26/30 cards... guess I wasn't as thorough as I thought I would be. Speaking of, I wasn't able to find a way to disable the fire spout in one side room in Maintenance 3, right before the elevator heading to the core. Is there a way to do so?

Fantastic work overall. The atmosphere is great, the animations really smooth and the voicework is amazing for an indie like this. Characters taking note of the character's clothing (or lack thereof) is a very nice touch, too.

One thing I'd recommend is having some form of a permanent ammo cache (not a regular pickup, but rather some station that sets your ammo to a fixed amount if the current is lower) at the save point - it is possible to softlock your progress by wasting all your ammo and having none to shoot the fuses required for progress.

Also, one bug to report: when bringing up a screen such as the journal or a power box, sometimes two "copies" of it open, which freezes the game - you can close one, but afterwards the other is still open and covering the screen, while the controls switch to character control, so it's impossible to close the "extra" one, forcing a quit to menu.

Thank you for your feedback!

The fire spouts currently can't be disabled—only avoided. However, future updates will introduce a way to shut them off, similar to how electrical hazards can be disabled.

I'm glad you liked the voice acting! However, it's not final—most characters will receive entirely new, professional voiceovers in the full release.

As for the ammo issue, if your pistol reaches zero rounds, it will automatically generate a new charge after five seconds. So, you don’t need to worry about getting soft-locked due to running out of ammo.

Thanks for reporting the bug! That issue has already been fixed in update 0.3.1.