i dreamed with this before the game even came out, and before i saw it, this, unlike this game, was a smw RomHack, well, smth like that, it was like a castle boss but all the walls were meat, like a combination of Mario's Mystery Meat and the "I HATE YOU" RomHack, but, something was different, all the times i died i felt a burning sensation all over my body, and then, this time i died, i "woke up" seeing a big meaty creature, like the mimics from Vita Carnis + The stalkers From Half-Life 2, i was confused, that WAS my bedroom, then, that creature sat on my bed and starting to look at me for like one minute and getting close to me slowly, then all my bedroom became black, pitch black, then the creature was just a red low-poly person, i fell to the void, then when i hit the "ground" (they were spikes) i woke up, i still remember that, it was on 2023, after that happened i can't delete that from my mind, i make it look not that scary, but it was horryfing.