Reletively bug free to a casual playthrough. my only small gripe is chain jumping often results in a sort of boosting effect similar to getting a running start. not big, but it might make speed platforming difficult later, may want to look into that.
explaining it is sort of difficult. but it doesn't quite feel that way when every second jump onword feels like running speed boost when you aren't running. but if its intentional then i guess it just means i need to learn some input delay on my side then.
To explain i have the chronic '''bouncing' habit when backtracking empty areas. so naturally i keep missing jumps due to the second jumps having more horizontal momentum than planned for at walking speed. honestly, unless you're trying to do it its not something you can do on accident anyway, so i was wondering if i was doing something weird i shouldn't be able to is all.
Carpetwurm is correct. I've noticed it too, and a few side platforms are placed to seemingly take advantage of it. it is a boost due to the way jumping works if you're already moving. It actually kinda makes for a nifty secret IMO, but I do think consistency might be better, plus then a dash could maybe be implemented later for those further jumps perhaps? I can see a lot of potential on this game, so i'll be keeping an eye on it. I love games of this design type as I've been playing them all my life and I would like to leave my compliments at the great visual style and solid foundation this game has.
Yes, I found that out shortly after posting this ironically. I didn't notice it on my first playthrough, all the long jumps I found other ways to get to via the aforementioned manner ironically. I thought it was odd at first but it makes a lot more sense now. I thought some of those out of reach areas were rewards for discovering that little trick at first!
Still, I really love what you have so far and I'll be keeping a close eye on this game. I think it has the potential to be something pretty special.