I planned additional things as part of the rpg. You can either try to leave the island faster or explore it completely.
Some things are hidden, but they do not affect the main plot (;
Thankfully the main plot can be done without requirements from the side content.
But some requirements are really strict and over-engineered, I feel like there is a lot of superflous flags to avoid dialog or event repetition and overall it make some pieces extra hard to reach.
I'll try to be constructive here so keep in mind that had fun, that I like your game and I can see there's a lot of work and I think everything there is a lack a technical quality, not a lack of artistic quality, nor a lack of ideas. It's a bold choice to make content missable but there's a balance to be found.
As developer myself, I'm used to think with black boxes with clear input and output, the more I/O there is to a black box, the harder it is to maintain. If I need to use something inside the box from the outside, that becomes an output and it needs to be obvious. I believe you can apply this to a lot of process, questlines included.
Looking at the maid quest:
Meaning: you can start the quest if you have the maid dress, but there is so many way to be softlocked out of completion without any obvious reasons.
(correct me if I am wrong, but there is other examples) was it clear the spells were hard requirements? Did you weight in they could be skipped and not remove anything from how the quest plays ?
When you made the quest about filling the core, was it clear that the variable пр.ядро М.Н.Ж - 0(123)4 was going to be used in other quests ?
Streamlining some requirements would help both the player and you keeping track of what's needed when and where.
On the dev side, being mindful of what is required and what will be reused later is important to be able to edit past content without breaking new developments
On the player side, using discreet flags makes it impenetrable and frustrating, sometimes it feel unfair.
I think it's frustrating to enter a quest, follow it for an hour (or more) and find out you couldn't finish it because you never had the requirements to begin with.
I get why there is missable content as time pass on the island (like the book for meditation), I get why there's missable content with wrong dialog choices (like removing the glued corset), I get why there's missable content during closed room events (Succubus lair, fairy tf).
But I don't really get why the princess room lever broke. Why you can't try again the dreamworld in the slime cave. Why you can't redo the hair growth dialog with martha, the dream with Helga. Why there's RNG on some TF, you can't re-read the note on the table about the pirates and merchant. Why the shoes aren't listed the drawer when you don't wear the dress. Why you can't trigger the witch event until you've actually cast raw mana bolt, despite having loads of mana (that one made me run in circles and it locks a LOT of content if you do it too late).
Open world interactions that are locked without finishing their quest line, because of some unfair fail state or dark triggers and not because of overworld events ? It doesn't make much sense. And unless rpg maker make these locks by default, it feels more tidous to create minor flags that you'll check only for that (And might be tempted to use in further content). It feels over-engineered, instead of well crafted.
I strongly believe sticking to referencing big flags between questlines, that are kind of clear to the player, that are kind of "on the nose" will make both the maintenance of your content easier and make it more enjoyable to navigate.
There's a world between Railroading and a well crafted web, but if you overthink things too much, you end up with tangled spaghetti.
That being said, I think most set piece events are are cool (the catacomb, succubus lair, princess room, the maid and mermaid when they work, it works), they have multiple big outcomes and rewards, and seeing the repercussion of those big outcome feels right. The TF flow is good, I mean at this point I just want to throw out deserved compliments to compensate this whole comment.
This is my first attempt at making a game and there are a lot of problems. To make everything okay, it's easier to start making a new game than to figure out some of the decisions I made in this game.
And I still don't really know how to do quests or configure plugins so that the game doesn't crash every five minutes.
And I'm not really good at making a game.