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A member registered May 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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The day after you can freely walk everywhere. You can talk to Eliza, Mist to visit the dungeon, or go on your own to the crack (a little lower than the first cave).

There will always be a choice to stay or continue exploring, as the statue in the cabin can be viewed later.

If you're talking about falling into a cave, then you need to go north. (at the bottom of the map there will be a chest with a sword that can cut down a tree)
If you are already at a later stage, then usually after you get out of the cave you need to return to the ship.

This is my first attempt at making a game and there are a lot of problems. To make everything okay, it's easier to start making a new game than to figure out some of the decisions I made in this game. 
And I still don't really know how to do quests or configure plugins so that the game doesn't crash every five minutes.
And I'm not really good at making a game.

I planned additional things as part of the rpg. You can either try to leave the island faster or explore it completely.

Some things are hidden, but they do not affect the main plot (;

(1 edit)

0.04.16.b and .c Without encryption, graphics should open quickly. lol)))

There is information about the walkthrough in discord channel. 

There is an update there, where the translation into English is better.


There are several options. 
Searching an abandoned witch's house is better when you have her quest activated. Find a potion there that will remove the beard, or the witch can do it if the time matches.

Take a large book from the table in the witch's house and talk to Martha about cosmetic magic. Learn a spell to remove the beard.

Or show the beard to the Valkyries... Beatrice will clean your beard)

Yes, that grid.

There are some tips on finding secret places in the discord channel if you are having trouble with the game.

To continue, you need to go to the blocked grate in the dark corridor again. After that, go back to the blockade and talk with nps again.

But this is the end of the storyline, after returning to the ship, there are no further important events in this version.

Here is a spoiler with a description, if still relevant.
The book is in a pile of books at the top right. It should be placed on the table and activated several times (read). Then the MC will be able to use the bed for a special sleep.

(1 edit)


Or boosty:

There are a few scenes, but otherwise it's pretty tame.

There is a little more in test version 0.04.14, you can download it from the link in the discord.

The game has plugins that may not support systems other than Windows (

I corrected this strange typo. Thank you!

Do you want to get the MP recovery crystal?

You can change clothes through the equipment menu

Almost everything is translated into English, except for some moments with bugs. 

You need to go to settings to switch the language

It's hard to say somewhere in the second half of the current content.  Probably about an hour of play.

Shrinking or turning into a small one is there, but not very much or long term.

You don't need mana to get through the main content, but it can come in handy to get some additional events. 

You can search the walkthrough and other spoilers in the discord.

В дискорде вроде бы есть расписаное прохождение. 

Если кратко, то вначале надо статую изучить, а дальше рычаги к которым по очереди будет открыт доступ.

Когда на 2 и 3 этаже башни зажжены вместе 50 факелов, то откроется секретная дверь на втором этаже

Вам нужно найти способ попасть на другую сторону решетки, туда где красный переключатель (;

Если гг говорит комментарии о том что надо помыться, то надо пойти и помыться)))) Осмотреть предметы в палатке, взять полотенце в углу, активировать его и т.д.

А если не говорит, то значит оно и не надо. Чтобы оно было надо - основной триггер, это падение в волшебный источник в подземелье. 

Привет, там надо одну или обе статуи посмотреть на палубе, чтобы прогресс дальше пошел.

Ух, вроде все возможные проблемы были решены в моменте с феями, а нет, какой-то новенький глюк! Если есть сейв незадолго до этого момента, то в дискорде можете его выслать. В следующем обновлении постараюсь все починить)

Thanks for the feedback!)

I will correct translation errors in the next version. 

 Softlock is a big problem, if you have a save file before this point, you can send it to discord, to speed up the bugfix!

A very complex error, it occurs in different places due to different reasons. Something because of add-ons and plugins ((

I think just remove the condition check for these statues, the content related to them is additional, hehe ))

For the first error, I already made a patch, you can download it in the discord, or again the game file here.

There you need to look at one or both statues on the middle deck of the ship.

Thank you! I will fix this in the next version. 

If you find more bugs and errors in the texts, feel free to write about it)

I'm now working on improving the texts, so your comment will help a lot.
But what caused error 4, I do not know... I don't understand very well about the operation of the game engine ((

Thanks for the feedback, I'll fix the bugs with the update.

О, похоже вы спалили баг))))
Событие должно только раз срабатывать (;

Чтобы именно зелье получить нужно нечто большее, чем просто все надписи громко прочесть (;

При высоком сопротивлении принятие медленнее увеличивается. Но ещё не все доступные события прописаны, которые возможны между заданиями.

Хм, завершение этого квеста в любом случае увеличивает сопротивление, но другие психологические характеристики теперь более сокрытые в изменени.

Да, там разделы под это есть.