Gave this a try after No Exit. I like the wierd-fi stylings, especially all the recruitable creatures. I also quite enjoy the 'openness' of the game - lots of puzzle solutions, economic solutions, and violent solutions to problems. Overall I enjoyed it and the length (3-4 hours) was pretty nice. Encounter rate could be a little high at times, but flee worked every single time, which caused it to be less of a problem. Thanks for sharing!
Some stuff I noticed *spoilers*
- In the southern cave system, I couldn't dig the floor - just got a 'floor looks suspicious' text, with the option to dig, that looped back to 'floor looks suspicious'.-I liked the crafting system, but only ever found one gold ore, and so wasn’t able to craft more than one object past +++. I didn’t need more and +++ was readily available and powerful, but no idea what all the amber/blue/etc ores could do.
-I found 3 endings. Faithful (offering) ending, become the new god and either join or defy the visitors. I did try smashing the throne, and was able to get back to town and kill the elder, but I couldn’t find a ‘roll credits’ type of ending along this path - seems like there should be one, and maybe I missed it?
-I really enjoyed that Yog was just chilling living a short distance from the town. The idea of ‘the adversary’ of a religion being a normal person just chillin down the street is great!