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A member registered Feb 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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So good, and so unique! I rated this a long time ago, and recently recommended it on a forum for SaGa enjoyers, but didn’t write a review till I came back for a replay, years later.

Works great on linux, and from Steam reviews I imagine it works well on windows - grab the ‘cross platform’ version (mac/linux icons) and setup OpenAl if needed.

A turn based rpg, with no random battles and a Zelda-esque puzzle map. Navigation is a bit of a Metroidvania with backtracking to unlock progression and secrets with a growing set of tools/powers.

The 3 playable characters are all like SaGa monsters - if that system was way more manageable and straightforward. You get to become the enemies you fight, carrying over 2 skills and some of your stats.

This is one of the best indie games I’ve played, and it’s sad the reviews here don’t reflect that. Check the Steam reviews for something more substantial.

Gave this a try after No Exit. I like the wierd-fi stylings, especially all the recruitable creatures. I also quite enjoy the 'openness' of the game - lots of puzzle solutions, economic solutions, and violent solutions to problems. Overall I enjoyed it and the length (3-4 hours) was pretty nice. Encounter rate could be a little high at times, but flee worked every single time, which caused it to be less of a problem. Thanks for sharing!

Some stuff I noticed *spoilers* - In the southern cave system, I couldn't dig the floor - just got a 'floor looks suspicious' text, with the option to dig, that looped back to 'floor looks suspicious'.

-I liked the crafting system, but only ever found one gold ore, and so wasn’t able to craft more than one object past +++. I didn’t need more and +++ was readily available and powerful, but no idea what all the amber/blue/etc ores could do.

-I found 3 endings. Faithful (offering) ending, become the new god and either join or defy the visitors. I did try smashing the throne, and was able to get back to town and kill the elder, but I couldn’t find a ‘roll credits’ type of ending along this path - seems like there should be one, and maybe I missed it?

-I really enjoyed that Yog was just chilling living a short distance from the town. The idea of ‘the adversary’ of a religion being a normal person just chillin down the street is great!

Interesting little game - using traditional roguelike symbols is a pretty random twist that I can appreciate. Managed to 'win' (unless there is another ending?), but never found any cat food. Thanks for sharing!

Well, it's only been 3 years since I played Trash Planet... Dunno why I took so long to get around to this, but it's really great - played up to the current end of your work.

You have such a unique voice, it's been a blast to try out your work, very much including this game! You have a real knack for writing fun characters (and also for those real *oof* moments...) and the overall vibe of your work is great - funny, sad, crazy, inspiring all at once.

There's quite a bit more here to play that most people might guess (~6 hours for me) from reading that it's incomplete and what is there is well done and almost totally bug free. 

There also seem to be some variable paths based on your choices, so could be replayable too.

A big recommend from me!

Thanks for sharing your work with us!

- A couple bugs I noticed, since you asked:

1. The squibbon after leaving the school doesn't actually restore the party (although it says it does) - I played on normal, not trashed mode.

2. In New Kentucky, there is one (un-enterable, unimportant) building with passable walls on the outside. Doesn't let you go out of bounds or do anything too serious, just an aesthetic issue, I guess.

That's all - great work yet again from you! Best of luck with your work and music!!

I'll be looking out for it, and best of luck!

Got about halfway through before I got it, but I like the design a lot. Managed to win after a lot of tries at the last boss.

10/10 would steal brains again!

This is one of those games where it 'clicks' and you suddenly start seeing in buttpokes. Very satisfying. Nice art/feel/music too!

Really beautiful and gives strong 'dept heaven' (Knights in the Nightmare) vibes. Seems like there are optional stages to the bosses, too?

Hey, I know this is perhaps long-abandoned, but I really enjoyed the first chapter. Thanks for making it!

EXCALIBURIAN!! community · Created a new topic Nice game!
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There's a lot to love about this one. It's a traditional dragon-quest like, with lovely graphics and music. There are also a lot of quality of life considerations here - a lot of taste went into the gameplay design, mapping, and graphical choices.

There are quite a few party members - who do not seem to level when hanging out in the pub, but levelling up is quick and easy, so not a problem. Overall difficulty and complexity are a bit low, but exploring is pretty fun and open. If you are like me you'll clever through some out-of-your-depth areas and then roll over earlier bosses/areas - things don't scale to your level, which is my preference. 

Quick traveling and two different vehicles make getting around easy, and the walking and battle speeds are snappy and responsive.

Nice little touches of humor too, from taking "over my dead body" literally to metal slime type of enemies who are so tasty they eat themselves...

It took me ~4 hours to explore (not quite) fully - I see from the page here that I missed at least one dragon encounter. I found three endings, choosable by actions right at the end of the game, and my favorite followed the classic JRPG trope (you'll know it when you see it).

Well polished and worth it for those who like a nice modern JRPG.

Thank you!!

Nice! This game... dominates...

Nicely done traditional roguelike! 

I played down to level 15 and threw a potion of acid gas at an ochre jelly. The game kind of 'locked up', the music kept playing and the idle of the character kept going, but the controls became unresponsive. The potion did not get thrown, it stuck in the prompt for throwing. Seems like a bug, maybe. Tried logging in again and was a fresh character on the overworld. This all happened in the web version, if that matters.


Ridiculous. In the best possible way.

Well done! Was really surprised by the ending...

Charming - very fun idea. Good luck on steam! Linux version runs great, too.

This. is. amazing!

Whew. Took a few tries, but then had some room to spare on the last one. "Look at patterns when dead." sounds funny, but a very important tip!

Very good remake - I would like English, but seems better than original.

Really amazing. I have never tried anything quite like the battle system, and it's novel in all the right ways. Also, absolutely dripping with charm! Big recommend.

Sorry about that - I've added the FBX to the downloads.

nicely done. I can't wait for the OST remaster to come out :)

I didn't play too much after that - had to run off and do something else. I couldn't tell if I was getting more powerups because of the increased enemy spawn, or because the per-enemy drops became more frequent, but I feel like I could have gone longer than I'd like to play overall. It doesn't have an ending, does it?

Nice! The first million is the hardest.

hmm, checkpoints are too infrequent for my taste - otherwise, well done!

Good idea and work! Feels rough when your S little rank doofus is down there, life dropping and confidence going up while futilely whacking away - I think that is a sign the design is working well.

How much would I invest in a dinner bell or something that would save the little turds from themselves!

The swap/kick mechanics feel a little unclear - like I'm, not sure what swap exactly will happen when I hit the button.

Also, I didn't figure out how to say 'Stay awhile and listen' or ID anyone's gear :(

Great idea, great execution, great presentation. Thank you!

Nice ideas and gameplay. But, now that I've got Sir Frizzles back, I can't breathe!

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Fun little introduction to Shogi, and overall well polished.

I'm not a totally new player, but also not very strong. Didn't have much trouble completing the game, as the AI has some odd quirks - it's really weak to an early rook attack on file 6, and will just throw all it's pieces into the hole on c6 one after another.

 I felt like the AI would have been stronger than me if it didn't do odd things in response to attacks sometimes.

Fun strange variant pieces - did you invent them?

This is great. Taking out the big screaming square takes a combo of preparedness and luck - really spicy stuff. I still didn't win but I got close, and I finally got the jerk back!

I really like the way the creatures look (and the overall presentation).

Possible refinements? A 'next' window a-la tetris, and maybe the ability to choose what order to process multiple encounters (or maybe showing some numbers so you know what the logic will do).

Wow - great job! I love the mechanics on this one. And... inspired by Moraff?! I think I just lost a few sanity points, myself! Makes more sense why I like your stuff so much now.

GG DirtDirector - no sanity loss, that means no dead crewmembers? Wow.

Wonderful work! I'm a big fan of Uncharted Waters and Stone Soup. I saw the name and thought, 'nah, probably not what it sounds like'. Glad I was wrong. Gozag approves heartily!

Sure, I used inkscape to make the images, and blender to animate for this one.

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Pretty interesting stuff. Was some of the text ai generated as well as the images?

Thanks for packaging an appimage - that makes it really easy to try.

Did you use an engine for this? If so, what was it?

Very cool. Glad I played Battle for Esturia first - this is much harder, and knowing the classes and systems was a big help. I didn't get it in one try, but I did in two. Everyone knows spiders are the natural predator of angels!

Seriously, though, I don't know how I'd survive without summons, and I should have brought a cow.

Surprising ending that made the absurdity before it make sense - well done.

Fun game! Reminds me of 'Hammurabi', but more fun and with specific opponents. Great job on this, and the color palette is surprisingly good.

This is fantastic! Solid gameplay and lots of interesting decisions and builds. I enjoyed the writing and presentation, too.

Just playing this now - but I really enjoyed it. Fun open world and some good options for party building, just a good overall time.

Got to the postgame and found a show-stopping bug a ways into it (or maybe found the end of the game's development?):

Exploring the crypt with the two brothers (from the intro screen) causes a freeze in two places - I expect these are the spots where the dialogue should happen explaining the mission. Also, trying to leave the cave gives 'you should destroy the generator before leaving'. Exploring without them states that you need them.

To be clear - it's a great game and this hardly blemishes it. I'd highly recommend it to anybody looking for some high-quality adventure.

Hmm, now I think I've played though all your offerings! Thank you for all the good times!

Great mechanics and aesthetics - well done! Thank you for making something so good.