The platforming sections are supposed to be more fast-paced, tbh. Some platforms are that short so there's more of a challenge and you don't stand on there for minutes. The original idea was to have a wide empty area and you gotta get through it by having the platforms move, unfortunately I didn't have time for that. The infinite jump is only for the last level, not in platforming sections (that's primarily why the final level has no platforming) in case you get cornered by monsters, or to attack some monsters that are on upper parts of the map. The sword is really just to make the last level a bit easier, too.
Yes, you have 5 seconds to use power-ups, I'll be sure to add that information and what the power-ups do on the instructions of the game. I'm testing the cutscene and the text isn't being cut off, so maybe that's an issue with your browser.
As of you reading this, likely a new update is out with more info on the instructions. Also, what could I do to make combat more interesting? I really dunno.