Hey InstantDevX,
Thanks for being apart of the stream! Check it out:
I've gone back and played some rounds on my own as I am terrible at multi-tasking and wanted to get a more full experience of your game. I played the short campaign 4 times and beat it on my last go, it was a blast! I found myself favouring heavy attacks and I think what might help encourage more use of the basic light attack is if it were maybe a 1-2 combo. I would especially love more health all around to give the combat more opportunity to shine as again I felt I only get a couple heavy attacks in and the round is over. A thought I had was maybe if separate from card upgrades was a level system. Every x amount of exp you level up allowing you to put a stat point in health, meter or speed? Could be different I dunno. But allowing me to build my character around a certain stat early on rather than hoping the card shows up for it might be interesting? Just a thought. Overall the game is awesome and I'm very keen to see it progress to the full release! Drop kick is still OP!!