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Arluc Games

A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey Wind Bends Steel,

I streamed my playthrough of your game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

This game has so much potential. You've built a solid foundation. The game looks great and it plays fine. I need to feel more of a connection between the gameplay and the story. If it is just about destroying crates, then make it as fun and polished as possible. More movement options, more explosive effects when crates break, some sick drum n bass or something to get you pumped and a speedrun timer. Just a few suggestions within what you already have. But it would be cool too if there were more levels, some actual enemies and yeah a story to match the one you have on your itch page. Solid work and keen to see you push it further!

Hey unaware-robot,

You were my Gem of the Stream!

Check it out:

A lot of potential here. What you already have is a great and playable experience. I know you have plans for a story and to expand the game further so looking forward to that. Gameplay is pretty straightforward which I like. Explore, loot, battle and upgrade. Your enemy encounters are all different and fun to fight. I really suck at the onion enemy though. As discussed in the video perhaps just beefing up the player HP a bit could make things a little more beginner friendly but I know you'll be changing things up anyway. I have been thinking a little bit about the layout of the battle screens. I find it difficult to keep my eyes on the action and check my ability cooldowns, so if you haven't already, maybe play around with some different screen configurations to help that stuff be more readable while dodging bullets. Really enjoyed my time with your game, great work!

(1 edit)

Hey Lou Bagel,

I streamed my playthrough of your game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

This was very fun and very challenging for me haha. I love the MGS games and seeing the vision cones was a delight. Love the pixel art and Dave's silly faces. Music was good too and suited the game. I can see how for a jam game you wanted to ramp the difficulty quickly, but man I struggled getting around so many Cathys haha. Perhaps because she has such a large vision cone that slightly slower movement might help a bit? I suppose too that having only 4 directional movement means the cone can just snap onto you in an instant. Other than that, this was a lot of fun and was proud to get myself on the leaderboard! Great game :D

Hey ConfAnd,

I streamed my playthrough of your game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

Even before I had the controls fully figured out I was really enjoying my time with this game! The gameplay loop is easy to understand and get into and punching baddies or throwing pencils at them is always fun. I will say that with the power-ups it felt like I would be at a disadvantage if I didn't always pick the damage upgrade when it was available. Love the artstyle and even though I don't really know the anime/manga it was still a lot of fun. Great work!

(1 edit)

Hey SevenRats,

You were my Gem of the Stream!

Check it out:

Really loved the different ways you explored your core game mechanics. I appreciate a skip level button for those who are only looking for a certain experience and it definitely helped me showcase more of your great level design! The look and feel of it all is very polished and gameplay is simple and intuitive. Wonderful work and good luck with the full release!

Hey Aleksei,

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

Unfortunately I couldn't figure out the issue that causes the stream to lag but we soldiered on and played it anyway. Really unique and interesting game. The blood mechanic for solving mazes and puzzles was cool and unsettling. The punching controls did feel a little clunky at times. The aesthetic of the game is really beautiful and simple.

Hey Early Sun Games,

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

What an awesome game! I barely got to scratch the surface of it and that was just the demo too! Looks and plays great and I can see how much effort has gone into it. Really polished game. I love all the systems and mechanics you have in place and can see it all coming together for a deep and action packed experience. I would recommend this to anyone that loves a good action rogue-like.

Hey HoyoPuzzles,

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

What a great challenge this was! Very keen to see the other escape rooms. I can definitely see this being a fun challenge for a classroom to work on together or for a student to solve solo. If you manage to get an artist that can create a unified look across all the assets I think that could really elevate the game. Great work and good luck finishing it!

Hey Coco Dayo,

Absolutely adored your game. You were my Gem of the Stream! Check it out here:

No notes on this one as I know you want this to just be the fun little experience that it is. The art is so cute and the quirky characters made me chuckle. Really wholesome game and message that you should be very proud of.

Hey evengy,

How far you've come!

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

Really cool to see how much the game has progressed since its prototype days. The real time card mechanic is such a cool idea and I think it is executed quite well. I can see you adding different decks or building one yourself as you win cards from fights could add even more depth to this game. Great stuff and keen to see where it goes next.

Hey Abihumsi,

Thanks for letting me stream your game and for being apart of it! Check it out:

I know we didn't get to showcase much, but I was very intrigued by what I did get to play! Hopefully it will spark curiosity in others to see what the whole game is about. I really love the simple art style and loved the enemy designs I got to see. As mentioned in the stream perhaps some extra images in the intro could help draw the player in a bit more as it may make the wrong impression that that is what the whole game will be like. I enjoyed the combat (as I do love RPGMaker) and being a wizard was cool. Well done on making your game and thanks for letting me play it!

Hey Gizmo,

Loved streaming your game and you were my "Gem of the Stream"! Check it out:

Such a unique experience and a fun one at that! The polish on this is insane, the art is quirky and wonderful, so well done. It takes a little bit for things to ramp up but there are so many fun little mechanics with each new item and buff added. Maybe as a little UI thing instead of a meter for health perhaps a more traditional heart system? I found as I played I wasn't really noticing either my or the enemies health go down. Maybe it doesn't have to be hearts, perhaps a bit more of an animation when health is lost? I think you can see in the video that I am often surprised that the enemy has died. This could also be that I am too focused on watching the wheel spin haha. I'm sure there is more in there as I only got so far but more item synergies like the money printer and the reverse pedal would be awesome! Overall, the game is amazing and you should be very proud of what you've accomplished. Thanks for making this game and for letting me stream it!!

Hey InstantDevX,

Thanks for being apart of the stream! Check it out:

I've gone back and played some rounds on my own as I am terrible at multi-tasking and wanted to get a more full experience of your game. I played the short campaign 4 times and beat it on my last go, it was a blast! I found myself favouring heavy attacks and I think what might help encourage more use of the basic light attack is if it were maybe a 1-2 combo. I would especially love more health all around to give the combat more opportunity to shine as again I felt I only get a couple heavy attacks in and the round is over. A thought I had was maybe if separate from card upgrades was a level system. Every x amount of exp you level up allowing you to put a stat point in health, meter or speed? Could be different I dunno. But allowing me to build my character around a certain stat early on rather than hoping the card shows up for it might be interesting? Just a thought. Overall the game is awesome and I'm very keen to see it progress to the full release! Drop kick is still OP!!

Hey sorry I think the one I gave expired right? I didn't know how to setup invites at the time. Give this one a go:

Hey pixelqube,

Megamitts reached out and shared your awesome game with me!

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

Love the hand-drawn art style and the mooing cow is just so cute! The levels were a fun challenge though it would have been cool to see different themes between the worlds. LEVEL EDITOR FTW!!! I only made one level but I love level editors in games. I will say I seemed to have issues copying my level code to be able to paste it outside of the game. I was playing the web version if that makes a difference? This game was a fun distraction and I could see myself spending a lot of time crafting my own levels. A really fun and charming game, well done!

I have created a Discord as a space for game devs to talk about their experiences and share their games. Would love to have you join!

Hey BlueEagle!

This game was an absolute blast to stream!

It took me a moment to adjust to everything that was happening on screen but once I got it I really got into a rhythm with this game. I love the variety of weapons and the pace of the objectives. Packing so much into a single screen is a great feat and you should be very happy with what you've done here. I will say I would like maybe an endless score attack mode or something? I felt like when I was really getting into a rhythm with a level the elevator would open up to finish the level. I think if you let the player be in that flow state for longer it could really give them a chance to appreciate everything the game is doing. So much polish with this thing, the music, the menus, the sfx and feedback are all top notch! Thanks for creating such a fun game :)

Will have to check out your other games and looking forward to whatever you do next!

- Arluc Games

Hey esiotek,

I really enjoyed streaming your game:

The atmosphere you've created for a chess game is awesome. The glowing eyes high up in the distance really fill you with unease. A very simple premise that you've executed with style and polish. Not sure if it was intentional but I wasn't always knocked out when pieces jumped on my space. So it felt like I was cheesing the game a bit. I think if you wanted to expand further, perhaps some preset boards with specific solutions? As it did feel at times that I was just jumping between squares to create an opening. The game looked and played great so thank you for sharing.

Looking forward to your next projects!

- Arluc Games

Hey Davey!

Really enjoyed streaming your game and you were my Gem of the Stream!

Loved the artstyle of your game and the quirky characters were lots of fun. I can tell a lot of heart has gone into this one and although I didn't get far into the story I can tell it is one that will resonate with people who have gone through hard times. You should be very proud of what you've made here. The music was great and I especially liked your font choice, which I think is very important for games like this!

Excited to see the full game!

- Arluc Games

Hey WolfArt,

Loved streaming your game with Simon:

Thanks for sharing your game, I had a good time with it. Something I've been thinking about since playing was opening the dev menu to heal and fuel up. While I didn't mind the keyboard controls, I think everything should be controlled with the mouse. Adjusting the speed and drill by mouse click I think would feel more intuitive and give more control. Even making it so you had to open an extra menu to access each control would be more engaging, as it felt cool doing that when I was using the dev menu. Just a thought. Great job with the artwork and the music was nice too.

Looking forward to future updates!

- Arluc Games

Oh true haha! I think I meant the one's with specifically difficult/weird control schemes a la "Getting over it".

That's incredible!

Oh that makes much more sense! I figured I just was misunderstanding. Thanks for clearing that up!

Hey dodeyrosinte,

Possessing my idiotic grandson's sword to fling him around the level was a lot of fun. Really love the art for the game and especially liked the cute animation for beating a level. I didn't get the chance to see all the mechanics in your game but what I played was great and you should be proud of what you have made.

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

I have created a Discord as a space for game devs to talk about their experiences and share their games. Would love to have you join!

Hey Man-o-Valor,

This game is so good! What a cool take on chess and vampire-survivor mechanics. The art, sound and music all worked well together and gameplay felt strategic and fun. There does seem to be some bugs with some power-ups. The muddy one completely froze the bishops and queens, they wouldn't move or attack. I also killed everything on screen but the game wouldn't progress (perhaps an enemy stuck off screen). I may have just understood wrong but the non-pawn moving to adjacent tile power-up didn't work the way I thought it would and lost a run. Is it that they can't move to tiles next to them? But I guess they can still attack. Anywho, those little bugs aside I had a really great time playing this and would be excited to see this polished up into a full game!

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

I have created a Discord as a space for game devs to talk about their experiences and share their games. Would love to have you join!

Hey sodaraptor,

What an amazing game! And you made it in 48 hours!?!? What a great talent you have. This is my first time playing a monkey ball-like game and I'm glad it was yours. The game is beautiful, music was just right and the gameplay was responsive and fun. I'm just realising that I completely forgot about the boost mechanic though haha but the fact that it was still a great time without it is a testament to what you've made.

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). I also picked your game as my Gem of the Stream! Check it out:

I have created a Discord as a space for game devs to talk about their experiences and share their games. Would love to have you join!

Hey Cobrakyle2,

But seriously I had fun playing your game! It was pretty satisfying munching on all the humans. I especially enjoyed the level with smaller rooms and I think if the levels were more laid out like that you would feel less like you are wandering around in big empty spaces. Really great work for a jam game so you should be proud of what you've made.

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

I have created a Discord as a space for game devs to talk about their experiences and share their games. Would love to have you join!

Hey rubic,

This is the first time I've ever played one of these rage-inducing type games, and I had a real blast with it! Every time I was just about ready to give up I managed to understand the controls a little better and make it through to another section. Pretty sure I didn't get past the tutorial area but I still had a lot of fun playing it. Really great work from you and your team, top stuff!

I streamed my playthrough of the game (the video has chapters). Check it out:

I have created a Discord as a space for game devs to talk about their experiences and share their games. Would love to have you join!

Hey Mikoshi,

What a neat little fan game you have here! I enjoyed my time with it and would love to see how you expand on it more. Some sound and music would go a long way to juice things up. Would be cool too if the gun could be thrown harder.

I streamed my playthrough of the game. Check it out:

I have created a Discord as a space for game devs to talk about their experiences and share their games. Would love to have you join!

Hey benitosub,

This game is awesome! The driving controls take a second to get used to but I really love the drifty feel. I am however not skilled enough to take on even the easy ai haha. The destruction physics were great and was not expecting my driver to fly out the window! If you're looking to expand on the game, would love to see more tracks and even just to simply change the colour of the car. Though if you were to add more models that would also be cool. I streamed my playthrough of your game and while the game was fine on my end, it was unfortunately lagging on stream (obviously an issue with my computer handling multiple things at once!) Hopefully my reaction to the game is enough to let people know I really enjoyed it.

Check it out:

I have created a Discord as a space for game devs to talk about their experiences and share their games. Would love to have you join!

(2 edits)

Hey Ofihombre,

What an achievement! So much variety in this gem of a game. I feel like the controls during 3D sections could be a little tighter, but the 2D sections are perfect! It would also be cool if your rankings showed under the level numbers maybe? Or are they displayed somewhere in the menus? Would be helpful for those that may want to 100% the game. The music really matches the vibe of the game. This game is very charming, you should be very proud of what you've accomplished.

BTW I chose your game as my Gem of the Stream!

I streamed my playthrough of the game. Check it out:

Hey Eelshep,

Another great platformer! Really loved the tape switching mechanic. The beats are sick, DnB definitely my favourite. Well done to you and your team :)

I streamed my playthrough of the game. Check it out:

Thank you for giving my game a try! Really appreciate the video feedback too. I've definitely made a lot of improvements since you played it. My next goal is a polished demo. I hope you'll come back to play it! Also I've subscribed to your channel 😁 

Gah!! I must go back and find out how it ends. Thanks again for sharing your game it was very fun to play.

(1 edit)

Hey mellow!

Absolutely adorable game! Such a fun and chill way to end my stream last night so thank you for sharing your game with me. This is definitely a game you could just keep updating forever, just adding stuff when you feel like it. What you have right now is perfect and I loved creating a home for my little kittens. I admit and you will see in the video that I started heartmaxxing at the end and I did manage to get max hearts in a short time. Reducing your heart economy could delay this tactic but the big thing is being able to pet multiple kittens at once. But if you don't think it's a problem I wouldn't worry about it. Plenty of people will have a chill time and just a few will try to break the game haha. Loved the art and the sfx you chose sound great. You should be very proud of what you have made!!

Should mention as well that I chose your game as my Gem of the Stream!

Here is the video with my playthrough (towards the end):

Looking forward to your future works!

- Arluc Games

Hi Cherith!

Really cool game you have here. Even with 9 years on the clock it feels like every second counts. I can see how after beating the game (or failing) for the first time, would make you want to use what you've learned to make a more optimized run. UI is great and really has that old school charm. I would love for their to be some crunchy old school sfx for button presses and time passing etc. but you made this in 21 days!! So understandable what you wanted to focus on. A great accomplishment and job well done.

See my playthrough here:

Looking forward to your future projects!

- Arluc Games

Hi tbone,

This game is awesome! I haven't played too many point and click games but the story was intriguing from the get go and the pacing of it all was really solid. I am sad that a certain character didn't make it (the video makes it clear who haha) but it also made me more determined to figure out what happened. The music was just right for the chill investigations. Only thing I might suggest is more indication on how the pages will solve, is it when I get the whole page right or just a certain section? Anywho check out the vid to see what I was doing:

Looking forward to more games from you!

- Arluc Games

Hi Kodar!

It took me a little bit to get used to this game and what you've created is quite challenging! But overall it was a fun arcade experience and you should be proud of what you have made. I took a little too long figuring out how to pick up the orb, perhaps a tutorial level? Rather than just on screen instructions. I also suggest balancing the difficulty a little more. I could really only get anywhere on the easiest difficulty. I go into more detail in my video:

Looking forward to your future games!

- Arluc Games

I've also started a discord for anyone that's interested in my Gem Hunting adventures, has featured in them or would like to be in future ones:

Hope to see you there 😊

I've also started a discord for anyone that's interested in my Gem Hunting adventures, has featured in them or would like to be in future ones:

Hope to see you there 😊

I've also started a discord for anyone that's interested in my Gem Hunting adventures, has featured in them or would like to be in future ones:

Hope to see you there 😊