Roy conned his way on and off ships his whole life. He could sleep tangled in rigging and dream of peaches. But eventually a man has to get something more. So Roy went to the hard dirt in search of treasure. First stop: Brandonsford.
Name: Roy O’Leary
Level: 1
Class: Fighter
Background: Shipwright
Appearance: sinewy
Personality: persuasive, rude
Strength: 17 | +2
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 6 | -1
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 7 | -1
HP: 7
AC: 6
THAC0 (melee): 17
THAC0 (ranged): 19
MOVEMENT: 90’ (30’)
XP: 0
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Proficient with all armor, weapons, and shields.
EQUIPMENT: backpack, gambeson, gold pieces (15), hand axe, lantern (with 2 oil flasks), large sack, long bow (20 arrows), rations (7), rope (50’), shield, small sack, tinder box, wineskin
ENCUMBRANCE: 455 coins-weight